Dear Mike Dean

Fans are at the corner flag when Raz get there. I am pretty sure going into the crowd doesn't include when the home team fails to keep them under control and let idiots onto the playing area.

Could a player potentially get booked for rugby tackling a streaker on the HW line?

More likely to get a cock and two balls across the face.

But yes, pretty sure I've seen people sent off for that.

OK, I just got back so I've had around 6 hours to calm down and compose a dignified critique of his performance:
He's a fucking **** who knows the square root of bugger all about the laws of football.
The foul on Jesus was a red card every day of the week as there wasn't a covering player even close.
The two footed out of control lunge at Jesus was another straight red irrespective of Cook playing the ball first.
The booking of Sterling wasn't for over celebration or any other such bollox, it's because the goal cost Bournemouth a point and cost him his bung. If you don't like that comment please explain the decisions above.
Finally we had all the local dildos (or is that dildoes) wondering where the extra time came from. It came from the 30 or 40 seconds it took the keeper to take every goal kick, it came from several of their players having a lie down (including in stoppage time) because they knew they couldn't compete when it came to football. Watch the tactics they employed today and you see they just flushed their squeaky clean reputation right down the shitter. which is where we should flush Mike Dean and that fat bastard steward.
Almost 60 mpg for the 540 mile round trip; what's not to like?
OK, I just got back so I've had around 6 hours to calm down and compose a dignified critique of his performance:
He's a fucking **** who knows the square root of bugger all about the laws of football.
The foul on Jesus was a red card every day of the week as there wasn't a covering player even close.
The two footed out of control lunge at Jesus was another straight red irrespective of Cook playing the ball first.
The booking of Sterling wasn't for over celebration or any other such bollox, it's because the goal cost Bournemouth a point and cost him his bung. If you don't like that comment please explain the decisions above.
Finally we had all the local dildos (or is that dildoes) wondering where the extra time came from. It came from the 30 or 40 seconds it took the keeper to take every goal kick, it came from several of their players having a lie down (including in stoppage time) because they knew they couldn't compete when it came to football. Watch the tactics they employed today and you see they just flushed their squeaky clean reputation right down the shitter. which is where we should flush Mike Dean and that fat bastard steward.
Almost 60 mpg for the 540 mile round trip; what's not to like?

Great summary our kid.
OK, I just got back so I've had around 6 hours to calm down and compose a dignified critique of his performance:
He's a fucking **** who knows the square root of bugger all about the laws of football.
The foul on Jesus was a red card every day of the week as there wasn't a covering player even close.
The two footed out of control lunge at Jesus was another straight red irrespective of Cook playing the ball first.
The booking of Sterling wasn't for over celebration or any other such bollox, it's because the goal cost Bournemouth a point and cost him his bung. If you don't like that comment please explain the decisions above.
Finally we had all the local dildos (or is that dildoes) wondering where the extra time came from. It came from the 30 or 40 seconds it took the keeper to take every goal kick, it came from several of their players having a lie down (including in stoppage time) because they knew they couldn't compete when it came to football. Watch the tactics they employed today and you see they just flushed their squeaky clean reputation right down the shitter. which is where we should flush Mike Dean and that fat bastard steward.
Almost 60 mpg for the 540 mile round trip; what's not to like?

We all enjoyed the 3 points. That makes it a tad sweeter.
Mr Dean. It's been over 5 years. No matter how many times you subsequently fuck us over with your biased decision making and odd interpretation of the laws and how to apply them, the GPC will never forgive you. Now let it go eh?
It always has been and always will be "its the Mike Dean show" it will only change when he packs in, its like he can't do wrong.

Everytime i see him my heart sinks and you just know something bad will happen.
OK, I just got back so I've had around 6 hours to calm down and compose a dignified critique of his performance:
He's a fucking **** who knows the square root of bugger all about the laws of football.
The foul on Jesus was a red card every day of the week as there wasn't a covering player even close.
The two footed out of control lunge at Jesus was another straight red irrespective of Cook playing the ball first.
The booking of Sterling wasn't for over celebration or any other such bollox, it's because the goal cost Bournemouth a point and cost him his bung. If you don't like that comment please explain the decisions above.
Finally we had all the local dildos (or is that dildoes) wondering where the extra time came from. It came from the 30 or 40 seconds it took the keeper to take every goal kick, it came from several of their players having a lie down (including in stoppage time) because they knew they couldn't compete when it came to football. Watch the tactics they employed today and you see they just flushed their squeaky clean reputation right down the shitter. which is where we should flush Mike Dean and that fat bastard steward.
Almost 60 mpg for the 540 mile round trip; what's not to like?

Damn, take a bow.
Furious all game, we never get anything for free do we? The time wasting was the worst I've seen, Begovic started already in the 15th minute. It's not easy for us to win when it looks like this, but my god what a sweet victory in the end. At least we show some balls and I like it!
Oh the three points are very enjoyable, and a fairly shite performance will be ignored by the manner of those points: Deep in stoppage time against a team of blatant time-wasters is particularly sweet.

It's also very hard to get going, when every time you get some momentum, you get carted or sly pull back and pushes not given.
You are given advantage when there is none and pulled back when there is.

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