Dealing with your partner's ex.......

I dont know how old the daughter is, but she will make her own mind up about her dad or she may already have and come to the fact that hes a waste of space. If not i'm sure when shes old enough that she will see her dad for what he really is a waste.

Also keep any texts/voicemails if you go down the route of ending his right to see daughter ( alleged seeing her as keeps messing her about).

Some blokes dont deserve to be fathers, much harder to be a dad (more rewarding being a dad) than a father like the loser is.
If there is no court order in place as regards when he sees the daughter, then you're always going to have these problems. The answer really is to go to court to get times and dates when he can have access and he has to keep to them. This way you will both know where you stand. If it means there are times you need some kind of childcare then so be it, but what you don't want is to have to be pandering to him. If he doesn't keep the appointments, then later down the line you might go for even more limited access.

If you don't want to do that, or mum doesn't, then you have to accept the status quo because unfortunately, he will be jealous of you and will want to make things difficult. Not fair on daughter, but it shows how small minded some people are.
Mostly excellent replies. Key one is not to use him as a babysitter as he will try to spoil things out of spite it would seem. Try other friends/family and keep him to his one day. Best to stay on good terms if you can for the child's sake.
Pigeonho said:
At my wits end here Blues. My mrs' ex is being a prick, basically. He sees their daughter once a week over night, usually on a Friday or a Saturday. Now last Sunday he agreed to have her Monday and Tuesday because she is poorly and has to stay off nursery. He is jobless and does fuck all, my mrs works bloody hard and literally had no-one else to ask. All seemed too good to be true. Sunday night we get a phonecall at half 11 off him. 'Sorry, I can't have meg as I have to go out for an hour'. Now whatever that hour trip was all about, it meant he couldn't have her Monday OR Tuesday so my mrs has now had to book the week off to look after Meg. A week on Friday we are due to go away for my mrs' 30th, and her ex has agreed to have Meg for that weekend. My mrs just looked at her phone this morning and low and behold there's a message saying, 'i'm not having her that weekend, its not my problem, its yours'.

I am ready to go to fucking war with this prick as he is A) hurting my mrs and B) hurting Meg who I know see as my own. I can't physically hurt him as he's had a stroke and that wouldn't be right, but all my pumped up male instincts are telling me to get this twat sorted right out.

What the fuck should I do?

How old is the daughter and does she want to see him?
I must be in a most unique position as I have brought my son up since he was the age of 1 (nearly 17 now) and we actually go to City with his Dad who has become a good mate ! Sure things were difficult early doors as everyone can be bitter - me included, however he has 2 new kids and a new wife who my missus gets on with and its all down to the fact that any childs security is extremely important ! My lads Dad and I have a real respect for each other as I am bringing his son up, but he has always been around also and never forgets his parental responsibilities which is cool ! Everyones a winner and the fact we can all go to watch City together ( Southstand seasoncard holders ) and have a beer makes Alex feel great as he can spend his time equally with both his Dads with no problem !
Good luck to the OP but the thing is is to compromise and hopefully things will getter better for the good of your daughter - either with or without her Paternal Father :)
Kick the fecker where it hurts mate: Teach Meg to call you Daddy. That may sound pretty deep but then he'll think to himself 'Shit, I've gotta convince her I'm her Dad and I've gotta do more for her'.
if he's such a dick, why did she choose to bring a life into this world with him...he's never had a job and drinks 8 cans a day. not the smartest of girls.
crizack said:
if he's such a dick, why did she choose to bring a life into this world with him...he's never had a job and drinks 8 cans a day. not the smartest of girls.

Your an idiot

Why would you make a comment like that?

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