Dear Atheists..

"Faith" is just believing in things that have no evidence. Pointless.
Agree, but you have free will to do so if you please.
If you want to call what it is we don’t know,’God’, knock yourself out.
Religion attaches dogma and structure to that notion though, that is controlling and very definitely man made.
Agree, but you have free will to do so if you please.
If you want to call what it is we don’t know, ’God’, knock yourself out.
Religion attaches dogma and structure to that notion though, that is controlling and very definitely man made.
There is a significant difference between what we don't know and God. I don't know many things and don't expect the existence of God to make any difference to most of them. People invest faith in a multitude of things, mostly people but also scientific models as well as deities.
"Faith" is just believing in things that have no evidence. Pointless.
science is often the argument used against god.
yet science is constantly being updated
and proven to have previously been wrong.

religion is constantly being updated to fit the modern world.

we are told to have faith in science,
but there is zero evidence that the big bang happened.
the model breaks down.
the term big bang was actually coined as a mockery of the theory.
now the theory is taught in schools as fact,
just like the theory of god is taught in schools as a fact.

you need faith of one sort to believe in god.
you need faith of another sort to not believe in god.
i have faith in neither god nor science.

there's a word for not believing in god.
i wonder why there isn't a word for not believing in science.
The 'god of the gaps' is not one most modern Christians recognise. Religious faith is not in competition with science to provide an explanation of the world, it provides a meaningful context for that enterprise.

like singularities?
Who said I BELIEVE in singularities? And yeah...the bible has attempted to explain the world and how it came to be. haha. Huge failure and proof that the bible is the work of clueless ancient men. The god of the bible proves ITSELF to be false.
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science is often the argument used against god.
yet science is constantly being updated
and proven to have previously been wrong.

religion is constantly being updated to fit the modern world.

we are told to have faith in science,
but there is zero evidence that the big bang happened.
the model breaks down.
the term big bang was actually coined as a mockery of the theory.
now the theory is taught in schools as fact,
just like the theory of god is taught in schools as a fact.

you need faith of one sort to believe in god.
you need faith of another sort to not believe in god.
i have faith in neither god nor science.

there's a word for not believing in god.
i wonder why there isn't a word for not believing in science.
Guess what corrects science? It's clearly NOT faith. In fact, it's the OPPOSITE of faith. Religion DOES NOT get updated...unless you go against that religion's teachings.
Agree, but you have free will to do so if you please.
If you want to call what it is we don’t know,’God’, knock yourself out.
Religion attaches dogma and structure to that notion though, that is controlling and very definitely man made.
What's the point in calling it "god" though...people have real definitions of what they believe a god to be. I could just call it 'bongo bongo' if that's the case
science is often the argument used against god.
yet science is constantly being updated
and proven to have previously been wrong.

religion is constantly being updated to fit the modern world.

we are told to have faith in science,
but there is zero evidence that the big bang happened.
the model breaks down.
the term big bang was actually coined as a mockery of the theory.
now the theory is taught in schools as fact,
just like the theory of god is taught in schools as a fact.

you need faith of one sort to believe in god.
you need faith of another sort to not believe in god.
i have faith in neither god nor science.

there's a word for not believing in god.
i wonder why there isn't a word for not believing in science.
Science isn't fixed ,it's the best explanations we currently have for things we can see, and theories are accepted as long as what we see fits that. as soon as the model doesn't work any more, or we find a new model that fits better we think again. The history of science is littered with discarded theories. Religion and faith in a god is very different.
Science isn't fixed ,it's the best explanations we currently have for things we can see, and theories are accepted as long as what we see fits that. as soon as the model doesn't work any more, or we find a new model that fits better we think again. The history of science is littered with discarded theories. Religion and faith in a god is very different.
it's best to never take anything i say too seriously, mate :)
Guess what corrects science? It's clearly NOT faith. In fact, it's the OPPOSITE of faith. Religion DOES NOT get updated...unless you go against that religion's teachings.
there's no need to shout at me.
because you shouted at me i shan't respond to you,
other than asking you not to shout at me.
i'm not french.
regarding my statement that religion, just like science, gets updated...
(this is for everyone except shouter @Marklr )

the core of science remains the same,
but details of it change over time.
the core of religion remains the same,
but details of it change over time.

so there.
prove me wrong.

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