Discontent that will end the Tory Govt is coming

Public sector pensions were changed years ago to average rather than final salary, stupidly these tories did a lot of it illegally and as result the government owe £20 billion back in pensions plus they are now paying out compensation, they thought they could steam roll us but thanks to the FBU and the judges union we won. The government are now saying that pension members should be responsible for the deficit when clearly they are not, they are cunts and there are people who have been retired years who are owed upto £50/60 k in backs payments next October.
didn't a member of the fire brigade take the " new " public sector pension brought in during 2018 to the high court,it was slow going through because of covid,but he won and someone like me ,in the nhs one that was changed in 2018,im eligible to choose my last 4 years contrubutions to be kept in the older better pension i was in before they brought the new,obligatory one in in 2018, iv been told,when you reitire you can choose to have those 4 years contributions kept in the old pension scheme,as they're not doing it automaticly,its good news for me if it all happens
didn't a member of the fire brigade take the " new " public sector pension brought in during 2018 to the high court,it was slow going through because of covid,but he won and someone like me ,in the nhs one that was changed in 2018,im eligible to choose my last 4 years contrubutions to be kept in the older better pension i was in before they brought the new,obligatory one in in 2018, iv been told,when you reitire you can choose to have those 4 years contributions kept in the old pension scheme,as they're not doing it automaticly,its good news for me if it all happens
It was the fbu and judges union, it was to do with age discrimination, so everyone has to be put back on their old final salary schemes until April this year, it makes helluva difference as certainly in the fire service 92 pension you made your best money in the last 10 years of service, it could be as much as £50 lump sum difference in some cases! Now thanks to us every public sector worker has won back there stolen pensions.
It was the fbu and judges union, it was to do with age discrimination, so everyone has to be put back on their old final salary schemes until April this year, it makes helluva difference as certainly in the fire service 92 pension you made your best money in the last 10 years of service, it could be as much as £50 lump sum difference in some cases! Now thanks to us every public sector worker has won back there stolen pensions.
It only protected you if you retired by March, otherwise it is back to CARE from 2014 or 2015 depending on who the employer is. The ones who don't benefit are paying for it now.
It only protected you if you retired by March, otherwise it is back to CARE from 2014 or 2015 depending on who the employer is. The ones who don't benefit are paying for it now.
It gave you back over 7 years of missing pension for some , that was hell of a lot to some people mate, the 3 years I lost out and now am getting back was worth £10k lump sum and £150 a month. Like I said for others it was worth a lot more. So nearly everyone benefitted.
It was the fbu and judges union, it was to do with age discrimination, so everyone has to be put back on their old final salary schemes until April this year, it makes helluva difference as certainly in the fire service 92 pension you made your best money in the last 10 years of service, it could be as much as £50 lump sum difference in some cases! Now thanks to us every public sector worker has won back there stolen pensions.
i was told by our salary department about it this year when they fucked my whole P60 for last year. They said everyone in the 1995 section will have the choice to have the credits paid up to 2022,after that everyone new or old has to join the 2015 scheme,
like you say ,those 4 years make a big difference.
i cant remembet if that new scheme came in in 15 or 2018, i know it was
pay more
for longer to
eventually recieve less.

triple tory whammy and the whole nhs excepted it
i was told by our salary department about it this year when they fucked my whole P60 for last year. They said everyone in the 1995 section will have the choice to have the credits paid up to 2022,after that everyone new or old has to join the 2015 scheme,
like you say ,those 4 years make a big difference.
i cant remembet if that new scheme came in in 15 or 2018, i know it was
pay more
for longer to
eventually recieve less.

triple tory whammy and the whole nhs excepted it
It was 2015 mate, as you say you will also get the choice at the end of your career to make a choice between legacy and new scheme, which is another win. Brown back in 2006 made people work longer but they did it in a way that you paid slightly less to compensate, the ducking tories ripped that up not 6 years later (after previous promises it wouldn’t be touched). Pay more, for longer to get less and it’s helluva lot less. I count myself lucky to have “got away” with it and retired when I did, some arent so lucky.
Those headlines are remarkable even for the Mail. Power cuts will happen and will be the Met Office’s fault, and Meghan Markle killed the Queen.

Actually on second thoughts, it’s fairly standard for the Mail. I’m only surprised they’ve not blamed Labour for some obscure imaginary Met Office funding decision from 20 years ago, and also blamed Meghan for killing Princess Di.

Wait until there is no food in the shops then they bring out the big guns mate - CORBYN!! And MILLIBAND'S DAD !! Did this !!!
Maybe you should attend another seminar soon because public sector pensions, which were ALWAYS sold as deferred pay, have changed massively in the last ten years (see the McCloud judgement), with pensionable age rising for females from 60 to 67 or depending on age 68, and pension changing from final salary to average earnings, at the same time as wages have been cut year on year, up to 20% in real terms.

This struggle is NOT about public sector V's Private Sector, it is workers against the landed gentry and the obscenely wealthy that want to deprive us of even the crumbs from their table.

At a time when the average earnings of CEO's in the FTSEtop 100 has risen by 39% in the
Last 12 months, while workers wages have dropped at a faster rate since the industrial revolution, it is time for change.
Maybe you should attend another seminar soon because public sector pensions, which were ALWAYS sold as deferred pay, have changed massively in the last ten years (see the McCloud judgement), with pensionable age rising for females from 60 to 67 or depending on age 68, and pension changing from final salary to average earnings, at the same time as wages have been cut year on year, up to 20% in real terms.

This struggle is NOT about public sector V's Private Sector, it is workers against the landed gentry and the obscenely wealthy that want to deprive us of even the crumbs from their table.

At a time when the average earnings of CEO's in the FTSEtop 100 has risen by 39% in the
Last 12 months, while workers wages have dropped at a faster rate since the industrial revolution, it is time for change.

Great post, enough is enough.

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