Death penalty in UK.

Who cares if they could have been innocent? They should take one for the team and give up their life.

...Am I doing this right, bluealf?
der-bomber said:
der-bomber said:
So when these Baby P fuckers get out in a couple of years and they re-offend, which they inevitably will at some stage ,as they are programmed that way, and just can't help themselves...

What are you bleeding-hearts going to say then ?

There don't seem to be many takers on this one, so l will bump it to the next page in case it was missed...

Elanjo, l have re-read your outpouring and it is still mumbo-jumbo to me ,mate...

l prefer laymans terminology.
Fair point, the court system is wrong, these people should be locked up for life and punished. Rock breaking etc but execution? Too simple, quick and clean
mackenzie said:
So, do we bring back the death penalty for EVERY murder then?

Or is one victim's life more worthy of it than another.

Anyway, we are not going to bring it back because we have moved on since then. And look what they did to those who, with hindsight, should never have faced execution.
And do not, please, cite DNA evidnce blah blah blah....this isn't about DNA.

lts about ridding society of vile scum, so they can't do it a cull of the evil, if you like.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I have two beautiful daughters,thanks for asking.
And,if you took the time to read my posts properly,you would realise that my opposition to the death penalty is based on the fact that we cannot reasurrect innocent people,not even with advanced medical technology.
On this,my view will not change.
With time or anything else.

How about just torture then? For people like Ian Huntley.
der-bomber said:
mackenzie said:
So, do we bring back the death penalty for EVERY murder then?

Or is one victim's life more worthy of it than another.

Anyway, we are not going to bring it back because we have moved on since then. And look what they did to those who, with hindsight, should never have faced execution.
And do not, please, cite DNA evidnce blah blah blah....this isn't about DNA.

lts about ridding society of vile scum, so they can't do it a cull of the evil, if you like.

So we execute everyone who murders then? Or do you want to be selective?
mackenzie said:
So, do we bring back the death penalty for EVERY murder then?

Or is one victim's life more worthy of it than another.

Anyway, we are not going to bring it back because we have moved on since then. And look what they did to those who, with hindsight, should never have faced execution.
And do not, please, cite DNA evidnce blah blah blah....this isn't about DNA.

But DNA is the final proof, it is something that we didnt have back then.

We are talking about fiddlers and rapists, murderers may come next on the list.

Fiddlers and rapists always re-offend they can not help themselves it is something inside of them and they dont believe thay are doing wrong.

Locking them up does not work, if we cant kill them cut their cocks and hands off.

See how inventive they can be after that.
We have debated this topic at length a couple of months ago. We all know people that commit these horendous crimes should hang but only if the courts are 100 per cent certain of guilt. Unfortunately,they can not be certain in all cases and the simple question is:
Would you be prepared to let somebody hang who is innocent? (and that could be your child or friend or close family) nobody could say yes to that question,so untill we get a system of being 100 per cent then we can never get the death penalty back in this country. Dont get sucked into the dna debate because that does not prove guilt in all cases.
Too many people have been wrongly found guilty of offences in the past and present.
mackenzie said:
der-bomber said:
mackenzie said:
So, do we bring back the death penalty for EVERY murder then?

Or is one victim's life more worthy of it than another.

Anyway, we are not going to bring it back because we have moved on since then. And look what they did to those who, with hindsight, should never have faced execution.
And do not, please, cite DNA evidnce blah blah blah....this isn't about DNA.

lts about ridding society of vile scum, so they can't do it a cull of the evil, if you like.

So we execute everyone who murders then? Or do you want to be selective?

The whole fucking lot of 'em, for my money, as they have proved by taking an innocent life that they have forfeited the right to exist any longer...
bluealf said:
mackenzie said:
So, do we bring back the death penalty for EVERY murder then?

Or is one victim's life more worthy of it than another.

Anyway, we are not going to bring it back because we have moved on since then. And look what they did to those who, with hindsight, should never have faced execution.
And do not, please, cite DNA evidnce blah blah blah....this isn't about DNA.

But DNA is the final proof, it is something that we didnt have back then.

We are talking about fiddlers and rapists, murderers may come next on the list.

Fiddlers and rapists always re-offend they can not help themselves it is something inside of them and they dont believe thay are doing wrong.

Locking them up does not work, if we cant kill them cut their cocks and hands off.

See how inventive they can be after that.

Alf...Stefan Kiscov (spelling may be incorrect). The Police had the evidence even then. In the context of what you are saying he would have been one of those that would have suffered what you suggest.

As we now know, he was completely innocent.

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