Dear Atheists..

it goes against my nature,
but i'll try to be serious this one time just for you, mate...

science was invented by mankind as a way to try to explain things we don't understand.
would you agree with that statement?
agreed but my point is those things we test and hypothesize about will still be there and happening long after we are gone. i suppose i mean the science will still occur without us
people devote their lives to both science and religion in an attempt to try to come to understanding of what is going on out there.
would you agree with that statement?
religion is by far and away the poorest attempt at finding an explanation.
it is basically superstition,
any rational mind should be able to conclude it's made up.
and yet,
a very sizable percentage of mankind believes it to be true.

it can be explained away to some extent, though.
imagine living thousands of years ago.
there was no rain one summer.
the crops didn't grow.
people starved.
what could they do?
they thought the gods must be angry with them.

eostre was the goddess of dawn for the original tribes of what we now call scandinavia.
her name came from "east",
the direction from which the sun arrived every morning,
and her special festival was the spring equinox.
in winter the pagans would sacrifice a "year king",
a human victim, buried in the fields,
his body would magically come to life again with the rising grains
and everyone could share in the miracle of his rebirth,
by eating the bread that was made of the grain.
the christian festival of easter embraced these pre-christian traditions.
bede copied it for the catholics as christ's resurrection.
religion does not exist.
humankind invented it.
a hell of (forgive me believers) believe religion is a real thing.
it isn't real.
it is an attempt to explain shit we can't get our heads round.

allow me to paraphrase here,
but some people didn't agree with the religious explanations.
they thought fuck that superstitious shit & sought out another path.
thus was born science.

at first in involved all sorts of alchemy and nonsense,
astronomy was really the thing that started to sway minds into thinking science was maybe correct,
and eventually it actually narrowed itself down into very serious shit.
scientists came up with some extremely convincing explanations of what the fuck is happening out there.
science was being used/practiced by the romans,greeks,egyptians etc i.e Archimedes' principle(quite clever shit for 240bc)
but yeah formulating into general consensus gathers pace as time moves on

they weren't right, but they seemed right at the time.
over the years scientists have constantly updated things.
scientists to this day are constantly updating science.
it is an ever evolving process.
what came before is no longer considered correct.
we are regularly being told by scientists that science was wrong before this new idea came along yesterday.

how can we possibly have faith in this new idea, though?
they collide atoms at ridiculous speeds and say believe us, this is the truth, have faith in my new theory now.
they seek out particles that only exist on paper.

dark this and dark that.
no actual proof of any of them,
but honestly have faith in our calculations.
give us some more funding.

okay okay,
for sure science has perfectly explained some things.
it has helped with medicines and our understanding of how stars are born and so on and so on

but science isn't real.
the way i think of it(i might be scientifically illiterate here :-( ) everything that happens is the science
i agree the word goes when we go

science doesn't actually exist.
it is merely mankind's attempt at an explanation of things.
science is annotations of mankind's thoughts.

the universe is the universe.
the universe has existed for yonks.
when mankind is long gone the universe will continue to exist for yonks more.
beyond earth there is no such thing as science.
it is made up.
it isn't a real thing.
humankind invented it just like we invented god.
totally agree on your last 5 words
it goes against my nature,
but i'll try to be serious this one time just for you, mate...

science was invented by mankind as a way to try to explain things we don't understand.
would you agree with that statement?

people devote their lives to both science and religion in an attempt to try to come to understanding of what is going on out there.
would you agree with that statement?

religion is by far and away the poorest attempt at finding an explanation.
it is basically superstition,
any rational mind should be able to conclude it's made up.
and yet,
a very sizable percentage of mankind believes it to be true.

it can be explained away to some extent, though.
imagine living thousands of years ago.
there was no rain one summer.
the crops didn't grow.
people starved.
what could they do?
they thought the gods must be angry with them.

eostre was the goddess of dawn for the original tribes of what we now call scandinavia.
her name came from "east",
the direction from which the sun arrived every morning,
and her special festival was the spring equinox.
in winter the pagans would sacrifice a "year king",
a human victim, buried in the fields,
his body would magically come to life again with the rising grains
and everyone could share in the miracle of his rebirth,
by eating the bread that was made of the grain.
the christian festival of easter embraced these pre-christian traditions.
bede copied it for the catholics as christ's resurrection.
religion does not exist.
humankind invented it.
a hell of (forgive me believers) believe religion is a real thing.
it isn't real.
it is an attempt to explain shit we can't get our heads round.

allow me to paraphrase here,
but some people didn't agree with the religious explanations.
they thought fuck that superstitious shit & sought out another path.
thus was born science.

at first in involved all sorts of alchemy and nonsense,
astronomy was really the thing that started to sway minds into thinking science was maybe correct,
and eventually it actually narrowed itself down into very serious shit.
scientists came up with some extremely convincing explanations of what the fuck is happening out there.

they weren't right, but they seemed right at the time.
over the years scientists have constantly updated things.
scientists to this day are constantly updating science.
it is an ever evolving process.
what came before is no longer considered correct.
we are regularly being told by scientists that science was wrong before this new idea came along yesterday.

how can we possibly have faith in this new idea, though?
they collide atoms at ridiculous speeds and say believe us, this is the truth, have faith in my new theory now.
they seek out particles that only exist on paper.

dark this and dark that.
no actual proof of any of them,
but honestly have faith in our calculations.
give us some more funding.

okay okay,
for sure science has perfectly explained some things.
it has helped with medicines and our understanding of how stars are born and so on and so on

but science isn't real.
science doesn't actually exist.
it is merely mankind's attempt at an explanation of things.
science is annotations of mankind's thoughts.

the universe is the universe.
the universe has existed for yonks.
when mankind is long gone the universe will continue to exist for yonks more.
beyond earth there is no such thing as science.
it is made up.
it isn't a real thing.
humankind invented it just like we invented god.
How long is a yonk?
It says using ALL I've just done, it can be used to empathize certain words. Callum is just being silly and childish. I don't need to put anyone on ignore..I've got no bad feelings toward anyone. I've stuck to the subject.
My understanding is that the rule refers to any word that has been composed entirely of upper case letters. Re caps being used to emphasise (assuming that's what you meant) words; yes, they can indeed. But underlining words can achieve the same result. Or putting them in bold type. Or framing them in quotation marks.
My understanding is that the rule refers to any word that has been composed entirely of upper case letters. Re caps being used to emphasise (assuming that's what you meant) words; yes, they can indeed. But underlining words can achieve the same result. Or putting them in bold type. Or framing them in quotation marks.
It's alright, mate. I'll try and remember to use italics ;)
it goes against my nature,
but i'll try to be serious this one time just for you, mate...

science was invented by mankind as a way to try to explain things we don't understand.
would you agree with that statement?

people devote their lives to both science and religion in an attempt to try to come to understanding of what is going on out there.
would you agree with that statement?

religion is by far and away the poorest attempt at finding an explanation.
it is basically superstition,
any rational mind should be able to conclude it's made up.
and yet,
a very sizable percentage of mankind believes it to be true.

it can be explained away to some extent, though.
imagine living thousands of years ago.
there was no rain one summer.
the crops didn't grow.
people starved.
what could they do?
they thought the gods must be angry with them.

eostre was the goddess of dawn for the original tribes of what we now call scandinavia.
her name came from "east",
the direction from which the sun arrived every morning,
and her special festival was the spring equinox.
in winter the pagans would sacrifice a "year king",
a human victim, buried in the fields,
his body would magically come to life again with the rising grains
and everyone could share in the miracle of his rebirth,
by eating the bread that was made of the grain.
the christian festival of easter embraced these pre-christian traditions.
bede copied it for the catholics as christ's resurrection.
religion does not exist.
humankind invented it.
a hell of (forgive me believers) believe religion is a real thing.
it isn't real.
it is an attempt to explain shit we can't get our heads round.

allow me to paraphrase here,
but some people didn't agree with the religious explanations.
they thought fuck that superstitious shit & sought out another path.
thus was born science.

at first in involved all sorts of alchemy and nonsense,
astronomy was really the thing that started to sway minds into thinking science was maybe correct,
and eventually it actually narrowed itself down into very serious shit.
scientists came up with some extremely convincing explanations of what the fuck is happening out there.

they weren't right, but they seemed right at the time.
over the years scientists have constantly updated things.
scientists to this day are constantly updating science.
it is an ever evolving process.
what came before is no longer considered correct.
we are regularly being told by scientists that science was wrong before this new idea came along yesterday.

how can we possibly have faith in this new idea, though?
they collide atoms at ridiculous speeds and say believe us, this is the truth, have faith in my new theory now.
they seek out particles that only exist on paper.

dark this and dark that.
no actual proof of any of them,
but honestly have faith in our calculations.
give us some more funding.

okay okay,
for sure science has perfectly explained some things.
it has helped with medicines and our understanding of how stars are born and so on and so on

but science isn't real.
science doesn't actually exist.
it is merely mankind's attempt at an explanation of things.
science is annotations of mankind's thoughts.

the universe is the universe.
the universe has existed for yonks.
when mankind is long gone the universe will continue to exist for yonks more.
beyond earth there is no such thing as science.
it is made up.
it isn't a real thing.
humankind invented it just like we invented god.
I found myself reading this going ,…
Hmmm, yeah, I see, uhuh! Ok, I know where your going, Ye, I see!
And concluding wit, no I disagree with your theory.

You are calling it a blanket title of science. It’s what we call it, but there were fundamental truths about how things work long before us and they’ll still be there long after we’re gone. I think we agree on that.

How we interpret those truths may be man made but for example, the laws of physics are what they are no matter what we call them and whether we’ve proved them and interpreted them for our fellow man or not.

I think I understand your theory fully and I get what you are saying but I draw different conclusions than you from the evidence you present.
Science is regularly like that. Scientists formulate theories. They are peer reviewed. The evidence is examined and proof is tested. Faith doesn’t come into it. Which is in reply to a previous remark I made to one of your other theories.

In short Calum, I think I agree with you about so much but reach slightly different conclusions from the same evidence.


Sorry. Couldn’t resist. Who new? Im a shouter. Well if the CAP fits.

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