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He's much better than Lampard. Granted it's maybe not a signing that on its own turns Premiership runners up into title-challengers, but together with Sterling's signing it makes us stronger

The only thing he's much better at than Lampard is running cos his legs are younger. Lampard is on a different planet brain wise as you will see when Delph is running round like a headless chicken.
Collymore did make a good point though...before he almost hyperventilated. Who at Villa agreed long term contract with a senior player like Delph and only includes a release clause of £8m - a fee that any Premier League team could afford ? Amateurish in the extreme and you could feel Colly's pain. Still fucking funny that Delph's done a U turn though.

The £8M was only if sold to a team playing in champs league.
Over 1400 posts in less than 7 hours on the possible signature of Fabian Delph. Yes, that's right. Fabian Delph.
An enormous blow to our attempts at strengthening the side for the present and future, and making that next step in our evolution - competing for the Champions League.
If you are saying Pogba would make us Champions League contenders then yes I agree with you, but I am not going to cry if we fail to sign one of the best players in the world. In the meantime we are still strengthening

Quite an admission you made there. Miscalculation
He's much better than Lampard. Granted it's maybe not a signing that on its own turns Premiership runners up into title-challengers, but together with Sterling's signing it makes us stronger
I just meant in terms of the squad make up itself -- an English CM replacing another English CM. He fills a squad registration slot that otherwise would be left open. If Pogba comes, it's only at the expense of an existing foreign player so Delph has no affect on that.

Correct on Delph but how can you be so pessimistic? You literally have no idea what is going on behind the scenes and yet you're so sure we won't get him, why do you even bother visiting bluemoon then? If some itk posted that we're going to get him (happened already several times) it's not going to change your mind so just don't bother checking pogba's thread and stop bringing him up.
This isn't a Pogba thread... it's about Delph (a signing I'm thrilled about personally). I'm pessimistic because of his wage demands, his cost and the fact Barcelona are interested. If we somehow end up signing him, I'd be over the moon but I'm not going to set myself up for disappointment and think it's anything but a pipe dream.
I retracted my welcome to Manchester statement last week to Delph. .. I also said fair play to him and that it took big balls to reject a big money move to a big club. ...
I'm guessing now that his balls are the size of melons. ...
Fair play to him coming to his senses. I'll give him a 2nd chance. Looking forward to finding out the reasons behind this. ...
Welcome to Manchester. ....
I wouldn't start colouring in a "welcome to Manchester " sign till he has his derriere next to Txiki and Parker in his hand
Bench warmer incoming .... very underwhelmed by this signing, i was so happy when the move collapsed.... but anyways, if hes a blue then ill give him my support
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