Dear Atheists..

It's real enough alright, we are conscious of our place in a vast place we can't say at all and yet we can say so much and want to understand so much. Our lives within it have value and meaning and most humans believe they are part of an overarching purpose which they call God.
If everything is all just empty chance where's the harm in upsetting a few vehement atheists by poking a finger through the holes in their comfort blanket?

I would argue that the biggest reason most have a belief (I would call it hope) in God is so that there was something after death. What happens when you die remains the biggest mystery and is of far more interest to a lot of people than how the universe began.

Believing you just die and remain dead isn't as nice as imagining there's a heaven. As I said before, for thousands of years people have tried to explain the world in writings and the afterlife has always been a major part of mythology and subsequent religious scripture.

The Bible was just an evolved version of older tales, lacking the same imagination I must say, and used as a hugely powerful way of controlling the masses.

People pick and choose which parts of it now apply. Homosexuality for example. Bible isn't so keen on that, but the masses have forced Christianity to evolve and be more accepting. Took a while. The Greeks didn't mind a bit of gay action, even their gods. So we will accept God got that bit wrong, but we will still believe the part about him existing and heaven. There are plenty of other examples, like controlling women too!
Sorry to be a source of continuous disappointment for you. if you ever said anything remotely interesting it may improve my performance.
doesn't have to be interesting to you, who do you think you are, ha ha. although being factual maybe uncomfortable for you
when the petty insults start its time for you to quit whilst you're behind
Not sure you've quite grasped the difficulty in the concept of causality. God is not contingent, he is the Prime Mover.
you're doing it again stating something as a fact

the floor is yours although you will vacate it rather quicker than a old trafford fire drill

prove it

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