Discuss Pellegrini

BillyShears said:
simon23 said:
BillyShears said:
I would suggest the over active imagination of a pissed up Blue dreaming of a quick return for Mancini.

billy - drop the obsession just like you say others should (and rightly so)

No idea what you're talking about. You asked where a fucking idiotic rumour like that came from. I told you, and I suspect I'm bang on the money. The only people who are obsessed are the sad fuckers who troll around after me acting like I personally sacked Mancini.

im talking about laying everything at the door with everyone and turning it aournd that if its negative it must be because the person supported mancini (was a mancini inner if you like...i agree some of it is point socring but there are a lot of us who are rightly concerned purely because of when we see on the pitch and nothing else)
waspish said:
BillyShears said:
strongbowholic said:
No, no, no. We simply ned to revert back to how we played last season and the season before defensively. System all the players were comfortable with, knew inside and out and paid dividends. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

It doesn't work like that though. Fundamentally it was broke because we won nothing last season and got made to look like fucking school children in the CL. To implement a new system, one which is more intensive on all the players, will take a little time. But once it's there we'll be better for it.

The best analogy I can draw is the transition Arsenal went through when Wenger came in. Some of their supporters derided his appointment in the same way some of ours are deriding Pellegrini's appointment.

Fair point about Wenger think his first season he finished mid-table would that be acceptable

Wenger finished 3rd in his first season and did the league and FA Cup double in his second.
bluetim said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
It can't be a coincidence we share an identical record with United and Chelsea, currently, both who have also changed the manager?.

But when you consider all things rather than just the points tally, the point you make isn't a good one.

The respective teams played by us, the rags and Chelsea vary in quality. On paper at least.

When the fixtures came out we were delighted with our start and it was fairly unanimous that the rags had a tough start. Chelsea somewhere in between.

After playing Newcastle, Cardiff, Hull and Stoke we should not be level with the rags on 7pts. It was a great chance for us to get 10/12pts on the board and establish on early lead on at least one of our rivals going into the derby.

Its all about form Newcastle and Stoke are both on 7 points aswell and Cardiff have only lost once.
salfordblue-tony2 said:
bluetim said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
It can't be a coincidence we share an identical record with United and Chelsea, currently, both who have also changed the manager?.

But when you consider all things rather than just the points tally, the point you make isn't a good one.

The respective teams played by us, the rags and Chelsea vary in quality. On paper at least.

When the fixtures came out we were delighted with our start and it was fairly unanimous that the rags had a tough start. Chelsea somewhere in between.

After playing Newcastle, Cardiff, Hull and Stoke we should not be level with the rags on 7pts. It was a great chance for us to get 10/12pts on the board and establish on early lead on at least one of our rivals going into the derby.

Its all about form Newcastle and Stoke are both on 7 points aswell and Cardiff have only lost once.

position in the table is irrelevant at the moment...its all about what is going on on the pitch....if we had won all 4 games playing like we have Id still have huge concerns that I have now
BillyShears said:
strongbowholic said:
No, no, no. We simply ned to revert back to how we played last season and the season before defensively. System all the players were comfortable with, knew inside and out and paid dividends. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

It doesn't work like that though. Fundamentally it was broke because we won nothing last season and got made to look like fucking school children in the CL. To implement a new system, one which is more intensive on all the players, will take a little time. But once it's there we'll be better for it.

The best analogy I can draw is the transition Arsenal went through when Wenger came in. Some of their supporters derided his appointment in the same way some of ours are deriding Pellegrini's appointment.

How can it have been broken when we had the best defensive record in the league? What was broken was the lack of pace in the team going forward and the lack of expansiveness (is that word?). The defence was the last thing that needed tinkering imho.
simon23 said:
im talking about laying everything at the door with everyone and turning it aournd that if its negative it must be because the person supported mancini (was a mancini inner if you like...i agree some of it is point socring but there are a lot of us who are rightly concerned purely because of when we see on the pitch and nothing else)

Got no idea what point you're trying to make. You asked a question, I answered it. The fact you didn't like the answer doesn't mean my answer was disingenuous. I told you what I thought, simple.

I've got no problem with anyone who's genuinely concerned and manages to express that concern with some level of intelligence. But as I've said there are posters in this thread who had made their minds up about Pellegrini before he was appointed. I won't be taking anything they post seriously.
Chippy_boy said:
casualdeyna said:
salfordblue-tony2 said:
And with Captain Marvel at the back for most of it.


We've also got to remember that if we are to believe the noises coming out of the club the players have got exactly what they wanted with a manager who says hello to them, massages their egos and treats them with kid gloves to one who behaved like the demon headmaster. So they really should be putting more of a shift in.

Personally I think as such highly paid professionals they should have a manager who will put a rocket up someone's arse and not sulk when "the nasty manager said something horrible to me" but that doesn't seem to be the way with modern footballers

I think you massively over-simplify the required skills of a good manager. And do you really think Baconface got his teams playing full on for 90 minutes by being a friendly old duffer? But even SAF was not all fire and brimstone - it's well documented that he had to tone it down for the Brazilians who would get all upset if (when) he gave them the hairdryer.

Wasn't making any comment on MP's tactics mate, was simply pointing out the players have got the type manager they wanted.

If you want to know what I think of MP than I'm honestly concerned. There have been plenty of foreign managers with good reputations who have failed and I desperately don't want us to have one as it'll result in a disappointing season and another sacking.

So I have faith he will sort it, the alternative I don't want to think about. No manager sends a team out to be insipid, nor do they send them out without any instruction or plan. I can't really tell you what the plan is at the moment but as fans we have to be patient and give him a chance, he wouldn't be the first or last successful manager to have a relatively slow start.
strongbowholic said:
How can it have been broken when we had the best defensive record in the league? What was broken was the lack of pace in the team going forward and the lack of expansiveness (is that word?). The defence was the last thing that needed tinkering imho.

You seem to be viewing the team as separate parts which don't effect each other, which simply isn't the case IMO. Any change in playing style would have to start at the back, therefore any change would effect the back 4. Plus on top of all that, no self respecting football manager who backs his own judgement is going to take a job and then say "right, the way the last guy did things worked so we're just going to do that again".
Just watched goals on Sunday.

Pulis and Reid both stated without hesitation that our build up play/play is far too slow and it allows other teams to get back into position.

Perhaps it's just me, but wasn't that the same complaint about Mancini and his tactics?

When Pelegrini came I was expecting La Liga style footbal. Fast/high tempo, and turning the ball over quickly. Exactly like the performance against Bayern Munich.

Instead City/Pelegrini seems to..........

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