Disgraceful MOTD coverage

Mooncat19 said:
manc73 said:
didn't show the off the ball neville incident. but kompany should have been sent off..........Twats.

Watch the 'off the ball' Neville tackle on telly..and it was fcuk all. A coming together as they say.

But if it makes you happy lets just say he snapped him in two.

Oh please fuck off. I've not seen the off the ball incident again cos was at the game n hoped motd would show it, but the fact it was an off the ball tackle is bad enough in its self without having to see it again and is not needed in the game. Hope your scummy team rot in hell
Mooncat19 said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Mooncat19 said:
Watch the 'off the ball' Neville tackle on telly..and it was fcuk all. A coming together as they say.

But if it makes you happy lets just say he snapped him in two.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

Watch. The. Fuckin. Incedent. Then.

Still.....2-0....despite what the cock-eyed jock might have thought.
Moyes tactics were tantamount to GBH. "Get out there and kick the shit out of Silva....and why you're at it waste time at every opportunity"
Who wants to watch that crap every week.
No wonder why no-one wants to buy your shitty little club.
I am sick of having to pay my license fees to an organisation that pays £1 million a year to a bitter, clueless cretin like Hansen They are taking the absolute piss now. More of us need to complain.
Mooncat19 said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Mooncat19 said:
Watch the 'off the ball' Neville tackle on telly..and it was fcuk all. A coming together as they say.

But if it makes you happy lets just say he snapped him in two.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

Watch. The. Fuckin. Incedent. Then.

The only thing that's indecent is the fact you eat rats and wash it down with bin juice.
Not one to really mither what the pundits say as it changes nothing, but this got me riled tonight so I posted this little rant to the Beeb...

Your plate-headed twat of a presenter failed to mention 4 instances of violence from Everton players, yet he thinks Kompany should have been sent off?!?!?! Kompany, as good as he is, has not yet developed the ability to defy gravity and until he does he will land on rogue, Australian players who go in 2 footed like Cahill did, something else Hansen failed to comment on. Your coverage was shocking on Man City today, you highlighted none of the 'lowlights' from Evertons thuggish behaviour, but endeavoured to make our win out to be lucky. I will end on this. Your 3-man, tired looking panel is absolutely fucking abysmal compared to the supreme televisual experience Sky provide. The studio is drab, your 'experts' are all pro-Liverpool and hate anything that upsets the applecart, and Linekar has the personality of a radiator. Absolutely embarrassing tonight you lot were.

Then I breathed and it all felt much better!
interpol said:
Mooncat19 said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

Watch. The. Fuckin. Incedent. Then.

Still.....2-0....despite what the cock-eyed jock might have thought.
Moyes tactics were tantamount to GBH. "Get out there and kick the shit out of Silva....and why you're at it waste time at every opportunity"
Who wants to watch that crap every week.
No wonder why no-one wants to buy your shitty little club.

Top post mate
leighton said:
How are the 2 former Liverpool players going to react to the Saurez and his strop at having to be taken off will they even mention it. If it was Mario they would be all over it big time.
Good point lets see if it gets a mention
I can see Kompany getting a ban from the comments of Moyes and Hansen even though he is a victim of a dangerous tackle and only tried to avoid getting a broken leg.

Moyes will probably see that as a victory. Well I hope that consoles him as his shit, negative, talentless team of thugs enjoy a well deserved relegation battle.
Denis Law Back Heel said:
So let me get the straight Kompanys alleged "Stamp"??? Hansen complains about but in the post match interview moyes says "We did a job on Silva today" so he basically admits to kicking Silva off the pitch but no lets ignore that and concentrate on Kompanys "Stamp" fucking beggars belief Hansen needs fooking shooting his bias is getting beyond a piss take now ****

Its the jakey old scotch connection...they must of both slept in the same doorway as kids and shared the same can o' purple tin....cunts

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