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I don't like this - if he isn't 100% committed to the cause I don't want him here. He's a good player, but I'm struggling to see why we would give him a second chance - it's not like we couldn't get someone else who's just as good!
Name this just as good person (for 8m)?
The only thing he's much better at than Lampard is running cos his legs are younger. Lampard is on a different planet brain wise as you will see when Delph is running round like a headless chicken.

Did you not see the video posted on here the other day, showing a highlight reel of Delph from last season?

A headless chicken he is not!
Biggest U turn since


You sir, are the daddy!!!

He's gonna have a tougher time from his last clubs fans than even Sterling is - who would have believed that!
I just meant in terms of the squad make up itself -- an English CM replacing another English CM. He fills a squad registration slot that otherwise would be left open. If Pogba comes, it's only at the expense of an existing foreign player so Delph has no affect on that.

I was under the impression that Pogba would count as Home-Grown due to his time at the swamp.
Whenever I go on talksport it's boring full of adverts and nowhere near as exciting as it sounds on here.

Well i went on to listen to see what the fat arsed quinn was saying and wow did they make themselves look and listen like right twunts playing out a scenario where delph pledge his loyalty so fans went out and got shirts with his name on

Could you believe the next caller was saying how his little lad was gutted after getting delph's name on his shirt you would not have been able to make it up.
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