Dear Atheists..

But do you believe Jesus is the son of God? Or is your god Einstein's non dice player.

Again, not taking the piss, just genuinely curious.
Isn’t Jesus god and god Jesus. And with some Holy Spirit chucked in. Therefore didn’t Jesus cry out to himself on the cross, on a suicide mission no less, and god chose to kill himself.
Fantastical why?
Because they have a religious faith, atheism doesn't feature in their cognitive map. It was relatively unknown even as a concept in western Europe until fairly recently - around the mid nineteenth century. Nowadays simply an intellectually bankrupt sub-species of agnosticism - which in turn is essentially a lack of interest in anything competing with a simple materialist view of the universe.
Because they have a religious faith, atheism doesn't feature in their cognitive map. It was relatively unknown even as a concept in western Europe until fairly recently - around the mid nineteenth century. Nowadays simply an intellectually bankrupt sub-species of agnosticism - which in turn is essentially a lack of interest in anything competing with a simple materialist view of the universe.
Pfft. How many religious people dont believe a word of it and just go along with it as its an expectation, helps with jobs and family and its more trouble for them to say its a load of BS.

This no doubts goes back in time. The first openly atheist person was not the first person to think all religion a load of old BS. The first such person probably goes back to the first day religion was invented.
Because they have a religious faith, atheism doesn't feature in their cognitive map. It was relatively unknown even as a concept in western Europe until fairly recently - around the mid nineteenth century. Nowadays simply an intellectually bankrupt sub-species of agnosticism - which in turn is essentially a lack of interest in anything competing with a simple materialist view of the universe.
As an Atheist, I take the view that I have not seen any evidence of gods existence. I do not have to believe that god’s non existence has been proved. Hardly an intellectually discredited view.

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