

Well-Known Member
24 Aug 2005
South Stand
Obviously Tuesday was a great night for all blues and we're all hoping for more of the same on Wednesday.

However what really got my back up, particularly in the first half, was the atmosphere, or lack thereof from the rest of the ground.

I was in 111 and it seemed that throughout the game it was only us who were making any noise.

Maybe, my expectations were too high of the rest of the ground. Usually you expect north stand and Colin Bell to be quiet when it is Hull at home on a cold February night.

However when it is (arguably) one of the biggest matches in the last 20 years for our club One expects a bit more. Yet, the majority of our 'support' were nowhere to be heard.

At the game I thought it was just me, however since Wednesday I've spoke to a few people who sit in different areas of the ground and they have said much the same thing.

Why was the atmosphere so bad this time?

I remember a home derby, think it was '07 where we were losing 1-0 (when Ball stamped on Ronaldo) and the atmosphere was absolute fantastic, every section of the ground was getting behind the team, and i expected much of the same, if not better last Tuesday.

Am I alone in this view? Was the atmosphere as bad as I thought, considering the magnitude of the occasion?
Few of us in 109 trying all game to get them going but just wasn't happening. Seemed to perk up once we went infront which is kind of disappointing.
i always liken atmosphere to a good night out, you get a good one when you don't expect it.

having said that the first 30 mins we played like a team who had just met , and showed absolutely no attacking intent, the pattern of play dictates the mood.

we need to be ten times better on wednesday on and off the pitch.
I didnt go but it sounded great on the tele, but my mate who went said it was a bad atmosphere, he put it down to nerves,
It was down to nerves and also the fact that it was unlikely anything would be decided on the night.

I was in the North Stand (136) and the atmosphere wasn't great to start with but once the team got going the atmosphere did pick up a lot and it was better than the previous times I have been in the North Stand. Towards the end of the game the tension stopped the singing.

The Hamburg game was great because we had nothing to lose and it was to be decided on the night. Because we were coming from behind people found it easier to relax.
100%manc said:
Your are mistaken,

I was in the north stand corner and we hardly sat down and sung for the whole 90

I'm not doubting individuals effort to get an atmosphere going but as a collective group it wasn't as good as I was expecting.

Put it this way, It was the biggest game at COMS so far. The rags at home for a place at Wembley they don't come much bigger and I don't the atmosphere matched the occasion.
Its because it was a huge game and had somthing to loose in a way. We needed to win people were nervous quiet and 100% focused on the game if we were 10th and it was a league game with fowler and sinclair we would have all been screaming and singing for the 90. But some fans were just nervous and also knowing there was a second leg. If it was the second leg the place would of been bouncing more trust me.
Me and my posse in the 120 area didn't stop singing throughout the game, but I'd be lying if I said that everyone near us was singing for 90. I was trying to get more pro-City stuff going (ie Super City from Maine Road, an M an A an N...,) as I could but the more anti-united stuff caught on more.

Have you ever been to Sankeys? Have you fuck!

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