
If it was me I would find out who has leaked this nonsense to the papers and then sack them on the spot for gross misconduct. What next, no free parking and corporate hospitality?
"Im offended, its a disgrace, how could they do this, im thinking of leaving"

Amazingly similar to other so called quotes from people unhappy in other so called stories dont you think?

Usual made up crap and off the back of the disabled carers ticket story, yet another stick to beat the club with.

MUEN had their nose put out of joint of late by any chance?
And although they announce sell-outs there are always empty seats.”

The irony of this comment probably escaped the staff member! I'm sure most of us would rather the seats went to genuine supporters rather than being empty or being sold on at a profit by the staff.
IanBishopsHaircut said:
Blue2112 said:
Gonna play devils advocate here and ask that if these season tickets have been a part of the employees contract on top of the salary then I think they have a right to complain if the tickets have been taken away. Surely it's just the same as saying we're going to pay you £500 less per year from now on. It's irrelevant what other clubs do or don't about their season tickets and their staff members.

"In addition to financial compensation, staff would also have the opportunity to purchase season tickets at a discounted rate"

This line seems to suggest they are being financially compensated though?

Yep this seems like a non-story by the MEN. The headline quotes workers (plural) yet there's only ONE individual quoted in the story.

I used to work at a provincial paper and can tell you most of the reporters were either work-shy layabouts, over-the-hill drunks or both. The decent (sorry, less-worse) ones get snapped up by the nationals.
bananamilksheikh said:
I think its a bit cheap to pay Tevez £250k a week and bulk at giving staff what is effectively a £1k benefit in kind. Sometimes to get the best out of staff little gestures go a long way. City have always been penny wise. They pay staff pretty poorly anyway because of the kudos of working at the club. Show some class City!

I couldn't disagree more.

I work for a pharma company who don't show their appreciation by giving me a grands worth of opioids by way of a thankyou. I have an array of flexible beneftis and can pick and choose which ones I want to suit my needs. It sounds like the city staff are having their benefits package altered to take into account that they are not all fans of the team....so what is probably a positive move from the club in trying to be a bit more flexible is portrayed as some fascist plot to rip staff off. In terms of the staff being paid poorly, you may know more than I do but from what I've seen on a match day, the staff seem relatively happy and are not the utter tools some would have us believe...both of which suggest to me they are being paid in line with the market rate.
Working for City, getting a good wage, and being offered a half-price ST as a bonus would be a dream for most Blues. This ungrateful knob should be rooted out (if he even exists).
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
bananamilksheikh said:
I think its a bit cheap to pay Tevez £250k a week and bulk at giving staff what is effectively a £1k benefit in kind. Sometimes to get the best out of staff little gestures go a long way. City have always been penny wise. They pay staff pretty poorly anyway because of the kudos of working at the club. Show some class City!

Christ my wife works at ASDA is on just above the minimum wage does she get £1.4k of groceries free every year does she fook.

Well done City get shut of any trouble makers there are loads of fish out there in "the real world" that are aching for a job.

Some of these members of staff perhaps need 12 months on the dole to realise that perhaps life isn't so bad afterall!!

My turn to play Devil's Advocate, your wife gets a discount on her goods at ASDA though doesn't she?

As Blue2112 and Ian BishopsHaircut have implied there are 2 sides to this 'story'. If the club compensate those who don't want a season ticket then it is effectively taking that money away from the ones who do want 2 season tickets. A change of employment contract would surely have to be negotiated and then we might get the proper story.

Always take what the press says with a huge pinch of salt. :-)
bananamilksheikh said:
I think its a bit cheap to pay Tevez £250k a week and bulk at giving staff what is effectively a £1k benefit in kind. Sometimes to get the best out of staff little gestures go a long way. City have always been penny wise. They pay staff pretty poorly anyway because of the kudos of working at the club. Show some class City!
That word again!

Fucking meaningless in a footballing concept. If people don't like it then they can fuck off.
so that's how we are going to make ffp make these work shy fop's pay for their tickets.

Good on you city, glad to see the person who ran to the muen hoping for sympathy have it blow up in their face.

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