Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini 2014/15 (continued)

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He's starting to remind me of a teacher who pretends everything is fine when half of their class is running riot and the other half cant be arsed and are uncooperative.
I have so many red supporting friends and luckily for me they have so far not battered my Facebook messenger. Well one has but he's so drunk he's being nice about it
Gelsons Dad said:
Goater=Legend said:
C'mon you can't even blame him today for that showing.

The players he picked was correct, it wasn't his fault we have daft players not looking at the defensive line which you would of thought they've been working on since he's come here.

Milner up front?
Yaya in a two man midfield?
442 again?
Navas lightweight on the right giving Zab no protection?
Disorganised in defence?

All the managers responsibility. .

Sadly that pretty much sums it up.
Why is sacking Pellegrini now a bad idea?

Most of the team clearly couldn't give a shit about MP or indeed the fans it would seem.

What are the consequences of playing shit? An arm round the shoulder from MP and a holistic "Never mind, you did your best son". They need to be shitting themselves if they've not put a shift in.

Is Yaya going to get an absolute earful from MP for that fucking TERRIBLE, lacklustre performance? Is he fuck!? There in lies one of the major problems.

We're way too 'it's the taking part that matters' and not enough 'play to win or don't play at all' ... lead by fucking Bungle from Rainbow.
Gelsons Dad said:
Goater=Legend said:
C'mon you can't even blame him today for that showing.

The players he picked was correct, it wasn't his fault we have daft players not looking at the defensive line which you would of thought they've been working on since he's come here.

Milner up front?
Yaya in a two man midfield?
442 again?
Navas lightweight on the right giving Zab no protection?
Disorganised in defence?

All the managers responsibility. Get fucking rid now before we finish 5th behind Liverpool.
I don' t know the last time we played 442. We can't. Even with 5 in midfield we get over run because Yaya Toure can pass but he can't run

Pellegrini should have been sacked weeks if not months ago and we are left reacting to events, drifting.
Ducado said:
Kean said:
He won us a title with Mancini team, and he is destroying it now.

There is so much wrong with that statement, but then again if you can't be arsed making a valid point why should I bother

Go on Ducado.... please enlighten us?
robbieh said:
Even Mancini, hated by all the players, according to the cabalists on here, manged to go to OT and win weeks before he was sacked. We never descended to this farce under Roberto.

Pellegrini isn't fit to lace his boots, and should be sacked with immediate effect.

Mancini lost the home derby that season and lost in the FA Cup final to a side that got relegated.
Re: Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini (2014/15)

FanchesterCity said:
I'm Blue said:
The players aren't trying anymore, they want him gone.
I gotta say I don't blame them.
He's needs to go now, I see people saying he needs to stay till the end of the season, what's the point?
We've been poor for months and are getting worse by the week, top 4 in seriously under threat and right now I don't see us winning more than a couple of the remaining games at best.
Another season of this is just frightening.

I blame them. They aren't paid by the manager, they are paid by the club. If they have a problem with the manager, fine... keep it behind closed doors. When they walk out onto that pitch and wear our shirt, in front of paying fans... any managerial issues need to be left behind.

Mancini had this crap to deal with (even if he wasn't blameless). Now it's Pellegrini. What's going to happen with the next guy?
I want players who think the best way to prove they are worthy of a place is by performing on the pitch. We now have too many players who want to solve the problems by downing tools and getting a move out.

Totally agree with this.
He may have 'picked the right team' but he has overseen a decline in our defending that makes us look Championship standard at the back now. There is no balance to his coaching style, he has one fixed way of 'attractive, entertaining football' (except we aren't attractive and entertaining anymore) and doesn't care enough about defensive tactics, shape, positioning. Everything behind the halfway line is amateur hour.

Not a single big club in the world except maybe Arsenal would accept our 2015. I'm not even sure Wenger would survive at Arsenal with a 2015 like ours. If Pellegrini is retained, IMO it will show the club cares more about being [insert feel-good word like organic/holistic/proper/sensible] than success, trophies and ruthless ambition.
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