Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini 2014/15 (continued)

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i and many others got slated when we sacked Bobby and i got slated when we employed this cnut

he must go now its that simple at this point in time i would actually take Rafa
Handing the captains armband to someone who was stinking the place out and continued to for the rest of the game is a sacking offence on it's own. He has ruined this team. The sight of him hiding behind the dugout wall tells you all you need to know about him. Shouldn't be an issue now, should be sacked tomorrow and not just for today but for the season on a whole.
I am seething here, seething. All my rag supporting fans are making fun of me and I am sat head down. Pellegrini out!!
Re: Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini (2014/15)

CityFan94 said:
Pellegrini picked the right team in fairness.

There's only so much a manager can do. I'm not Pellegrini's biggest fan and I think he should go in the summer, but the players let themselves down today.

It's a derby game, no matter what they think of the manager, the players should have given it everything they've got and they simply didn't.

They did the same with Mancini.

Did he pick the right team? Yes

However we got outplayed by fucking fellaini and young. Did we even make 10 passes during any of our build up? Basically mate he picks a team then sends them out to play and do their own thing. Doesn't even bother working on our defending, just tells them to play a high line. This team had the best defensive record for 2-3 seasons for a reason and since this **** took over he's fucked it up and makes kompany, who was considered one of the best centre backs in the world look like bramble. Tomorow, maybe even tonight I pray to god he's gone.
Scully said:
Should have been sacked a few weeks ago when the writing was clearly on the wall. He's stubborn and clueless. Played a 4-4-2 in disguise today the utter waster. 75 minutes of Navas, Toure as captain when he should have been off, set pieces that give the opposition the advantage, etc it's becoming totally predictable and boring. There is something fundamentally wrong at the club and needs sorting. What are they waiting for, until we hit 5th, because it's coming?
Your last two sentences are
Even Mancini, hated by all the players, according to the cabalists on here, manged to go to OT and win weeks before he was sacked. We never descended to this farce under Roberto.

Pellegrini isn't fit to lace his boots, and should be sacked with immediate effect.
MP needs to start getting rid of the players who do not want to play for our club , they are as follows : Toure , Nasri , Kolarov , Dzeko , and Milner is refusing a contract ,Jovetic who has been virtually told to f*ck off by he club. We should thank these players for their contribution and move on.
Spend the £90m on three world class . established players , at £30m - £40m each , bring in Denayer and Rekik as defensive cover , Lopes , Pozo , Barker, Angelino have to be promoted to the 1st team squad.
Its rebuild time , we have lorded it over the rags and all and sundry for a few years , MP is a good manager and should be given time to integrate new , hungrier players to the squad , who have a point to prove
This is the end of an era , but with the right signings and development of our kids , its the beginning of another era , we are going no where.
If we were to be honest, we learned very little today – we already knew that:

• Most other PL teams have more balls and more desire than us thus season
• Manuel has been out thought by Burnley, Crystal Palace and out engineered by the Tactical Turtle
• When we are losing, Manuel’s only answer is to throw on Lampard
• Vincent is too often not the man for the big occasion – just as likely to get sent off as to help us, that’s not leadership
• Mancini didn’t have a great season after the PL win – but he did secure second place and take us to a Wembley final. Manuel took us out of the cups like pussies and has turned us into Europa League fodder
• At least Manuel got off his ass and actually stood in the technical area today – more than he could be arsed to do at Burnley

Bye Manuel (or we are truly fucked)
jimmygrimblesboots said:
MP needs to start getting rid of the players who do not want to play for our club , they are as follows : Toure , Nasri , Kolarov , Dzeko , and Milner is refusing a contract ,Jovetic who has been virtually told to f*ck off by he club. We should thank these players for their contribution and move on.
Spend the £90m on three world class . established players , at £30m - £40m each , bring in Denayer and Rekik as defensive cover , Lopes , Pozo , Barker, Angelino have to be promoted to the 1st team squad.
Its rebuild time , we have lorded it over the rags and all and sundry for a few years , MP is a good manager and should be given time to integrate new , hungrier players to the squad , who have a point to prove
This is the end of an era , but with the right signings and development of our kids , its the beginning of another era , we are going no where.

I think the team needs a rebuild. Not sure if he would be the right person to oversee that though...Look at what the the defense has become right now, he's done a miserable job with what he currently has.
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