Dealing with your partner's ex.......

PaulPowerShower said:
crizack said:
if he's such a dick, why did she choose to bring a life into this world with him...he's never had a job and drinks 8 cans a day. not the smartest of girls.

Your an idiot

Why would you make a comment like that?
Nice one mate. I don't need to defend my mrs, she is an intelligent girl with a tip top career. Thats all 'Crizack' needs to know.
It must be great being Crizack though, having never made any kind of mistake ever.
We had it with a similar type of prick, he would do the upsetting kids thing, saying stuff about there mum, buying them off prezys, slagging off the family......

We decided early on to play the long game, we didn't rise to it, we didn't use the same tactics, we were a bit more cute, like when we saw people who displayed similar characteristics to dad, we would take the piss, call them scallys, we trained the kids up to dislike such tossers, then once the kids eventually worked out dad was one of them....they fuccked him off and stopped going...........they play the short play the long game, its the only way. Don't smack him, he will use it against you!!!
brass neck said:
We had it with a similar type of prick, he would do the upsetting kids thing, saying stuff about there mum, buying them off prezys, slagging off the family......

We decided early on to play the long game, we didn't rise to it, we didn't use the same tactics, we were a bit more cute, like when we saw people who displayed similar characteristics to dad, we would take the piss, call them scallys, we trained the kids up to dislike such tossers, then once the kids eventually worked out dad was one of them....they fuccked him off and stopped going...........they play the short play the long game, its the only way. Don't smack him, he will use it against you!!!
That's actually a top post mate, hat is tipped very much towards you. There will never be any violence. I could never, ever hit anyone who is disabled down one side of his body, there would be other ways to get back it him in that sense. I think he had just had a skin full the other night and had one of his moments. He has done it before and will do it again I have no doubt about that. Whilst he wallows in his self-induced pity, I will be enjoying his ex, the love his daughter shows me and will give him not a second thought.
The Ox said:
I must be in a most unique position as I have brought my son up since he was the age of 1 (nearly 17 now) and we actually go to City with his Dad who has become a good mate ! Sure things were difficult early doors as everyone can be bitter - me included, however he has 2 new kids and a new wife who my missus gets on with and its all down to the fact that any childs security is extremely important ! My lads Dad and I have a real respect for each other as I am bringing his son up, but he has always been around also and never forgets his parental responsibilities which is cool ! Everyones a winner and the fact we can all go to watch City together ( Southstand seasoncard holders ) and have a beer makes Alex feel great as he can spend his time equally with both his Dads with no problem !
Good luck to the OP but the thing is is to compromise and hopefully things will getter better for the good of your daughter - either with or without her Paternal Father :)

Brilliant. That's how it should be.
brass neck said:
We had it with a similar type of prick, he would do the upsetting kids thing, saying stuff about there mum, buying them off prezys, slagging off the family......

We decided early on to play the long game, we didn't rise to it, we didn't use the same tactics, we were a bit more cute, like when we saw people who displayed similar characteristics to dad, we would take the piss, call them scallys, we trained the kids up to dislike such tossers, then once the kids eventually worked out dad was one of them....they fuccked him off and stopped going...........they play the short play the long game, its the only way. Don't smack him, he will use it against you!!!

Of all the advice this is about the best. Speaking from experiance this is exactly what we did in similar circumstances. The prick disappeared for 12 years until he thought he could walk back in after the "hard" work was done. My daughter being old enough to decide for herself just told him to fuck off and wanted nothing to do with him.
Pigeonho said:
brass neck said:
We had it with a similar type of prick, he would do the upsetting kids thing, saying stuff about there mum, buying them off prezys, slagging off the family......

We decided early on to play the long game, we didn't rise to it, we didn't use the same tactics, we were a bit more cute, like when we saw people who displayed similar characteristics to dad, we would take the piss, call them scallys, we trained the kids up to dislike such tossers, then once the kids eventually worked out dad was one of them....they fuccked him off and stopped going...........they play the short play the long game, its the only way. Don't smack him, he will use it against you!!!
That's actually a top post mate, hat is tipped very much towards you. There will never be any violence. I could never, ever hit anyone who is disabled down one side of his body, there would be other ways to get back it him in that sense. I think he had just had a skin full the other night and had one of his moments. He has done it before and will do it again I have no doubt about that. Whilst he wallows in his self-induced pity, I will be enjoying his ex, the love his daughter shows me and will give him not a second thought.

1 side of his body is ok? hit him on that side and that is fair game
It's sad when you hear cases like this.
At the end of the day it's the children that suffer the most, adults, whether they are the parents or step parents should have only one thing and one thing only in make it better for the children involved.
Adults feelings don't come into it, it's the children that are the most important issue, unfortunately too many adults put their own happiness first .

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