Dear Atheists..

God of the gaps right there. Just because we can’t explain it (yet or ever), doesn’t mean a god created it.
But in the cosmic court of laws, we cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt that he didn’t. ;-)
As I said previous, we are the only beings contemplating this subject.
From the dawn of time we’ve looked at the majesty of the universe and called it God, in one form or other.
For the majority on the planet even with all we have proven, we have not been able to prove enough of these laws, to explain it all.

It’s indoctrination no doubt, and it is control of the masses, but as long as there’s reasonable doubt in their minds it’s also the easier way to conform.

What’s reasonable to you or I is not necessarily the standard the bulk of humankind adheres to when defining this doubt.
You have to first define what a "god" is. And then you have to list its properties and why we should believe in said god. What does it add to what we already know?
Otherwise, it's fucking useless.
You have to first define what a "god" is. And then you have to list its properties and why we should believe in said god. What does it add to what we already know.
Depends who the defence is.
What law of nature is supposedly been broken.
The burden of proof normally rests with the prosecution.

I’d argue that, ‘yes’, that is more often than not the deists of one variety or another going to war over something they have no proof of, rather than the other way around.
I actually really like this response.
I swore I wouldn’t, but my sister’ eldest is quite clever. She’s married to Albert’s great great great grandson. I may have one extra or one short of ‘great’ in there but you get the picture.
He’s quite an intelligent dude himself and I’ll see him next week as the whole family are coming home for a wedding.

Anyway I digress. I’m nowhere near as intelligent but look forward to my coming discussions with them both and their kids who by all accounts are carrying on the family inheritance of a high IQ.

What I get from Einstein’s last statement from your post above is that our concept of what god is, is man made and ultimately the earth will live on long after we’re gone.

The dinosaurs never worried about whether there was a god or not a we’re probably the only living things past present and who knows into the future, that ever will worry about it.
We will burn ourselves out and be gone. The earth will live on and evolve. Our history here will be relatively short.

So enjoy it while it lasts.
Never mind all that, is Albert’s great great great grandson a Blue?
Depends who the defence is.
What law of nature is supposedly been broken.
The burden of proof normally rests with the prosecution.

I’d argue that, ‘yes’, that is more often than not the deists of one variety or another going to war over something they have no proof of, rather than the other way around.
Humans are quick to fill in the gaps in knowledge with fantasy beliefs. Like when people see an unexplained light in the night sky, many people jump straight to "aliens". Noises at night: ghosts. The sun disappears at night but come back the next morning: god.
Never mind all that, is Albert’s great great great grandson a Blue?
Well after next weekend, his 4 year old, great great great great grandson will be, if I’ve anything to do with it.
I’ve only spoken to him over the phone but he already sounds like, I better do my homework and have a very convincing argument supported by empirical evidence as to why he should.
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Of course not, but one can have an open mind until there is an explanation.
I don't have the intelligence to have any sort of opinions.

You admit that you can't figure out why something doesn't exist because it can't be proved, which shows you are more intelligent than everyone else trying to fill in the gaps with a Morgan Freeman type character :)
You admit that you can't figure out why something doesn't exist because it can't be proved, which shows you are more intelligent than everyone else trying to fill in the gaps with a Morgan Freeman type character :)
I'm pretty thick. But I'm intelligent enough to be aware of my level of thickness.
And I've decided I'm not qualified to have an opinion.

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