Discontent that will end the Tory Govt is coming

Are there any private sector companies striking?...no, they can’t hold a gun at the private sectors collective head!
Are we all in this ‘belt tightening together? Are we fuck!
where does the money come from to pay an extra 17-20%?

Mass delusion on a grand scale.
BT and openreach both been on strike recently
Are there any private sector companies striking?...no, they can’t hold a gun at the private sectors collective head!
Are we all in this ‘belt tightening together? Are we fuck!
where does the money come from to pay an extra 17-20%?

Mass delusion on a grand scale.
Of course there isn't. The private sector has been de-unionised so it is more lean and 'competetive'. It's only the public sector and their collective action that acts as a check on private sector employees having Dickensian pay and conditions.
Yes. Polyfloor who are just down the road from me for starters. Out for months but finally settled for 9% plus two 'bonus' payments of £600 plus.

The narrative that this is all the 'greedy' public sector versus the 'virtuous' private sector is just that, a narrative, put out by the RW media, and it is bollocks. What they don't mention is that the public sector is now very much smaller than it was. The Post Office, for example, is in the private sector, and on strike. They also don't mention that what's left of the public sector has had its wages practically frozen for ten years. That is the root of the problem.
I suspect you’d be better off talking to my dog than that poster.
They have broken everything

Are there any private sector companies striking?...no, they can’t hold a gun at the private sectors collective head!
Are we all in this ‘belt tightening together? Are we fuck!
where does the money come from to pay an extra 17-20%?

Mass delusion on a grand scale.
Are there any private sector companies striking?...no, they can’t hold a gun at the private sectors collective head!
Are we all in this ‘belt tightening together? Are we fuck!
where does the money come from to pay an extra 17-20%?

Mass delusion on a grand scale.
With Royal Mail having been sold off at half the market value by the self-servatives, rail companies likewise and many other privatised companies on strike, you appear totally brainwashed.
Add to that, I, and many other public sector workers am £5,000 per annum worse off than I was 12 years ago due to tories making workers pay for the bankers recklessness (at least Iceland done the honourable thing and jailed those responsible in their country).
That is almost £100 a week from ONE PERSON that is no longer being spent in the local butcher's, chippy, pub, restaurant etc.
With quite a few others in a similar position one of the two pubs in my village has closed, meaning 20 people have lost their jobs, and the chancellor has lost that tax revenue and the benefits bill has gone up.
The other pub is now only open Thursday, Friday evenings and a Saturday.
The chipp had to close, though it has recently reopened but with reduced hours and staff.
Cutting workers wages doesn't "grow" the economy, it shrinks it.
Removing the cap on bankers bonuses will boost the sales of sports cars, yachts and sales of champagne, but it will do nothing for the ordinary man and woman.
12 years of the Tories has been a disaster, especially following on from another 30 years of neo-liberal capitalist policy.
Are there any private sector companies striking?...no, they can’t hold a gun at the private sectors collective head!
Are we all in this ‘belt tightening together? Are we fuck!
where does the money come from to pay an extra 17-20%?

Mass delusion on a grand scale.
Glad you admit it.

The private sector by and large hasn't needed strikes to get pay rises higher than the public sector. Employers have to pay more to recruit and retain staff. In the public sector the government just doesn't care about staff shortages caused by low wages (and lies about the numbers).

On the railways, privatisation brought little competition for the passengers but it did bring competition for staff (driver pay shot up) and train companies settled separately with the unions. The Financial Times explains:

"In the pre-Covid era, the train operators were able to negotiate with the unions on an individual basis rather than collectively, making accommodations easier to come by. That changed when the pandemic ended the franchising model and the train companies became fee-driven operators bearing none of the revenue risk, with the taxpayer taking it on instead. And with the government standing behind the budget, it inevitably ends up setting the terms of the pay package. That leaves employers — bunched together as the Rail Delivery Group — stuck trying to agree tricky nationwide reforms such as driver-only operated trains that, while acceptable on some parts of the network, are a red rag to the RMT union on others."

These lot surely don't survive another GE. I don't mind living in the UK, despite there being many things I detest about it. But if our gullible populace hand this shower the keys to another mandate, I'll have to leave.

Enough is enough. How many more ruptures in the system need to be seen before people wise up?
With Royal Mail having been sold off at half the market value by the self-servatives, rail companies likewise and many other privatised companies on strike, you appear totally brainwashed.
Add to that, I, and many other public sector workers am £5,000 per annum worse off than I was 12 years ago due to tories making workers pay for the bankers recklessness (at least Iceland done the honourable thing and jailed those responsible in their country).
That is almost £100 a week from ONE PERSON that is no longer being spent in the local butcher's, chippy, pub, restaurant etc.
With quite a few others in a similar position one of the two pubs in my village has closed, meaning 20 people have lost their jobs, and the chancellor has lost that tax revenue and the benefits bill has gone up.
The other pub is now only open Thursday, Friday evenings and a Saturday.
The chipp had to close, though it has recently reopened but with reduced hours and staff.
Cutting workers wages doesn't "grow" the economy, it shrinks it.
Removing the cap on bankers bonuses will boost the sales of sports cars, yachts and sales of champagne, but it will do nothing for the ordinary man and woman.
12 years of the Tories has been a disaster, especially following on from another 30 years of neo-liberal capitalist policy.
Working for the Prison service public sector I totally agree. I’m worse off now than others who do a similar job in the private sector.
Not had a pay rise under the Tory government, even though the pay review body, which is our only bargaining tool, has recommended a pay rise every year.
The service is on its knees due to government cuts, and it is illegal for us to take any strike action. The only way for us to show any dissent is for us to retreat to safe areas( like the gate area of the prison), when it is unsafe for us and prisoners,due to staffing cuts. We are then ordered back into the prisons by the high courts.
Our ability to take industrial action was removed by the government whilst being reviewed under European law.
I and many others now live under the constant threat of extended shifts and being ordered to work on our rest days and our annual leave being cancelled, whilst not being paid any overtime.
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