Well-Known Member
This is a really good point that's gotten lost since 2016. Hillary, for all of her many, many flaws as a candidate beat Trump by 3 million in the popular vote and lost because of 100k people combined in three swing states. He isn't some invincible electoral juggernaut that people have convinced themselves of since and Biden can win by simply turning out mainstream Democrats and getting his fair share of independents. Going hard left to win over the Bernie voters that couldn't even be bother to turn out for Bernie in the primary is a losing strategy if it turns off centrists.
This is exactly right — I fail to see the strategy and protestations of the Bernie Bros. If Biden wins without them they will be marginalized within the party and have limited policy influence. If Biden loses because of them then the state of the world they woman and moan about is even WORSE off. Of course, since it’s “their way or the highway”, I remain convinced they’d rather Trump than Biden just so they can “own” the Centrists. Because they don’t really want to help people. They just want to win so everyone has to pay attention to them since every normal person who lives in the actual universe where compromise and difference-settling are part of every day life just wants them to shut the fuck up normally.