Discontent that will end the Tory Govt is coming

Thanks, she is now home again so I and the family can look after her but she has already told me if she has any more health problems not to ring for a Ambulance as she wants to be / will be ok at home,
Genuine question do you think things would be noticably better if Labour were in power? or anyone else for that matter.

Yes - you have to start from the point of view that in 2010 the Tories gained power with an austerity agenda and systematically ran the NHS down. Their aim was to repeat what they had done previous with rail - privatise it. And you develop a public appetite for that by making the service so shit the public believe you when you say it needs privatisation.

So any other govt of any other persuasion - or indeed a Tory one with a different ideology - and not starving the NHS of funding 12 years ago means it would not be in the state its in now even post pandemic.
Sorry to hear about your dad,
To be honest I am aged 60 & have never voted in my life although due to various reasons I have always sided with the Conservatives, I know it would be difficult for things to get worse but genuine question, do you think things would get noticably better under labour? (or anyone else for that matter)
I dont usually get into politics because it often just turns into pointless insults, cheers.
Of course it would. More was spent in real terms on the NHS in the 13 years they were in power than at any other time, and they managed to do that without crashing the economy (leaving aside the global financial crisis which wasn’t down to them). So no reason to think they would be as hopeless as the current lot.
Yes - you have to start from the point of view that in 2010 the Tories gained power with an austerity agenda and systematically ran the NHS down. Their aim was to repeat what they had done previous with rail - privatise it. And you develop a public appetite for that by making the service so shit the public believe you when you say it needs privatisation.

So any other govt of any other persuasion - or indeed a Tory one with a different ideology - and not starving the NHS of funding 12 years ago means it would not be in the state its in now even post pandemic.
It certainly looks like Labour will get the chance to change things for the better in the next few years, I just hope to god they do.
Of course it would. More was spent in real terms on the NHS in the 13 years they were in power than at any other time, and they managed to do that without crashing the economy (leaving aside the global financial crisis which wasn’t down to them). So no reason to think they would be as hopeless as the current lot.
I really hope your right because something needs to happen.
Are there any private sector companies striking?...no, they can’t hold a gun at the private sectors collective head!
Are we all in this ‘belt tightening together? Are we fuck!
where does the money come from to pay an extra 17-20%?

Mass delusion on a grand scale.
Royal Mail for starters. BT and EE were out not long ago. Did you miss the railways being privatised?

Delusional post.
Sorry to hear about your dad,
To be honest I am aged 60 & have never voted in my life although due to various reasons I have always sided with the Conservatives, I know it would be difficult for things to get worse but genuine question, do you think things would get noticably better under labour? (or anyone else for that matter)
I dont usually get into politics because it often just turns into pointless insults, cheers.
I don’t think things will get appreciably better under Labour because I see very little difference between the two. Since Tony Blair, the Labour Party has been Tory lite. That’s largely due to the media, who can make or break a political party. Blair was wise enough to see this, but the shift of the party to the right removed any real choice that the electorate had in being able to vote for a different way. I just look at where the country is now and can say hand on heart, it has little to do with left wing politics. It’s been 43 years since a left-wing politician, James Callaghan, exercised any power in this country.
Are there any private sector companies striking?...no, they can’t hold a gun at the private sectors collective head!
Are we all in this ‘belt tightening together? Are we fuck!
where does the money come from to pay an extra 17-20%?

Mass delusion on a grand scale.
Yes. Polyfloor who are just down the road from me for starters. Out for months but finally settled for 9% plus two 'bonus' payments of £600 plus.

The narrative that this is all the 'greedy' public sector versus the 'virtuous' private sector is just that, a narrative, put out by the RW media, and it is bollocks. What they don't mention is that the public sector is now very much smaller than it was. The Post Office, for example, is in the private sector, and on strike. They also don't mention that what's left of the public sector has had its wages practically frozen for ten years. That is the root of the problem.

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