It is done and the time for honouring themselves at an end.
The battle is over and it's been one heck of a fray.I say this tongue in cheek of course because the Sky lads they employ are a cracking bunch and I have had some really good banter with them.However fratinisation with the enemy still remains a firing squad offence so I will say little more .
The story starts with an unsolicited call at or around 1900 hours of last week.
Norman was a pleasant chap and it was his solemn duty to to entice me back into the fold.
The offer he proposed was incredible so I said ok and we both verbaly shook on £28 a month for everything including multi room.Like Wow !
A short while later I was sitting in the TV room inbetween an advert break and decided to have a quick gander at my new account.
It wasn't at all good and no mention of sky sports or the movies.
I dont want to over explain the situation unnessasaraly but enought to say the agent was going to investigate and escalate my dilema to a stage three complaint
: / This would entail a thorough review and extraction of my original chat with Norman (
not real name) to verify facts.
Anyway a return call was sheduled but it never transpired.I knew what I had agreed too because during the sales talk I had disected every aspect repeating back the offer so many times I was bordering on the OCD.So I rang back today and am pleased to announce the unconditional surrender of Sky network @14.20 hours.
They apologised about the lack of a ringback and offered a £50 immediate credit to account.
An 18 month rolling contract for the full TV package with absolutely everything including the Sky Q.
The contract was complex and to be split into 12 months for the sports and movies and 18 months fixed contract for the rest.
The new price is to be £36 a month for the full monty..Not the original Normananski price but was getting weary with the ordeal so agreed.
And then an incredible thing happened and Sky phoned back an hour later.It was the investigating officer for new contracts and he had excellent news for me.If anyone is losing the plot it was the chap who was supposed to have rung back initialy.Its christmas time and everyone is busy so allowances have to be made.
He said he had listened to the full transcript of the sales call and I was indeed sold the full package with everything for £28 albeit wrongly.
The previous offer of £36 was to be immediatly recinded and the new offer of £28 for everything to be applied.
I told him I admired his honesty and indefatigability as he did not need to ring me back so fair fooks to the lad and massive respect bro !
So to conclude it's everything for £28 a month and a good result.
This thread can only be advantageous to all future re-subscribers as it affords information of past and present offers.
In essence we now see the bigger picture and forearmed is forewarned.
My deal is done so I can offer little more to thread except to say with a happy heart that We Must All Stick Together !
Here is Billy cotton and his showband to explain further.
When Britain is in danger, when trouble's in the air,
We all forget our squabbles it's trespassers beware,
The nation is united when danger looms in sight
We march along together and sing with all our might
We must all stick together, all stick together
And the clouds will soon roll by We must all stick together,
all stick together Never mind the old school tie
United we shall stand whatever may befall
The richest in the land, the poorest of us all We must all stick together,
birds of a feather, And the clouds will soon roll by.
(Band singing) (We must all stick together, all stick together
And the clouds will soon roll by We must all stick together,
all stick together Never mind your old school tie)
United we shall stand whatever may befall
The richest in the land, the poorest of us all We must all stick together,
birds of a feather, And the clouds will soon roll by.