Disgraceful press attacks on our owners, unbelievable

They deserve both barrells.

I would like a fan revolt to send the Sheik back to the deserts and Gary Cook back eating hot dogs but i don't hold out much hope. Most of our fans, including most of you lot, are blinded by the promise of all this money. You can stick it as far as i'm concerned.

'Manchester thanks the Sheik'. Embarrassing. Barely recognise our club any more
shlooney said:
They deserve both barrells.

I would like a fan revolt to send the Sheik back to the deserts and Gary Cook back eating hot dogs but i don't hold out much hope. Most of our fans, including most of you lot, are blinded by the promise of all this money. You can stick it as far as i'm concerned.

'Manchester thanks the Sheik'. Embarrassing. Barely recognise our club any more

barely recognise it? we've just sacked the manager!
Prestwich_Blue said:
Have to laugh. Even the journos I know are close and very sympathetic to the club are having a go. Instead of whingeing, stand back and see the wood for the trees and that the chairman has fucked up big time.

He and the Sheikh have given them a gun, filled it with bullets and stuck a big sign on the trigger saying "Please point at me and pull" and some are moaning because they have.

well said mate
Chinley so you are happy with the slurs on the owners and the references to that bunch of Arabs............
as one would expect the press and other managers have mostly only seen one side of it

While Hughes' dismissal lacked a certain style (!), I believe that the right decision has been taken for the following reasons:
1. While 6th and 70 points may have been the target, once Liverpool blew up something higher than 6th should be possible
2. To get to 70 points, we'd need to win more than half of the games remaining this season. With a defence worse than that under King Kevin, that would not happen
3. More fundamentally, the owners have probably taken the view that Hughes would not get City into the top four next season, and the likelihood of winning the league with him ever are low to zero

I do feel sorry for him (though he's being disingenuous when he says he didn't know until after the game - he has NEVER waved to the crowd like that before) but believe that the knee-jerk reaction of most pundits and journalists is because they don't watch City week in week out. If they did, they would understand this better.
shlooney said:
They deserve both barrells.

I would like a fan revolt to send the Sheik back to the deserts and Gary Cook back eating hot dogs but i don't hold out much hope. Most of our fans, including most of you lot, are blinded by the promise of all this money. You can stick it as far as i'm concerned.

'Manchester thanks the Sheik'. Embarrassing. Barely recognise our club any more

I´d have some sympathy pal with you IF and only IF the Premier League was abolished and we returned to pre - Sky and Chumps league days and ALL clubs had th same budget and were partly run by members á la Barca , Madrid etc
kismet said:
PB you think the comments from the press are acceptable then................
Personally I think some are spot on but whether I do or not, we've give them a loaded gun and they've fired it.

Have you ever dealt with the press? I have and it's a minefield. Even innocent comments get twisted out of all recognition and you have to think on your feet all the time.

They made themselves hostages to fortune when they went public on their target, which I actually thought was a good move as it showed honesty and openness. But having done that, you have to think very carefully about what people will say if you do something that seems to fly in the face of what you said a few months before.

And then when they actually do something, they should have done it on Wednesday night/ Thursday morning, when they would at least have had the benefit of a dismal performance to support their actions. But they left it and had to make a formal announcement during the game on Saturday, which resulted in a flawed but thrilling win.

Remember Steven Byers and the "good day to bury bad news" issue that forced his resignation? Well I know the senior civil servant at the centre of that and he told me the story. His head was demanded as a quid pro quo for Byers and his assistant. This would have been managed with typical Civil Service efficiency at a meeting between him and the Permanent Secretary and the Press Office were then to release a statement confirming his "resignation".

However the meeting was delayed as he had a dentist appointment first thing but no one thought to tell the press office, who released the statement as planned just as he was driving to work. This of course made the people involved in carrying out the sacking look complete idiots and he got a very nice pay-off out of it, far more than he otherwise might have got.
spamalot said:
Chinley so you are happy with the slurs on the owners and the references to that bunch of Arabs............

they created this, not the papers, not me and not you.

could and should have been handled a lot better
shlooney said:
They deserve both barrells.

I would like a fan revolt to send the Sheik back to the deserts and Gary Cook back eating hot dogs but i don't hold out much hope. Most of our fans, including most of you lot, are blinded by the promise of all this money. You can stick it as far as i'm concerned.

'Manchester thanks the Sheik'. Embarrassing. Barely recognise our club any more

I for one thank the Sheik.
For saving the club from bankruptcy.
For standing by a manager who was not his first choice for 15 months,who blamed everyone but himself for his failings,and who was backed to the tune of £250 million yet still couldn't stop us shipping goals left right and centre.

Hughes will walk away a very rich man.You can argue the way it was dealt with does not paint Cook and the owners is in a good light but it happens all the time.Liverpool contacted Klinnsmann.Grant was sacked after coming one kick away from winning the CL.Scolari was replaced by Hiddink.Rednapp replaced Ramos after leaving the sinking ship that was Pompey.
But becasue our owners are "nasty foreigners and know nothing about football,"the gutter press are having a field day.They knew it all along.

Good luck with building the 1983 time machine,by the way.
Don't bang the door on the way out.

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