de jong on ssn

I don't understand how anyone can't rate De Jong, you have to watch him off the ball. His game is about regaining possession and giving it back to our flair players. The protection he gave the two centre halfs was invaluable in some games last season. It's not just about the balls he actually cuts out, it's about cutting off the options and making the opposition work different angles for passes. Most Premiership defenders are shocking dealing with pace and people running directly at them, De Jong's job is to stop strikers getting the ball into feet, turning and running at defenders.
fatbloke said:
I don't understand how anyone can't rate De Jong, you have to watch him off the ball. His game is about regaining possession and giving it back to our flair players. The protection he gave the two centre halfs was invaluable in some games last season. It's not just about the balls he actually cuts out, it's about cutting off the options and making the opposition work different angles for passes. Most Premiership defenders are shocking dealing with pace and people running directly at them, De Jong's job is to stop strikers getting the ball into feet, turning and running at defenders.

You're right mate, in fairness though he plays that position in front of the back 4 that goes unnoticed. That is a very important role and you notice the importance of it when you are actually at the game live. You appreciate the likes of VK and NDJ when you see them live. It was like Hamann at his peak was a very important player, he was the linch pin in Istanbul when Liverpool won the Champions League.
fatbloke said:
I don't understand how anyone can't rate De Jong, you have to watch him off the ball. His game is about regaining possession and giving it back to our flair players. The protection he gave the two centre halfs was invaluable in some games last season. It's not just about the balls he actually cuts out, it's about cutting off the options and making the opposition work different angles for passes. Most Premiership defenders are shocking dealing with pace and people running directly at them, De Jong's job is to stop strikers getting the ball into feet, turning and running at defenders.

Absolutely bang on

So what did he say on SSN!?
Everyone keeps going on about how good our attack will be next season but our midfield won't be bad either.

Haven't been too impressed with NDJ yet but he's always been a class act when I've seen him for Holland so I'm expecting big things from him next season.
If you don't rate him you smoke the crack pipe.............. the most integral piece of the jigsaw, and those alluding to his change of surroundings and coming back from a serious injury are spot on....... To grasp how good he is I suggest you dig out the liverpool performance at Anfield, he made masherano look a right neil webb and controlled the midfield imperiously with kompany the supporting act...... he'l become the best holding midfielder in the prem this year..... watch

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