Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 2)

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Danamy said:
The crazy, ironic, bizarre, stupid, silly........just pick a word.......thing about it all is the people that were crying out for stability last season for the club are now wanting the managers head within one and a half months of the season?

That's what I'm finding hard to get my head around, is this shit real?

When you know you have a dud you cut the cord quickly and move on before he does anymore damage! If we keep losing games it won't just be some fans wanting him gone the players will to..
waspish said:
Danamy said:
The crazy, ironic, bizarre, stupid, silly........just pick a word.......thing about it all is the people that were crying out for stability last season for the club are now wanting the managers head within one and a half months of the season?

That's what I'm finding hard to get my head around, is this shit real?

When you know you have a dud you cut the cord quickly and move on before he does anymore damage! If we keep losing games it won't just be some fans wanting him gone the players will to..

Well those same players would need to have a good hard look at why they are at City if that was the case.

Yes the manager has made some mistakes but he cannot get on the field and ensure that the cock ups that have occurred against Cardiff , Villa and Bayern with an all too alarming frequency don't occur again.

The players and the leaders on the field have to take responsibility for their actions and or inaction and as has been drilled over and over again can do positive constructive things to ensure they remain vigilant and compact to minimise damage when under the cosh.

Its a group effort and people on hear saying MP was solely responsible for our demise against Bayern etc are deluding themselves.

Where has the leadership been from VK in the last two games?

If he seriously thinks comments like if that game was player over again 10 times we would win 9 of them he is kidding himself , it doesn't wash with the people that really care about City being successful and if he had his time over again he would say yes we were a tad unlucky but we created our own downfall by not creating one clear cut shot on goal for all the domination we had in open play.

Yes the heads were down after Bayern scored after 7 minutes and you could tell from the body language of many of our players we didn't want to be there , Bayern tired us out was Micah's response.

Well Micah first game back after a lay off if that's the case what are you and your fellow players doing in recovery using all the money we plow into fitness coaching , conditioning coaching from the supporters hard earned money.

Spare me days what kind of excuse is that for the shambolic display to a man against a good Bayern side and I stress good not great because we made a good side look great.

Remember this is the same side that had to beat a 10 man Chelsea on penalites on a neutral ground FFS.

So yes MP is under the pump , just like Moyes and Jose and every other manager whose side is underperforming but don't think the players are blameless for being unable to implement a game plan that they have decided as a group they want to buy into.

They as much as anybody were responsible for RM's demise and MH's demise and the same will happen to MP if they don't show some bottle , get off their fat ego's and show some grit and determination that is required to prove to the public they are worthy of representing this great club.

They are well paid and we expect 100 per cent effort and commitment from the most expensive squad and supposedly the best squad in the premiership.

Those players embarrassed our club against Bayern , yes the players and they embarrassed management and our owners as well.

Its pointless blaming the manager for that performance without asking serious questions about why Hart is a shadow of his best , why Clichy went AWOL , why Nasty continues to foul in dangerous areas , I could on add infinitum but I think you get my drift.

Poor " formation" or not , poor tactics or not , I expect more from this group and they know they have the power and things in their control to change that during games its not rocket science.

MP will carry the can if results and performances continue and you can bet the owners will act swiftly if his targets are not met so that take care of itself.

In the meantime if the players are so into MP and are a happy lot then its about time they pulled their finger out and give Everton a real spanking on Saturday if they want to avoid more heat being placed on MP.

They should be doing alot better than the dross they have dished out since MP took over.

If they have no respect for the current manager they at least should have respect for themselves and have some pride in their performance and sleep a little easier at night knowing they have justified their immense augmentation of income for at least one game.
Danamy said:
BobKowalski said:
Well I'm still awaiting to be enlightened...incidentally Micah aside where are the players in all this? During pre season it was a tweet fest from Vincent telling us all how marvellous it all was, couldn't wait for the season, never been better prepared. Media was awash with stories about the players feeling 'liberated'. Now ok the media narrative has hit the buffers and Quinny is no longer telling is how much happier Dzeko is but like Lahm did with Pep early on a word or two via social media from the players about how the players are behind the 'new system' (whatever the fuck it is - see previous post) and how it will prove its worth later on in the season would be interesting and give us a flavour of the thinking in the camp. Right now its just Sergio flogging his biography and popping up on the TV telling us there was nothing we could do as BM were so superior to us. Not exactly the never say die spirit Sergio but hey lets hope the book does well.

So anyway about our 'new system'...

All that says to me is how unhappy the players must've been last season, that's all, nothing else

And Micah couldn't get onto playstation or social media as quick as he would have liked because he and the players were running on empty after 30 minutes of Bayern playing ring a ring a rosy with us in our back yard and wouldn't give us any of their toys.

Spare me days.

I must say I have severe reservations about MP at this juncture and I was bemused by the appointment in the first place but by jingo's the inept displays from some of our experienced senior players led by a rudderless VK especially in the last two games aint helping his cause.

If they love him so much then they should pull their finger out and show it on the pitch otherwise it won't be long before the marriage is terminated and it will largely be because the main party didn't know how to tango anymore and all they knew was how to chase shadows.

How about for a change they stop make excuses and put in a shift of note against Everton to put a smile back on an ever aging MP's face.
BillyShears said:
taconinja said:
Truth is that different jobs require different skill sets. I don't know if he has skill set to manage a top team consistently.

Depends on what the overachievement is IMO ... taking Blackburn to sixth in the PL with a limited set of players is a far cry from regularly taking teams to the quarter finals of the CL, after qualifying for said competition. I just don't think it's in the least bit rational to think Pellegrini doesn't have the skill set required to be highly successful at City.
Sorry for the late response. Been busy with work etc. since making that comment.

It's quite possible he does. His specialty might be motivating teams without superstars. He might have everything it takes to succeed. So far we don't have enough to say for sure. I don't blame anyone for worrying though.
cleavers said:
Marvin said:
Can't believe you've spent time trying to analyse it."
Well I for one am grateful for JMW's analysis, and links, thanks.

I came out of the ground last night not knowing if we'd seen the best team I have ever seen beat us, and that this was the reason we looked so bad, or whether we were just that bloody poor, and made them look better than they were.

Having seen the graphs and analysis, I'm now more convinced than ever that it was our failings that contributed most, and Bayern benefitted from a damn poor showing from us. How we kept it to 1-3 I'm still not sure, and I'll bet Bayern felt the same way when they got on the plane. It was an embarrasing performance, simple as that.
No question we made them look dynamite, mainly due to tactics and goal gifting. They get harder games against much weaker Bundesliga teams.
Jumanji said:
cleavers said:
Marvin said:
Can't believe you've spent time trying to analyse it."
Well I for one am grateful for JMW's analysis, and links, thanks.

I came out of the ground last night not knowing if we'd seen the best team I have ever seen beat us, and that this was the reason we looked so bad, or whether we were just that bloody poor, and made them look better than they were.

Having seen the graphs and analysis, I'm now more convinced than ever that it was our failings that contributed most, and Bayern benefitted from a damn poor showing from us. How we kept it to 1-3 I'm still not sure, and I'll bet Bayern felt the same way when they got on the plane. It was an embarrasing performance, simple as that.
No question we made them look dynamite, mainly due to tactics and goal gifting. They get harder games against much weaker Bundesliga teams.

The mindset of our players has been off the boil this season.

When we go behind we don't have the fortitude to get back into the contest.

Its nothing to do with the way we are set up , it's got more to do with what is in the players head.

We will know we are an improving side when we react well to adversity.
waspish said:
Danamy said:
The crazy, ironic, bizarre, stupid, silly........just pick a word.......thing about it all is the people that were crying out for stability last season for the club are now wanting the managers head within one and a half months of the season?

That's what I'm finding hard to get my head around, is this shit real?

When you know you have a dud you cut the cord quickly and move on before he does anymore damage! If we keep losing games it won't just be some fans wanting him gone the players will to..
If that doesnt work out, then another new manager, same rinse and repeat. Have 4-5 managers per season. we are sure to hit the jackpot sometime.
BillyShears said:
bluemoon73 said:
BillyShears said:
You match going massives barely cover the fucking electricity bill.

Check the finances at City next time you get a chance. Might clue you in as to why the last clown got sacked and why crying about not backing him was well wide of the mark ...

Yeah man thank fuck for your sky sub.

Manchester City Football Club Income Breakdown (per season)

Gate and matchday: £22m

TV and broadcasting: £88m
So not only are you having a go at City fans for having the temerity to actually attend matches, you're actually using revenues as if it were some kind of logical argument in your favour? Erm Billy, has it ever crossed your mind that fans who go to matches still have Sky Sports subscriptions? Has the further thought entered your mind that English subscribers pay far more for match rights to English matches than foreign subscribers?

I had some sympathy for you when people made jibes about you living abroad and not attending matches frequently, after these two farcical and idiotic posts though, you don't deserve any. However, I know my previous sympathy will mean little to you because I'm a match-going massive...
mancity1 said:
Jumanji said:
cleavers said:
Well I for one am grateful for JMW's analysis, and links, thanks.

I came out of the ground last night not knowing if we'd seen the best team I have ever seen beat us, and that this was the reason we looked so bad, or whether we were just that bloody poor, and made them look better than they were.

Having seen the graphs and analysis, I'm now more convinced than ever that it was our failings that contributed most, and Bayern benefitted from a damn poor showing from us. How we kept it to 1-3 I'm still not sure, and I'll bet Bayern felt the same way when they got on the plane. It was an embarrasing performance, simple as that.
No question we made them look dynamite, mainly due to tactics and goal gifting. They get harder games against much weaker Bundesliga teams.

The mindset of our players has been off the boil this season.

When we go behind we don't have the fortitude to get back into the contest.

Its nothing to do with the way we are set up , it's got more to do with what is in the players head.

We will know we are an improving side when we react well to adversity.

Thats when Carlos Teves stepped in. I believe Negrado can do the same job. Its not an holistic approach, its not a game plan, its known as having a pair of bollocks.
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