Did Robinho return?

charliebigspuds said:
Little Robin said:
Same, with the quality we have now Robi could set the league alight next season.

agreed, BUT he doesn't want to play for us!!!

Again, can we truly say this? We spend a lot of time on these forums saying how the press make up their own stories, and the only times we have heard this is from the press! If the lad is playing in Brazil for Santos, he's always going to say he enjoys it and he wants to stay there but its up to his parent club, he's not going to say "thanks but TBH I'd rather be somewhere else than here!" As far as I remember, this is the last interview where we KNOW what he said:-
I was as excited as the next person when he signed, and always enjoyed his sublime skills, but have been disappointed how last season turned out. However I was more ashamed by the conduct of the fans booing our own player and the shameful chants, even after the above interview! What choice did he have but go on loan?

I for one would love to see him back in a City shirt, but I wouldn't blame him if he did ask for a transfer!
Apparently Shalke are interested, let's cut our losses and fuck the little wankstain off!
I'd fucking love it if he pissed off and realised what a rick he'd made by spunking away his reputation and talent whilst he was here and begging BEGGING to come back!
Our reply should be, "Fuck off, we have players who play when we want, not when it fucking suits or it's sunny, you wanker!"

Or is it just me?
I posted a few times before regarding, the first half of the season when he signed and how good he was then slowly fading and never to shine again, but what i have noticed when ive watched him play recently in the world cup and some streamed games at santos is how hard he works without the ball, tracking back etc. do you think he may off added this side to his game? or back to square one. i think with the talent around him and no elano to shit stir things up, he might perform
GaudinoMotors said:
Northern3 said:
Sorry maybe I jumped the gun,I must admit I have never actually read anything myself just comments on Bluemoon,and in future I better actually have the full facts before posting.

This will never catch on

Are you suggesting that people post things on here based solely on hearsay, assumption or tabloid reports?

Don't be so ridiculous!!<br /><br />-- Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:25 pm --<br /><br />
Bert Trautmanns Neck Brace said:
I was as excited as the next person when he signed, and always enjoyed his sublime skills, but have been disappointed how last season turned out. However I was more ashamed by the conduct of the fans booing our own player and the shameful chants, even after the above interview! What choice did he have but go on loan?

I for one would love to see him back in a City shirt, but I wouldn't blame him if he did ask for a transfer!

I posted a similar comment about the guy being human and that groaning at his arrival on the pitch or when he lost the ball wouldn't help him play better etc. Was hammered with comments about his wages/wearing City shirt/it's his job should be enough encouragement and generally how wrong I was.

If he does get into the 25 I really do worry how his return would be received by some fans. Surely we should get behind whoever is in the team and back them up all the way to the last minute.
Bluecifer said:
Apparently Shalke are interested, let's cut our losses and fuck the little wankstain off!
I'd fucking love it if he pissed off and realised what a rick he'd made by spunking away his reputation and talent whilst he was here and begging BEGGING to come back!
Our reply should be, "Fuck off, we have players who play when we want, not when it fucking suits or it's sunny, you wanker!"

Or is it just me?

Hopefully just you.
Bert Trautmanns Neck Brace said:
I was as excited as the next person when he signed, and always enjoyed his sublime skills, but have been disappointed how last season turned out. However I was more ashamed by the conduct of the fans booing our own player and the shameful chants, even after the above interview! What choice did he have but go on loan?

I for one would love to see him back in a City shirt, but I wouldn't blame him if he did ask for a transfer!

I posted a similar comment about the guy being human and that groaning at his arrival on the pitch or when he lost the ball wouldn't help him play better etc. Was hammered with comments about his wages/wearing City shirt/it's his job should be enough encouragement and generally how wrong I was.

If he does get into the 25 I really do worry how his return would be received by some fans. Surely we should get behind whoever is in the team and back them up all the way to the last minute.[/quote]

I have never jeered a city player at the ground, never booed the team. I agree 100% that we should get behind whoever wears the shirt, and leave the fickleness for other teams. If Robinho stays, pulls on the shirt again, and steps back out on the hallowed turf, I will cheer him as much as I would for Carlos or any other of our squad!
Bluecifer said:
Apparently Shalke are interested, let's cut our losses and fuck the little wankstain off!
I'd fucking love it if he pissed off and realised what a rick he'd made by spunking away his reputation and talent whilst he was here and begging BEGGING to come back!
Our reply should be, "Fuck off, we have players who play when we want, not when it fucking suits or it's sunny, you wanker!"

Or is it just me?

Hopefully just you.

I'm fairly sure it's not!
The lad genuinely thinks City should pay £32.5M for him just so he can play for Santos... kinda like the "Fund the Santos Apeal" ;-)

It's as if Santos said we want to buy Robinho but can't afford the £32.5M fee to Madrid. Will you pay it plaese City. We Will try and fund his wages... Cheers

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