Death penalty in UK.

mammutly said:
bluealf said:
mammutly said:
bluealf said:
What we want is kiddie fiddling ***** and rapists off the streets forever so they wont re-offend like they always do and destroy another young life.

Is that so hard to understand ?

Give an absolute definition of "kiddie fiddling ***** and rapists". If you are going to kill people, you need to be certain that it's absolutely clear and unambiguous. No grey areas allowed.

Go on then. Think as if it's you doing the executing. You have to be sure, so let's hear it.

What ???????????

How could you even try to turn my sentence around ?

Well lets put it this way, some body rapes my daughter or fiddles with my son's, i will take a big fucking weapon and there will be no court case needed.

But if they are not mine and do go to court as is the case for LETS say for arguments sake baby p's step dad the killer and then low and behold a baby rapist also ??????????????

What is there to defend ?

Certainly not a concurrant sentance, A fucking joke mate.

Once you move away from the extremes? Plenty.

According to your original premise a 17 yr old lad who has sex with his 15 yr girlfriend should be executed. No trial necessary.

If it was my 15 year old daughter yes.

But now i have joked with you, dont take the piss we both know what kind of fiddlers we are talking about and if you want to defend them fine.

i find that just a bit sick myself.

Btw my wife was raped for 14 years by her ex, please continue your splendid defence of the sick cunts.

ps i have spent time in the police cells for retribution before you ask.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
pee dubyas crayons said:
Can we merge this thread with the 'Fat people' thread?

Can you,for once,make a pertinent and valid contribution to a debate?

No point arguing with you. You're not going to change your opinion that the death penalty is wrong are you? The only way that would happen is if one of your kids is murdered, then you would change your opinion.

You're probably too young to have had kids yet anyway. Your views will change in time.
der-bomber said:
So when these Baby P fuckers get out in a couple of years and they re-offend, which they inevitably will at some stage ,as they are programmed that way, and just can't help themselves...

What are you bleeding-hearts going to say then ?

There don't seem to be many takers on this one, so l will bump it to the next page in case it was missed...

Elanjo, l have re-read your outpouring and it is still mumbo-jumbo to me ,mate...

l prefer laymans terminology.
Yes fine debate skills there, bluealf and Kinky Dribbler, you've really swayed me with your powerful did I not see the error of my ways? YES to DEATH PENALTY.
So, do we bring back the death penalty for EVERY murder then?

Or is one victim's life more worthy of it than another.

Anyway, we are not going to bring it back because we have moved on since then. And look what they did to those who, with hindsight, should never have faced execution.
And do not, please, cite DNA evidnce blah blah blah....this isn't about DNA.
der-bomber said:
So when these Baby P fuckers get out in a couple of years and they re-offend, which they inevitably will at some stage ,as they are programmed that way, and just can't help themselves...

What are you bleeding-hearts going to say then ?

Unless its their own kids, they will say something like 'oh well. give them a slap on the wrists. it's not their fault it's the fault of society as a whole. we need to spend more taxpayers money on these types of people'

der-bomber said:
l prefer laymans terminology.

fuckin society to blame innit.
pee dubyas crayons said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
pee dubyas crayons said:
Can we merge this thread with the 'Fat people' thread?

Can you,for once,make a pertinent and valid contribution to a debate?

No point arguing with you. You're not going to change your opinion that the death penalty is wrong are you? The only way that would happen is if one of your kids is murdered, then you would change your opinion.

You're probably too young to have had kids yet anyway. Your views will change in time.

I have two beautiful daughters,thanks for asking.
And,if you took the time to read my posts properly,you would realise that my opposition to the death penalty is based on the fact that we cannot reasurrect innocent people,not even with advanced medical technology.
On this,my view will not change.
With time or anything else.

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