Discuss Pellegrini

RandomJ said:
Why do people keep bringing up the Kompany injury as the root of all our problems? Last time I checked Kompany doesn't score many goals for us and at the moment our biggest problem is we can string a half decent attack together. We didn't even test Stokes keeper ffs.
Under mancini in the title winning season we lost against premier league new boys swansea without kompany... and absolute shocking performances against sunderland away and everton with kompany. I dont know why people here are dreaming of a magical time under roberto, last season was dire at time, we lost an fa cup final to a team that was relegated the following week, roberto had some great times but he was never going to last
Ducado said:
hilts said:
Ducado said:
You see, I don't think you and quite a few other do hope he turns it around, what your hoping for is some vindication that the hurt you felt would be justified when Roberto got the boot, I have read enough on here to draw my own conclusions about what is going on.

And when it does turn around which it will in my opinion you and the rest will be nowhere to be seen, it's exactly the same thing that happened before, we win a few games the outers are nowhere to be seen.

Sure it's fine to air your disappointment, I am not that happy with the last few games, but I know that 4 games in is not the time to be calling for the managers head on a platter

Fair play and if we do well i will be the first to say thank god for that, i was a mancini fan but i want pellegrini to do well, just give me a reason to be optimistic, anybody can say things will improve i just want to know up till this point what you are basing it on, pre season and 4 games is nothing just give me one positive

I can only say what I feel, I am an optimistic person by nature and tend to see the positives even in bad situations, if it does not I will be the first to admit I was wrong, which I don't have a problem with

I saw users painting themselves into corners last season (the outers) and now I am seeing the same thing happening again, too much fixed thinking

going around in circles here mate nothing wrong in looking at the positives but what i am asking is what positives are you seeing? pellegrini could be brilliant but as of now i couldn't argue that point with anyone as i have nothing to back it up with

tell me one thing about him that has impressed you
I really think you have to dismiss today's performance when you look at the circumstances in which the game was played

The team was totally changed from Hull and it had to be that way - despite some comments to the contrary.

We'll have half a team back on Tuesday, and there are no long term injuries.

Every team goes through a bad spell in the season. Lets hope this is ours, and we've at least picked up 7 points so it could be much worse
Marvin said:
I really think you have to dismiss today's performance when you look at the circumstances in which the game was played

The team was totally changed from Hull and it had to be that way - despite some comments to the contrary.

We'll have half a team back on Tuesday, and there are no long term injuries.

Every team goes through a bad spell in the season. Lets hope this is ours, and we've at least picked up 7 points so it could be much worse

You are right but 7 points out of 12 against bottom league clubs is mid table at best form, we should be concerned, our concerns might be premature but we would need a hell of a run against good sides to challenge
i think pellegrini wasn't aware that some of our players are very lazy sometimes.

had he known that toure is not a good DM, had he known that Nasri, Milner, Rodwell, Zabaleta are useless......... the man would buy many quality players in the last window. now we must wait for the next window. the next months are going to be a rollercoaster.
Ducado said:
RandomJ said:
andyhinch said:
MP is a world beater, get off his case it's 4 games in for fucks sake, half of you are like plastic rags on here, I'll support them if there in the northern conformance

A world beater? What are you basing this on considering he's won sweet FA in his career? He seems like a likeable guy but he seems so out of his depth it's really worrying. Hope he turns it round with two big games coming up but it's not looking good.

You see, I don't think you and quite a few other do hope he turns it around, what your hoping for is some vindication that the hurt you felt would be justified when Roberto got the boot, I have read enough on here to draw my own conclusions about what is going on.

And when it does turn around which it will in my opinion you and the rest will be nowhere to be seen, it's exactly the same thing that happened before, we win a few games the outers are nowhere to be seen.

Sure it's fine to air your disappointment, I am not that happy with the last few games, but I know that 4 games in is not the time to be calling for the managers head on a platter

You keep pushing this button.

I don't think that Pellers can manage successfully at this level - for what its worth I don't think Moyes can either. I thought that long before either were appointed and have seen nothing so far to change my mind. Both can manage lower level teams and manage them successfully but I think the job at City and across the way is several levels above both men's capabilities.

The one thing that keeps crossing my mind watching Pellegrini is that I've seen this before and that was Hodgson at Liverpool. Both did well in Europe with unfashionable teams, both were lauded by media, pundits and players. Both followed managers who were successful but didn't score highly in man management skills. Yet Hodgson never looked right at Liverpool. Just didn't fit and never got what the job meant in the way that smarmy git Rodgers does.

The Cardiff game where we went 1-0 in the 60th and then lost it. Actually went 3-1 down. That shit shouldn't happen. Not against Cardiff. Bad enough chucking it away against Real Madrid but Cardiff? Then Hull came out and played football. Fucking football and at times better than us. As did Stoke. What happened to the parked bus and teams fearful of a spanking?

Its not about the football or the PR bollocks of playing attractive free flowing football. Its about the mental application. Sort of application where we were away at WBA and a man down and a goal down and won the game in the last minute. Or Norwich. Or just bossing the game and deciding today we wouldn't score for love nor money but at least we bossed the fucking thing.

So is Pellers the man? Nope. But then I never thought he was. You only had to check his CV to know that.
LoveCity said:
Wretched Vengeance said:
citykev28 said:
Let's be just a little wacky here and suggest that it's not the manager but the players who have little appetite. We keep going on about players who are legends of Manchester City after 1-2 great seasons. There are to many happy to pass the ball sideways in the hope that someone else will do something and they won't be noticed doing fuck all.

I am glad a far more prominent poster than I suggested this. But it's exactly what I have been thinking since the opening day of last season.

Well, let's wait and see first. It's completely possible they'll start playing like a fully motivated and energetic team again soon like they were against Newcastle.

IF they don't though and this continues, I'd seriously also begin to wonder if the problem goes deeper than managers. At Villarreal, at Malaga, and yes at Real Madrid, the most political and ego-filled club in the world, Pellegrini had his players and teams highly motivated and playing good football. If he fails to do that here, in a less ruthless environment than Real Madrid, then you really will have to wonder if the players - well, certain players - are the issue.

There's a baffling fundamental problem at Manchester City where we can only play like a truly elite team once every so often, when the best teams in Europe can play at a high level more consistently. We don't see our high level (like in the Old Trafford derby last season) nearly enough.

Your entire post makes perfect sense. The last paragraph is sadly all too true. Chelsea, united, seem to be the only games we get up for at the moment.<br /><br />-- Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:44 pm --<br /><br />
bluethunder said:
i think pellegrini wasn't aware that some of our players are very lazy sometimes.

had he known that toure is not a good DM, had he known that Nasri, Milner, Rodwell, Zabaleta are useless......... the man would buy many quality players in the last window. now we must wait for the next window. the next months are going to be a rollercoaster.

Flipant and patently untrue. However, Zaba needs to stop running into Navas' space.

But he's done it so many times,it makes me wonder if he's under instruction.
BobKowalski said:
Ducado said:
RandomJ said:
A world beater? What are you basing this on considering he's won sweet FA in his career? He seems like a likeable guy but he seems so out of his depth it's really worrying. Hope he turns it round with two big games coming up but it's not looking good.

You see, I don't think you and quite a few other do hope he turns it around, what your hoping for is some vindication that the hurt you felt would be justified when Roberto got the boot, I have read enough on here to draw my own conclusions about what is going on.

And when it does turn around which it will in my opinion you and the rest will be nowhere to be seen, it's exactly the same thing that happened before, we win a few games the outers are nowhere to be seen.

Sure it's fine to air your disappointment, I am not that happy with the last few games, but I know that 4 games in is not the time to be calling for the managers head on a platter

You keep pushing this button.

I don't think that Pellers can manage successfully at this level - for what its worth I don't think Moyes can either. I thought that long before either were appointed and have seen nothing so far to change my mind. Both can manage lower level teams and manage them successfully but I think the job at City and across the way is several levels above both men's capabilities.

The one thing that keeps crossing my mind watching Pellegrini is that I've seen this before and that was Hodgson at Liverpool. Both did well in Europe with unfashionable teams, both were lauded by media, pundits and players. Both followed managers who were successful but didn't score highly in man management skills. Yet Hodgson never looked right at Liverpool. Just didn't fit and never got what the job meant in the way that smarmy git Rodgers does.

The Cardiff game where we went 1-0 in the 60th and then lost it. Actually went 3-1 down. That shit shouldn't happen. Not against Cardiff. Bad enough chucking it away against Real Madrid but Cardiff? Then Hull came out and played football. Fucking football and at times better than us. As did Stoke. What happened to the parked bus and teams fearful of a spanking?

Its not about the football or the PR bollocks of playing attractive free flowing football. Its about the mental application. Sort of application where we were away at WBA and a man down and a goal down and won the game in the last minute. Or Norwich. Or just bossing the game and deciding today we wouldn't score for love nor money but at least we bossed the fucking thing.

So is Pellers the man? Nope. But then I never thought he was. You only had to check his CV to know that.

This Hodgson comparison is pretty random. Hodgson has managed 15 clubs in europe several them being in weak leagues , sweden switzerland etc. He failed at several of those clubs and many fans were happy to see the back of him. In the premier league he took several average premier league teams and made them midtable. Which fulham were already. Hodgeson got hyped because he was british plain and simple

Pellegrini has managed three teams in europe taking malaga and villareal, two unfancied teams in spain and got them finishing in champions league spots. Even splitting the top 2 in spain with villareal which is a great achievement. He then managed real madrid at which he achieved a highest point tally for them with a 75% win rate. At all three clubs the fans did not want rid of him as manager.
Blankomania said:
BobKowalski said:
Ducado said:
You see, I don't think you and quite a few other do hope he turns it around, what your hoping for is some vindication that the hurt you felt would be justified when Roberto got the boot, I have read enough on here to draw my own conclusions about what is going on.

And when it does turn around which it will in my opinion you and the rest will be nowhere to be seen, it's exactly the same thing that happened before, we win a few games the outers are nowhere to be seen.

Sure it's fine to air your disappointment, I am not that happy with the last few games, but I know that 4 games in is not the time to be calling for the managers head on a platter

You keep pushing this button.

I don't think that Pellers can manage successfully at this level - for what its worth I don't think Moyes can either. I thought that long before either were appointed and have seen nothing so far to change my mind. Both can manage lower level teams and manage them successfully but I think the job at City and across the way is several levels above both men's capabilities.

The one thing that keeps crossing my mind watching Pellegrini is that I've seen this before and that was Hodgson at Liverpool. Both did well in Europe with unfashionable teams, both were lauded by media, pundits and players. Both followed managers who were successful but didn't score highly in man management skills. Yet Hodgson never looked right at Liverpool. Just didn't fit and never got what the job meant in the way that smarmy git Rodgers does.

The Cardiff game where we went 1-0 in the 60th and then lost it. Actually went 3-1 down. That shit shouldn't happen. Not against Cardiff. Bad enough chucking it away against Real Madrid but Cardiff? Then Hull came out and played football. Fucking football and at times better than us. As did Stoke. What happened to the parked bus and teams fearful of a spanking?

Its not about the football or the PR bollocks of playing attractive free flowing football. Its about the mental application. Sort of application where we were away at WBA and a man down and a goal down and won the game in the last minute. Or Norwich. Or just bossing the game and deciding today we wouldn't score for love nor money but at least we bossed the fucking thing.

So is Pellers the man? Nope. But then I never thought he was. You only had to check his CV to know that.

This Hodgson comparison is pretty random. Hodgson has managed 15 clubs in europe several them being in weak leagues , sweden switzerland etc. He failed at several of those clubs and many fans were happy to see the back of him. In the premier league he took several average premier league teams and made them midtable. Which fulham were already. Hodgeson got hyped because he was british plain and simple

Pellegrini has managed three teams in europe taking malaga and villareal, two unfancied teams in spain and got them finishing in champions league spots. Even splitting the top 2 in spain with villareal which is a great achievement. He then managed real madrid at which he achieved a highest point tally for them with a 75% win rate. At all three clubs the fans did not want rid of him as manager.

he has won the inter toto as well while in europe so it's not as if he has no pedigree to speak of
I'm not sure Pellegrini is cut out for City. I'm not asking for his head just yet but i have my doubts this man can win anything with our squad his tactics aren't good enough defensively or offensively, the technical play seems to have been bled out of the squad and so has a lot of our positioning.

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