At last! An actual reasoned and considered response! I actually applaud you!
I'm gonna skip to the bit where you accuse me of "ignoring the financial crash".
I want you to think about why that crash happened, who was affected and how that was 'solved'. just remember it was us, the taxpayer, that caused the crash, but we had to bail out the irresponsibility of playing fast and loose.
When you do that, ask yourself why certain businesses had to be bailed out and you'll be asking similar questions again, now.
If the economy is based on a finite amount of money in the world, how is possible to bail out anybody? Because if capitalism is a true concept, we would be dealing with a 'dead'/ 'frozen' economy. By definition, that means what we have in our pockets/ banks/ bonds is all there is left in any country.
So, a 'bailout' is the printing of fresh money, is it not? Or quantitative easing, a term I know you hate.
The next question goes; how long does that go on for and surely the action of inflating the economy allows for wage rises? Money is finite, after all, unless it disappears into the hoarding of profit motives and then you're back to square one.
So, by understanding that a wage increase can happen, you can hire more whilst avoiding people leaving the necessary and important jobs AND get to stimulate the industries as people spend more within it.
That's called a win-win.
How anyone can argue against that baffles me.