Dear Atheists..

Like when the say the universe is expanding, expanding into what, surely that’s already the universe?

The top brains on earth can't really figure it out, the changing goalposts and other scientists ostracising other scientists like they are heretics doesn't help solve anything.

Saying that here's Mr Cox having his say on the big bang.

The top brains on earth can't really figure it out, the changing goalposts and other scientists ostracising other scientists like they are heretics doesn't help solve anything.

Saying that here's Mr Cox having his say on the big bang.

"We don't know"
Some people have trouble admitting to that.... or they fill that gap of knowledge with fantasy.
Great, what is origin of the universe ?

It would remind you of the cordial contretemps debating that is so routine in this place, whether it be the political threads or the matchday experiences.

I actually have more respect for The Archbishop’s stance than I do for the traditional crap there has been from successive Popes.
I do however feel that he himself has admitted that the Bible is wrong. The Bible is man written, not divine. He more or less agrees that his take on the on the origin of the species is the same as Dawkins, but whereas Richard on a scale of belief in god of 1-7, would place himself as agnostic not atheist. However he would not place himself as a 4 in the middle, but a 6.9, which is firmly in the camp that the balance of probabilities are firmly in the non-theist camp.
The Archbishop however, as I said largely agrees but places god in gaps we don’t know.

I thought he totally lost the argument at the end. When Dawkins asked him why religion still clings to the fable of the bible that he openly admitted was an 800BC version of their understanding of things, not a 21st century scientific understanding. Why does religion still pedal the myth? Why does it need to?
He had no answer.

What I got from his stance is that there is a difference between faith and religion. I respect that, not least because he at least admits to his understanding of faith and the religious deficiencies.
There are so many religions that will not admit the same no matter what the proof is. Not least the Catholic Church, but there are worse examples obviously.
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I feel like our standards for "overwhelming evidence" and making grandiose statements about what every single person believes are extremely different.
As are our standards for responding to someone else's arguments. All you've done is acted dismissively, as if that's an argument. And switched 'the majority' to 'every single person' because it suits you to argue against what you imagine I said rather than what I actually said. But then religious types have always had a vivid imagination, haven't they?
And many scientists admit there are things we will probably never know.

Doesn't stop us persevering.
There’s a difference between saying I don’t know, because we have no evidence and saying god is in the gaps in our understanding.
I’ve no problem with placing faith in the gaps, but have a big problem with people in the 21st century who do know better, clinging to ancient religious texts as their moral guidance.
The Pope is in Timor today, practically the whole population is there for his sermon, there's a lot of believers out there.

Usually where the educationally challenged are in large numbers.

Australia is another example!!


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