Dealing With a Break-up


Well-Known Member
17 May 2008
As of today after 3 years, i am single. At the moment it hasn't properly sunk in, but i'm feeling more and more depressed as the day goes on. I'm off out to my local tonight with my mates just so i can get out of the house for a few hours. But what i was wondering, it's all well and good going out tonight to forget about it, but how do you forget about it tomorrow, the day after, the day after that and so on? I don't want the macho comments like 'go town, n shag the first girl you see' cos i'm not like that and will never have a one night stand, and anyway how often does that actually happen. Is it true that time is a great healer? Do i just allow myself to get depressed and mope about for a few week in the hope i forget over time? I've deleted her number and everything that i had to do with her has gone, as i felt that might be a good start. Sorry for the thread but just dunno what i'm going to do and how i'm going to cope. I know i'm not the first person in the world to have a relationship end, but at this moment in time it feels like i am.
Mate, as the days go on, it will get better. Going out with your pals and having a laugh will be the best thing for you at the moment. Try not to dwell on things too much. Just recognise that you are lucky to have a group of mates, who will no doubt, try and cheer you up.

Good luck blue.
Get drunk,text her lots then ring her a 3am so you definitely know shes in

On a serious note go out have a few beers with mates,take it one day at a time,you did the right thing deleting her number just make sure all traces of it are gone from your phone,i've made that mistake deleted the number but not the messages and boom found them after a night out and was right on the phone making a knob of myself
Similar to Glen just take one day at a time mate, don't get pissed and start wondering if you should phone/text her ( which you inevitably will do), you've made a good start by getting rid of those things, but one thing I will promise you mate, one day you'll meet someone and you'll be so glad this ended and you didn't have to tell her it was over.
I was sort of dumped on valentines day, well i had been seeing this girl for a while. i live in germany right now and shes back at home, so it was fucking hard. I cried my eyes out all day, im not ashamed to admit. went out at night and got too drunk, just made the next day even worse because i was hungover. Go out and have a laugh, never know you might meet someone better, try not drink yourself into a coma though!
cheers so far, much appreciated. Her number and all traces of it have gone, i've made sure of that. as like you say on the walk home from the pub alone, theres only going to be one thing i'm thinking of and if i had the number i'd text or ring it. I knew it was coming so i sort of prepared myself for it already but obviously when it does happen it hits you harder than you think. Again, thanks
It's a cliché, but you deal with it one day at a time. It will hurt, you'll probably feel like crap of a good 3-6 months, on and off. Just being with mates will help too, don't be alone all the time, but you do also need some time to process it and figure it out for yourself.

Personally, I'd vouch for a clean break all the way. No snooping, no calling, nothing.

But the important thing is that it will get better, you will be stronger for it, and you will be better experienced for your nest relationship which, lets face it, has more of a chance of being the one than this one did.

Don't let it (the relationship, the fact that it has ended, or the unhappiness) define who you are. Don't let it beat you. As someone once said to me after a 3 and a half years relationship need, the sun is going to rise tomorrow and the world will keep turning, so what are you going to do about it? Sit at home and waste it, or get something out of it?

Chin up, there's league silverware on the way to Manchester this year for the first time in many a year!

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