Dipper Takeover? [Merged]

Anyone noticed the difference between our takeover and the Dippers?

When we were taken over nobody except those deep inside the inner sanctum knew about it. The scouse deal is being executedin public, there is something resembling class about the way we were "acquired".... dont you think?
scorer said:
Anyone noticed the difference between our takeover and the Dippers?

When we were taken over nobody except those deep inside the inner sanctum knew about it. The scouse deal is being executedin public, there is something resembling class about the way we were "acquired".... dont you think?
This is what happens when they have no decent buyers they leak out that there is half a dozen buyers ready to buy liverpool and invest billions into the club. The reality is there is one or two buyers scrabbling about trying to find funds to buy Liverpool. Make no mistake Liverpool are in the shit if they don't find a buyer. Hicks and Gillet just want out ASAP they a loosing Millions and millions every week they still own the pool!!
This Kirdi guy seems to have some serious link with Syria... Syria? Seriously??

Presidential single party republic under Emergency Law since 1963.
Since 1963 the Emergency Law has been in effect, effectively suspending most constitutional protections for Syrians. Syrian governments have justified the state of emergency in the light of the continuing war with Israel. Syrian citizens approve the President in a referendum. Syria does not hold multi-party elections for the legislature.

Syria has a poor record on human rights. The Assad government has been criticized for arresting democracy and human rights activists, censoring websites, detaining bloggers, and imposing travel bans. Arbitrary detention, torture, and disappearances are widespread. Although Syria's constitution guarantees gender equality, critics say that personal status laws and the penal code discriminate against women and girls. Moreover, it also grants leniency for so-called "honor" crimes.

(In 2009) US intelligence officials are concerned that Syria is becoming an al Qaeda haven, as the terror group becomes increasingly intertwined with Ba’athist groups operating from Iraq's neighbor to the west.

The European Community met on November 10, 1986 to discuss the Hindawi Affair, an attempt to bomb an El Al flight out of London, and the subsequent arrest and trial in the UK of Nizar Hindawi, who allegedly received Syrian government support after the bombing, and possibly beforehand.

LFC must absolutely gagging for a rich owner. If anyone in this takeover bid has even the slightest link to the Syrian government it would be an absolute disgrace...
scorer said:
Anyone noticed the difference between our takeover and the Dippers?

When we were taken over nobody except those deep inside the inner sanctum knew about it. The scouse deal is being executedin public, there is something resembling class about the way we were "acquired".... dont you think?

sort of. if I remember correctly, our takeover had been 'revealed' prior to the event, on a couple of boards, if not this one.

anyway the flipside of that comparison is, the front-man for our takeover was just as shambolic and shady as Huang. if not more so. and let's not forget what had gone on immediately prior to the takeover.

I'm still with you tho.. very skeptical about their chances of all their prayers being answered.

i can't shake the feeling I had at the beginning; they had to stop Torres leaving in a cut price deal, or perhaps they had to spin the fact there were no serious bids. either way, 'they' fed the papers.

CIC being involved might be undeniable and hard to disprove, but it might be nothing more than a trivial coincidence that they have money behind a fund involved in the bid.... and the bid could still be nothing more than a speculative attempt to get the debt cheap, oust H&G, raise morale, cobble together a grand plan for the future, raise the profile. then either get the rest of the finance together, or just sell the whole 'project' for a quick, small profit (sort of like what happened with Thaksin). The big incentive for them being, if they can hang on for a year and a bit, the wider economy will recover, investors might just start fighting over something like this.

I might be wrong, but a week into this, I've yet to see anything that convinces me it's any more than that.

But anyway, it appears H&G have found someone who will buy enough to let them pay off the immediate RBS debt. If they can do that, RBS have no leverage over them, they can hang on indefinitely with the hope of still making some money.... indefinitely until the next cash crisis, anyway. Could be a double bluff however, to make sure Huang or whoever know there is no way they can get the Club without paying them off.
If the buyers bide there time they could get Liverpool for a lot less. Let them go into recievership then take over the club. Liverpool get docked points but nobody would be expecting Liverpool to win the title this year. So docked 9 points and easely stay in the league get a new owner and then build slowly for years to come.

Means they will have a better chance of building a new stadium aswell. If the buy out happens then they wont be able to afford a brand new staduim.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.anfieldroad.com/news/201008073868/yahya-kirdi-fantasy-island-without-the-planes.html/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.anfieldroad.com/news/2010080 ... anes.html/</a>
I know there are massive problems with the debt loaded on Liverpool.

I know that at least 2 credible buyers walked away and have never looked back once they were allowed full access to the clubs books.

The question is of course why is Liverpool so difficult to sell to anyone? Its not as if there are any real bidders in the frame as far as we can tell.

So have decent bidders been warned off somehow?

The plot thickens.
fbloke said:
I know there are massive problems with the debt loaded on Liverpool.

I know that at least 2 credible buyers walked away and have never looked back once they were allowed full access to the clubs books.

The question is of course why is Liverpool so difficult to sell to anyone? Its not as if there are any real bidders in the frame as far as we can tell.

So have decent bidders been warned off somehow?

The plot thickens.

Not really a thickening plot or anything unusual.

There are lots of reasons NOT to buy Liverpool right now: unrealistic vendor valuation, a loss making business, substantial capex requirements, uncertain ability to generate increased revenues without Champions League football, The "City Factor" making finishing top 4/winning trophies that much harder, global financial crisis, inability to charge top prices at the gate, lack of youth development etc etc.

Liverpool is a big big club today but that doesn't mean a) it will be in the future or b) it can ever be a financially viable investment unless the in-price is very low.

So far this is unfolding exactly how it should. H&G are not coming away with a huge profit from this deal. I very much doubt they don't already know that for all the press bull. They bought at the top of the market and the investment has performed only ok with worse to come in 2010-11 following the failure to make Champions League.

Liverpool were/are as dependent on the Champions League as Hull were on the Premiership and, like Hull, the wage bill is far too high to be self sustaining without it. Unlike the Premier League, the Champions League doesn't currently pay any parachute payments!

Arguably the question is why would anyone want to buy Liverpool right now? The competitive landscape has never been worse for Liverpool and from a financial perspective this simply can't be ignored such is the importance of Champions League to the profits of any top football club.

And don't yet write off a sale of Torres. £50-70m is a huge part of the value of this club and if, as I expect, no deal is happening this summer, the risk of holding on to a player with a dubious injury record and high wages may well be too high. As much as I think RBS are relatively relaxed at the moment, they are bound to feel much better if the borrowings could be reduced to less that £180m.

Despite all this there is still a chance of someone coming from nowhere and buying a new toy. It happened with Chelsea and it happened with us. But really why bother?
No one is coming to liverpool's rescue. The club (rather than the fans), is rotten to the core. Local gangsters regularly stroll into the players lounge and hospitality after games, the council is corrupt beyond belief, this has been the main reason behind the knock back and delays for both teams new grounds. The graft would be outrageous and G&H and Kenwright (I know, Everton) all know this, which is aside from a set of books to be compaired to Somalia, no one wants stump up the cash thats needed. Just look at Gerrards of field conduct. The clubs a mess and Torres WILL be gone Feb 2011 at the latest.

-- Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:59 am --

Oh, and who exactly wants to go into a bidding war with the two richest individuals in Europe, in the same league with the same ( in theory), natural resource, that the whole world relies on ( for probably the next 2,000 years), when as the rags owners, G&H and now Randy baby have shown that its oil, makes the world tick, not property booms, shopping malls, or the stock market. Year on year, its oil which and its cost per barrell that sets the beat, that the dances to.
Thats why the future is Blue peopls, a beautifull shade of sky blue.
projectriver said:
And don't yet write off a sale of Torres. £50-70m is a huge part of the value of this club and if, as I expect, no deal is happening this summer, the risk of holding on to a player with a dubious injury record and high wages may well be too high. As much as I think RBS are relatively relaxed at the moment, they are bound to feel much better if the borrowings could be reduced to less that £180m.

There are no buyers for Torres at that price... well, probably not. For one thing the transfer market has contracted this summer. David Villa's price dropped by a third in 12 months despite proving himself better than ever. And there is little urgency on the part of the two or three clubs in a position to buy Torres. Certainly not until he can prove he has overcome the fitness problems, which, over the last 12 months, have left him resembling a shadow of his former self.

70m, twice the fee achieved this summer for his equally talented colleague... for someone who broke down within seconds on his last appearance? despite Fernando being a couple of years younger than David, I think it's absolutely impossible.

Something like 40m + 30m in appearance money might be achievable. but how would RBS mark that 30m as theirs?

Perhaps H&G would take 40m to pay off RBS and keep things going. Perhaps not.

The big problem is that without him, the chances of regaining the Champions League Revenues are slim indeed. so in addition to the loss of prestige and status he bestows on the club, and the loss of ticket sales, merchandising revenues, the collapse in moral amongst the fans... remove all prospect of regaining those C/L revenues, now see how people value the club. presumably this scenario is not in H&G's interest. surely it's not in the interest of anyone with 250m secured against the club.

In any case, if the sale possibly represents the bulk of whatever cash you might see from your debtor this year..... surely you'd prefer them to wait and get full value. Just admitting that you need to sell him weakens the position. Likewise, he couldn't be allowed to force the issue and hand in a transfer request.

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