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OB1 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
You're all getting sucked into the Jose sideshow. It's getting as overblown in fans/media minds as Ferguson's "mindgames".

All we need to do is go out and win football matches. That's all. If we do that we win the league and that's that. It's blindingly obvious he's intelligent and mature enough not to make a fool of himself by worrying about anything Mourinho says, and just laughs at it. I am sure Pellegrini wants to put one over on him , but I'm equally sure he knows that the only way to do it is to carry on making this team fulful it's potential and acheive its wider goals.

The FA Cup match doesn't matter that much. What matters much more is that we win the league, and maybe even beat Barcelona.

Winning the league is the most important goal; anything else is a bonus. The League Cup is a bonus that we should be able to pocket but not one that we can take for granted.

Totally agree. And I still think we will. It's not three months since the narrative on Mourinho on here was "he's lost it". Now the narrative is that he's some kind of deity. It's a lack of perspective on how good our own manager is, a lack of perspective on how good our squad is and a lack of perspective on how good our owners are. Mourinho bloodied the nose of Guardiola a time or two, but lost the the war against him because he is more level-headed and put together a better squad.

If two managers can make their squad fulfill and exceed its potential, then the best squad wins more matches and more trophies in the long run.
We can lose to Chelsea every time we play them in the league and still win the title by winning the rest of our games. He is not worth bothering about. I have seen some tactical masterclasses in my time, and Monday was not one. It was an obvious tactic that was not working for the initial 20mins because we opened them up regularly. But it didn't go our way and that is football. If you want a tactical masterclass then look at the likes of Pulis and Martinez when he was at Wigan and the way they set up their sides dependent on opposition and in order to successfully meet their objective.

Our objective is to win games. We tried to win on Monday, we easily could have. We had more chances at the end of the day. I actually think Mourinho will taste a lovely slice of hypocrisy pie this season because Chelsea have a lot of fixtures remaining where teams will defend for their lives and look to counter and they will take points from Chelsea. What would be just as lovely is if Roberto manages to beat Chelsea with Galatasaray and gives them a good kicking when he does!
hgblue said:
BobKowalski said:
As they say history is written by the winners. The same goes for the narrative of a match and especially so when the winning manager happens to play the British media like a virtuoso.

Equally you cannot dismiss what we saw as Mourinho being 'one lucky bastard'.

That Chelsea with Matic and Luiz shielding the back four and everyone working their collective bollocks off both physically and mentally were designed to stifle and suffocate the midfield and nullify our attacking potency was widely predicted beforehand and lo it came to pass. We would have known this as well and prepared for it accordingly. That we would be unlikely to change our shape was a pretty sure bet given we invariably play the same setup (to change it from Pellers perspective may have been as simple as not wishing to be seen as 'cautious' at home to Mouinho - just a thought) and lo that came to pass as well with the added bonus of DM and not Ferdy in midfield. Mourinho not only gets the team set up he has prepared for it also contains a fundamental weakness. Jose must have figured it was Christmas and his birthday rolled into one.

The end result is that Jose rolls into town and in one match ends our scoring at home sequence, our 100% record this season, does the double over us (the first since...whenever) and draws level on points rather than facing a 6 point gap. So yes the media are going to indulge in a Jose wankfest. And they have a point. And no it may not be a tactical masterclass but it was brutally effective and that is the point. Yes we could have scored first and yes it may have been different. But we could have scored first in the FA Cup final and we should have had a penalty against Bayern and taken the lead in the first 20 minutes in our first ever CL match away. But we didn't and we got 'Tevezgate' instead. Shit happens and shit happened against Chelsea.

For me though (and again this is just me as no one else seems to care) I started really worrying this would end in tears was the sight of Kompany and Nasty tackling each other in our box. That was bad enough but Kompany's reaction was that of a man not in control of the situation or the match. But then I have a fetish for controlling football matches.

I still think our firepower compared to Chelsea and Arsenal means we will win the PL this year. But Jose is marking Pellers card which is why I think the FA Cup match is important and one we need to win. We just don't want to give Jose or Chelsea any more psychological edge. I said earlier that with Jose its either kill or be killed and the war is just starting. Jose has most of the media in his back pocket and its going to be relentless as the season comes to a head. And next season when he adds a striker or two its going to be 10 times fucking worse.

And if you are still unsure how bad its going to get then just ask Pep.

I really don't think the penny has dropped with our supporter base just how much of a thorn in our side Jose is going to be. He's a wanker who plays shit football seems to be the mantra. He's been lucky 3 times on the trot apparently. Who was it who said 'the harder I practice the luckier I get'? He's level on points with us despite not having a striker worthy of the name. That's not luck.

Not a single post that I have read has said Mourinho doesn't know what he is doing. Not a single post I have read has said Chelsea are a poor team. Not a single post I have read has said dull football cannot be effective. Not a single post I have read suggests that Chelsea did not deserve to win on Monday.

If you think that they were not lucky to play us when we were without 3 of our first choice starting XI and another was some way short of 100% match fitness, good for you. If you think that it was not lucky for them that we missed a number of chances we normally bury without thinking about it, good for you. If you want to swallow the narrative that Mourinho completely outfoxed Pellegrini, good for you. But unless you think that us missing chances and having a shedload of injuries had no effect on the game whatsoever, you might want to reflect on the fact that a lot of things over which Mourinho had no control whatsoever fell into place for him.

If you want to regard that not as being good fortune on his part but just another part of the Mourinho master plan, good for you too. You will find plenty in the media who agree with you.
Pellegrini said: "Maybe it is a small horse if the manager thinks like that. It can be a little horse but very rich.

"This is the team that spends most money in the last 10 years, it is the team that spends most money this year and the team that spends the most money in the transfer window so little but rich."

Glad to see him make a comment in return. When Mourinho says something so idiotic you have to just hammer home how stupid it is. Mourinho can do and say whatever he wants, we do not play them again in the league. We just get on with our task in hand. They have to hope we drop more points than they do. Hopefully some of Hughes' time in charge remains and we get better in the second half of the season ;)
Didsbury Dave said:
OB1 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
You're all getting sucked into the Jose sideshow. It's getting as overblown in fans/media minds as Ferguson's "mindgames".

All we need to do is go out and win football matches. That's all. If we do that we win the league and that's that. It's blindingly obvious he's intelligent and mature enough not to make a fool of himself by worrying about anything Mourinho says, and just laughs at it. I am sure Pellegrini wants to put one over on him , but I'm equally sure he knows that the only way to do it is to carry on making this team fulful it's potential and acheive its wider goals.

The FA Cup match doesn't matter that much. What matters much more is that we win the league, and maybe even beat Barcelona.

Winning the league is the most important goal; anything else is a bonus. The League Cup is a bonus that we should be able to pocket but not one that we can take for granted.

Totally agree. And I still think we will. It's not three months since the narrative on Mourinho on here was "he's lost it". Now the narrative is that he's some kind of deity. It's a lack of perspective on how good our own manager is, a lack of perspective on how good our squad is and a lack of perspective on how good our owners are. Mourinho bloodied the nose of Guardiola a time or two, but lost the the war against him because he is more level-headed and put together a better squad.

If two managers can make their squad fulfill and exceed its potential, then the best squad wins more matches and more trophies in the long run.

Jose more than bloodied Pep's nose. Jose won back the league title leaving Pep with nothing but to quit and go on sabbatical. I personally disagree with the tactics Jose employed and for me he did go beyond what is acceptable behavior. Jose earlier in the season did look somewhat lost as if unsure what direction he or Chelsea were going or possibly there was conflict between Jose and the club (Roman) in how they should be developing. The sale of Mata and subsequent business in January tells me the uncertainty has gone and its full on behind what Jose wants.

And I disagree on the FA Cup match. It matters now because it is Chelsea and getting beat 3 times in one season by Mourinho is not on. Getting beat by anyone 3 times is not on for a top team let alone by Jose fucking Mourinho. We win the PL and Jose will be banging on about how he beat us 3 times and City are not a top team and Chelsea are the 'true champions' and his little fucking ponies are growing fast etc etc. In short don't give the bastard an inch.
BobKowalski said:
Didsbury Dave said:
OB1 said:
Winning the league is the most important goal; anything else is a bonus. The League Cup is a bonus that we should be able to pocket but not one that we can take for granted.

Totally agree. And I still think we will. It's not three months since the narrative on Mourinho on here was "he's lost it". Now the narrative is that he's some kind of deity. It's a lack of perspective on how good our own manager is, a lack of perspective on how good our squad is and a lack of perspective on how good our owners are. Mourinho bloodied the nose of Guardiola a time or two, but lost the the war against him because he is more level-headed and put together a better squad.

If two managers can make their squad fulfill and exceed its potential, then the best squad wins more matches and more trophies in the long run.

Jose more than bloodied Pep's nose. Jose won back the league title leaving Pep with nothing but to quit and go on sabbatical. I personally disagree with the tactics Jose employed and for me he did go beyond what is acceptable behavior. Jose earlier in the season did look somewhat lost as if unsure what direction he or Chelsea were going or possibly there was conflict between Jose and the club (Roman) in how they should be developing. The sale of Mata and subsequent business in January tells me the uncertainty has gone and its full on behind what Jose wants.

And I disagree on the FA Cup match. It matters now because it is Chelsea and getting beat 3 times in one season by Mourinho is not on. Getting beat by anyone 3 times is not on for a top team let alone by Jose fucking Mourinho. We win the PL and Jose will be banging on about how he beat us 3 times and City are not a top team and Chelsea are the 'true champions' and his little fucking ponies are growing fast etc etc. In short don't give the bastard an inch.

Guardiola didn't leave because of Mourinho, he left because of internal politics at Barca. And he is regarded by most in football to have comfortably won the battle, especially with the two Champions Leagues he won on top of all the titles(the be all and end all of Spanish football). Mourinho was sacked because of it, Guardiola remembered a hero.

And your last point is just fan hype. It doesn't matter what he says and it doesn't matter if he beats us 6-0 every time he plays us. All that matters is that we are more successful.
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