Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 2)

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St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Danamy said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
You won't like it.

Come on the suspense is killing me of this manager that's currently available to take us forward?

Arrrr you didn't say available mate. For the record mate-I don't want him to be sacked I am just posting some very genuine concerns I have.
OK available or not available, lets hear the name ?
Jimfv1 said:
kp789 said:
Pablo1 said:
Whilst this is a fair way to look at it, the fact is we could already be out of the title race and Europe before the players adapt. So that means this season is a write off. I've read plenty on here since his arrival hinting that he's only going to be here two years anyway. So what happens if that's true and he has us playing how he wants for his last season, do we go through it all again the year after for a new man?
I'm far from convinced at the moment, though the manor in which last night played out probably has more to do with my negativity than anything else.
If he is only going to be here for 2 seasons then the whole venture is pointless, we should have kept Roberto on, or gone all out for Mourinho as an 'impact manager'. Im trying to look at the long term, it is frustrating and I think the two main areas that he needs to sort fast are the strike partnership and our midfield shape. Dzeko and Negredo cannot play together as Dzeko plays as the target man and does not give Negredo anything to play with, Negredo and Aguero is an awesome partnership, one which Negredo has come out and said he enjoys. The way we are set up with a 4-4-2 is not defensively sound at all. Yaya is so defensively lazy that it isnt even funny. This puts extra pressure on Fernandinho. Personally I would adapt a 4-5-1 and bring in Milner alongside Fernandinho as CDM's and then let Yaya play further forward, this way he does not have as heavy a defensive responsibility (not that he takes much interest in that part of the game anyway)

Mourinho would have won a couple of trophies but nothing would really have changed. He motivates players but so did Mancini and so can Pellegrini, the setup of the team needs overhauling, and the dependency by some players on the few who make a difference. This team relied on Tevez far too much and he has now gone, not because he was forced out but because he didn't want to sign a new contract, now they rely on either Yaya or Kompany. The players have to work for each other and play as a team which is what Pellegrini is trying to instill in them, last night was woeful, and both the players and manager were at fault, but he can't be that poor again.
That is what I am saying about Mourinho, he is not a long term manager and if we only want one for "2 years" why bother sacking Mancini? I agree with your comments about Tevez, it seems that him leaving has sorted of exposed the two key strengths in our team in Kompany and Yaya, although I think that we would be fine without Yaya, and playing a flat 4-4-2 as although we would lack his potent attacking threat, defensively we would be so much better off.
kp789 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
kp789 said:
How can you have no patience after supporting City for the past couple of decades?

More than a couple, my friend.
Patience is one thing, but watching one of the supposed managerial hottest properties in Europe bereft of inspiration and looking baffled on the touchline when a blind man with a stick can what see the problem is something else, and it hardly inspires confidence for the future.
I want to be wrong, I really do.
But right now I have the nagging doubt that I may be horribly right.
Ok, I appreciate what you are saying, I want to put it down to the fact that he does not seem to be very animated on the touchline which we are used to with Mancini. Maybe I am just to optimistic to be a city fan. I just think that he can do a job and once he settles in, will do so. Last night it was obvious that the players felt over awed, we were tactically bang wrong and to their credit, Bayern smashed us. To soften the blow we can take into account the incredible quality in their squad (although we too have this, maybe not to their level but not too far if you look at individuals) and the quality of their manager who is a genius in my opinion. I would rate him as the best in the world at the moment and at such a young age for a manager, can only get better. I can see him and Martinez (slate me for it but I think he is quality) becoming the two best and at such an early stage in their managerial careers.

I certainly won't slate you regarding Martinez.
He is astute, erudite, ( I know most on here think that is a type of adhesive ), and a keen student of the game who I have a lot of time for.
When Mancini went, I was one of the very few who wanted him as a replacement on here, but hey ho.
I fervently hope you are right on this one.
If you are, I will gladly buy you a pint.
Or several.
BillyShears said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
bluemcr said:
If it all goes belly up, I will chip in with my tupence for a party and give you your deserved gold star. That's what you want.
If he is a success then all you have to do is hide behind your computer
and apoligise. I'm sorry but I will take the optimistic approach.

Seriously mate-If you can't debate properly and accept lots of fans have doubts then why post shit like that. It's an interesting debate tonight,no snideness anywhere then you come along and act like a fucking schoolgirl!!!
For what it's worth.I don't want anyone to fail-How many times.I have genuine genuine concerns-that is all.

Fuck me am I the only person who read this post and then had an overwhelming urge to do the rest of this year's ironing!

bluemcr said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
bluemcr said:
If it all goes belly up, I will chip in with my tupence for a party and give you your deserved gold star. That's what you want.
If he is a success then all you have to do is hide behind your computer
and apoligise. I'm sorry but I will take the optimistic approach.

Seriously mate-If you can't debate properly and accept lots of fans have doubts then why post shit like that. It's an interesting debate tonight,no snideness anywhere then you come along and act like a fucking schoolgirl!!!
For what it's worth.I don't want anyone to fail-How many times.I have genuine genuine concerns-that is all.
Fair comment but why 5 games may I ask.
I think that 10-11 games is about the fair benchmark to make a reasoned view of the new manager.Many would say not,maybe a full season but I doubt the powers that be would keep the safety catch on the fire button should we have a disasterous season
mike channon´s windmill said:
kp789 said:
Pablo1 said:
Whilst this is a fair way to look at it, the fact is we could already be out of the title race and Europe before the players adapt. So that means this season is a write off. I've read plenty on here since his arrival hinting that he's only going to be here two years anyway. So what happens if that's true and he has us playing how he wants for his last season, do we go through it all again the year after for a new man?
I'm far from convinced at the moment, though the manor in which last night played out probably has more to do with my negativity than anything else.
If he is only going to be here for 2 seasons then the whole venture is pointless, we should have kept Roberto on, or gone all out for Mourinho as an 'impact manager'. Im trying to look at the long term, it is frustrating and I think the two main areas that he needs to sort fast are the strike partnership and our midfield shape. Dzeko and Negredo cannot play together as Dzeko plays as the target man and does not give Negredo anything to play with, Negredo and Aguero is an awesome partnership, one which Negredo has come out and said he enjoys. The way we are set up with a 4-4-2 is not defensively sound at all. Yaya is so defensively lazy that it isnt even funny. This puts extra pressure on Fernandinho. Personally I would adapt a 4-5-1 and bring in Milner alongside Fernandinho as CDM's and then let Yaya play further forward, this way he does not have as heavy a defensive responsibility (not that he takes much interest in that part of the game anyway)
Agree with all that but there´s not the slightest sign yet that he will actually take heed
His passivity on the touchline and on the bench is already pissing people off. If things go tits up on Sat (and there´s every chance they will) the fans will look at his reaction and tbh I can already hear the chorus of "you don´t know what you´re doing" ringing in my ears
I hope to fookin God all my misgivings have been totally misplaced - I really do. Don´t want anyone to fail but I´ve had this awful feeling since day one
Comparisons with Malaga btw are really null and void for all the obvious reasons, For me with this squad he had to hit the ground running with an occasional hiccup. Unfortunately the hiccups have not been one-offs or freaks. Too many for coincidence sorry to say
Stark contrast to Mancini and many managers in the league, not necessarily a bad thing, but something I cant stand. I want to see my manager visibly fixing the issues.
cleavers said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Danamy said:
Come on the suspense is killing me of this manager that's currently available to take us forward?

Arrrr you didn't say available mate. For the record mate-I don't want him to be sacked I am just posting some very genuine concerns I have.
OK available or not available, lets hear the name ?

My first choice would be either Klopp or Guardiola-But we know that isn't going to happen anytime soon.
As I said we have to stick with the current manager however if it doesn't work out and the 2 above are still not available then for me Benitez. (Tin hat donned)
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Danamy said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
You won't like it.

Come on the suspense is killing me of this manager that's currently available to take us forward?

Arrrr you didn't say available mate. For the record mate-I don't want him to be sacked I am just posting some very genuine concerns I have.

Evening SHBE
After last season, 11 points behind Utd in the league, out of the Carling Cup in the 1st round after conceding 4 at home to a poor Villa team, losing to relegated Wigan in the Cup final, player rows, staff morale very low and no wins from 6 in the Champions League and you'd seriously have Mancini back? Just what aspect of this hugely successful 2012/13 season do you think merits Mancini being back in charge and been trusted with a £100 million summer spending kitty?
Marvin said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Marvin said:
Turn what around?

We lost against the European Champions and are what 6th or 7th after a handful of games


Marv-The loss against Bayern is not a problem. The manner of the loss and the total lack of tactical nouse shown by the manager to stem the flow is what is concerning.As Fetters has said,If myself,my 12yr old lad and every other city fan could see what was happening,then why couldn't the boss?
He needs to turn our away form around.
The manner of the loss had nothing at all to do with tactics

I said the same last season about our losses In Europe. It's mental and has little to do with the respective managers

I saw player's confidence ebb as they made silly errors. Just like Ajax at home last season. hart making a handling error was far more key than what formation we were set up in

I agree we need to improve our away results, but our performances have improved

I think it's wrong to dwell on a European game where we struggle, especially when it's against a team who are arguably the best ever team

We need to put a run of results together now, starting with a difficult game against Everton

I can't honestly believe you could have watched that game last night and not thought we needed an extra man in midfield.

The strongest mental toughness in the world won't get you the ball back when you're playing the European Champions 6 against 4 in midfield.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
My first choice would be either Klopp or Guardiola-But we know that isn't going to happen anytime soon.
As I said we have to stick with the current manager however if it doesn't work out and the 2 above are still not available then for me Benitez. (Tin hat donned)
He's no more available than the other 2 though, so why is he more realistic ?
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