Discussion: Txiki Begiristain (2014/15)

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dancity19 said:
crystal_mais said:
for all the fantasy managers out there - if not Tkixi and DoF model -
how would you want City's recruitment to work?
Which DoF?
What would you have done in last 2 seasons transfer windows?

I for one am certainly not a fantasy manager, and am not going to pick star names and say I would have signed them, as I understand it doesn't work like this.

He got a good price for Negredo, and Dinho has been a success, albeit an expensive one. Good work Txiki.

Apart from that, Txiki has been underwhelming. As I said above, there were 2 positions that I think everyone accepted needed addressing in the summer, especially for games like last night - a top quality CB to partner Kompany, and a quality holding midfielder. Fernando has been far from a quality DM - we just haven't strengthened as we should have. And we haven't improved the CB position, as of yet.

He hasn't done a good enough job - and saying that does not make me a fantasy football manager.

defensive midfielder (Fernando) I get, Centre Back I will debate as I think Vinny has been the problem in some ways. I love him to bits but he is not having the best of times this year

Another question - what sort of hit rate do we expect from a DoF? In other words players meets expectations?

I remember pisscan had a transfer success rate of les than 50% yet won shit loads. He bought many fucking duffs as do plenty of other teams.

My point is - The analysis gets done, background checks everything - Ticks all boxes - they turn up and just don't cut it - what are we criticising the DoF?, the analysis criteria?

The DoF's don't solely scout, identify, analyse etc etc - there is a lot more science to selection - where do we point the blame?
We bought Fernando on the premise that, in Europe, he and Fernandinho could anchor the midfield and allow Toure to play ahead of them, yet now he cannot even make the bench. If Toure does leave this summer, and we sign a younger and more dynamic midfielder, whose need has been evident for over a year, Fernando will presumably be redundant. Now, given that Toure's departure was being predicted last summer, it makes Fernando's signing even more illogical.
Damocles said:
There have been absolutely no changes in his performance between now and February 1st.

Yet we still get comments in this thread post match.

That tells you something about where these opinions are coming from.
Damocles said:
Damocles said:
There have been absolutely no changes in his performance between now and February 1st.

Yet we still get comments in this thread post match.

That tells you something about where these opinions are coming from.

Ha! You have to be one of the most condescending posters on here. His performance can't just be judged on Feb 1st, and then again on September 1st, and then again on Feb 1st.

The reason it is an ongoing review of his performance, is because you give his signings time to bed in. I am not going to come on here on Feb 1st and say - poor signings, sack him.

But as the weeks go on, and it becomes clearer that the players aren't up to it, or those he has bought aren't trusted to start in these games, then I think it is absolutely the correct time to review his performance.

Bizarre comment from you, being such an intelligent man and all....
Damocles said:
Damocles said:
There have been absolutely no changes in his performance between now and February 1st.

Yet we still get comments in this thread post match.

That tells you something about where these opinions are coming from.

Why did you start a thread to discuss him then?
crystal_mais said:
dancity19 said:
crystal_mais said:
for all the fantasy managers out there - if not Tkixi and DoF model -
how would you want City's recruitment to work?
Which DoF?
What would you have done in last 2 seasons transfer windows?

I for one am certainly not a fantasy manager, and am not going to pick star names and say I would have signed them, as I understand it doesn't work like this.

He got a good price for Negredo, and Dinho has been a success, albeit an expensive one. Good work Txiki.

Apart from that, Txiki has been underwhelming. As I said above, there were 2 positions that I think everyone accepted needed addressing in the summer, especially for games like last night - a top quality CB to partner Kompany, and a quality holding midfielder. Fernando has been far from a quality DM - we just haven't strengthened as we should have. And we haven't improved the CB position, as of yet.

He hasn't done a good enough job - and saying that does not make me a fantasy football manager.

defensive midfielder (Fernando) I get, Centre Back I will debate as I think Vinny has been the problem in some ways. I love him to bits but he is not having the best of times this year

Another question - what sort of hit rate do we expect from a DoF? In other words players meets expectations?

I remember pisscan had a transfer success rate of les than 50% yet won shit loads. He bought many fucking duffs as do plenty of other teams.

My point is - The analysis gets done, background checks everything - Ticks all boxes - they turn up and just don't cut it - what are we criticising the DoF?, the analysis criteria?

The DoF's don't solely scout, identify, analyse etc etc - there is a lot more science to selection - where do we point the blame?

I did type out a response, and then my internet cut out.

Partly agree re CB. Demi has been our most consistent performer. As I said earlier, I do actually like Mangala, and believe he will be a good player. But I would have expected an immediate improvement for that kind of money - we needed immediate improvement.

Of course not all the players will work out, as you suggest, that is football, BUT, I really can't think of many of his signings who have. Dinho, yes, great signing, but apart from him I would have expected more from all of them - maybe not Demi, who has been good. Navas has been OK - no more, no less. He made a difference last night, but overall he hasn't been the player we expected he would be, I would argue. Not enough of his players have cut the mustard.

In football, in business..in anything, the buck has to stop with someone. If the players are performing poorly it is the manager who gets the sack, not the players who are underperforming. Therefore, if the signings aren't what they should be, the buck stops with Txiki (if it is him who has the final say.)

I do think there is a tendancy to avoid criticising him, just because of his impressive Barca background. Ultimately, I don't know if he his hitting his perscribed targets - he may be with flying colours. But from a fans perspective, I don't think he has improved us enough. Maybe this is overly simplistic.
dancity19 said:
crystal_mais said:
dancity19 said:
I for one am certainly not a fantasy manager, and am not going to pick star names and say I would have signed them, as I understand it doesn't work like this.

He got a good price for Negredo, and Dinho has been a success, albeit an expensive one. Good work Txiki.

Apart from that, Txiki has been underwhelming. As I said above, there were 2 positions that I think everyone accepted needed addressing in the summer, especially for games like last night - a top quality CB to partner Kompany, and a quality holding midfielder. Fernando has been far from a quality DM - we just haven't strengthened as we should have. And we haven't improved the CB position, as of yet.

He hasn't done a good enough job - and saying that does not make me a fantasy football manager.

defensive midfielder (Fernando) I get, Centre Back I will debate as I think Vinny has been the problem in some ways. I love him to bits but he is not having the best of times this year

Another question - what sort of hit rate do we expect from a DoF? In other words players meets expectations?

I remember pisscan had a transfer success rate of les than 50% yet won shit loads. He bought many fucking duffs as do plenty of other teams.

My point is - The analysis gets done, background checks everything - Ticks all boxes - they turn up and just don't cut it - what are we criticising the DoF?, the analysis criteria?

The DoF's don't solely scout, identify, analyse etc etc - there is a lot more science to selection - where do we point the blame?

I did type out a response, and then my internet cut out.

Partly agree re CB. Demi has been our most consistent performer. As I said earlier, I do actually like Mangala, and believe he will be a good player. But I would have expected an immediate improvement for that kind of money - we needed immediate improvement.

Of course not all the players will work out, as you suggest, that is football, BUT, I really can't think of many of his signings who have. Dinho, yes, great signing, but apart from him I would have expected more from all of them - maybe not Demi, who has been good. Navas has been OK - no more, no less. He made a difference last night, but overall he hasn't been the player we expected he would be, I would argue. Not enough of his players have cut the mustard.

In football, in business..in anything, the buck has to stop with someone. If the players are performing poorly it is the manager who gets the sack, not the players who are underperforming. Therefore, if the signings aren't what they should be, the buck stops with Txiki (if it is him who has the final say.)

I do think there is a tendancy to avoid criticising him, just because of his impressive Barca background. Ultimately, I don't know if he his hitting his perscribed targets - he may be with flying colours. But from a fans perspective, I don't think he has improved us enough. Maybe this is overly simplistic.

I do get it and I think we are on the same page - I just like to peel off a few more layers of the onion to see what is deeper - I agree somebody has to carry the can - I don't buy this he was great at Barca so he will be great here - maybe it's just my analytical brain I prefer to see how the selection, criteria - analysis etc works? What roles each individual plays in it (inc Tkixi, MP etc)?

Somebody mentioned Moneyball film - great film, true story -
Gabriel said:
We bought Fernando on the premise that, in Europe, he and Fernandinho could anchor the midfield and allow Toure to play ahead of them, yet now he cannot even make the bench. If Toure does leave this summer, and we sign a younger and more dynamic midfielder, whose need has been evident for over a year, Fernando will presumably be redundant. Now, given that Toure's departure was being predicted last summer, it makes Fernando's signing even more illogical.

Bluemoon may have thought this. Did the manager say so? I thought that Fernando had been brought in as a defensive holding player to relieve Fernandinho of those duties and allow him to play further forward which was apparently his preference. As soon as I saw Fernandinho play further forward for Brazil I was concerned and early in the season it seemed that the change had disrupted the team but I can understand the logic of why Fernando had been signed. It would be very disappointing if there had to be another signing for this position which was competently undertaken by Barry and DeJong in earlier years.
chris85mcfc said:
Damocles said:
Damocles said:
There have been absolutely no changes in his performance between now and February 1st.

Yet we still get comments in this thread post match.

That tells you something about where these opinions are coming from.

Why did you start a thread to discuss him then?

I split off a pre-existing thread that grouped him and Soriano together stupidly. This was at the behest of the mod team who agreed that it should be done, it was coincidental that I was the one who did it. I'm glad to have answered this burning question with a high relevance to the thread.
Damocles said:
chris85mcfc said:

Why did you start a thread to discuss him then?

I split off a pre-existing thread that grouped him and Soriano together stupidly. This was at the behest of the mod team who agreed that it should be done, it was coincidental that I was the one who did it. I'm glad to have answered this burning question with a high relevance to the thread.

Yeah thanks for that, you've provided such insight as usual..
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