Do we have some sort of tie-in with Rangers?

uberblue said:
In the olde days, we were the protestant manchester club, utd the catholic. Several of my mates wore Rangers regalia.
That was all a myth started by Busby to corner the Catholic Schools in Manchester for the kids that played in them.
uberblue said:
In the olde days, we were the protestant manchester club, utd the catholic.

FFS! that's got as much truth in it as the suggestion that it was a Celtic mob that trashed the City centre when the big screen failed.

A significant number of olde Blues i knew when i was a kid in Manchester were from an RC background, including my Irish Grandfather. I'm 47 so that's going back a while.

I don't know you Uber, so no disrepect intended, but previously the only people i've ever heard claim that City was "the protestant club" etc have been bigots with an agenda or United trying to secure Irish players/support.
Macc Blue said:
uberblue said:
In the olde days, we were the protestant manchester club, utd the catholic.

FFS! that's got as much truth in it as the suggestion that it was a Celtic mob that trashed the City centre when the big screen failed.

A significant number of olde Blues i knew when i was a kid in Manchester were from an RC background, including my Irish Grandfather. I'm 47 so that's going back a while.

I don't know you Uber, so no disrepect intended, but previously the only people i've ever heard claim that City was "the protestant club" etc have been bigots with an agenda or United trying to secure Irish players/support.

Uberblue, how far back are you going with "old days". I'm 56, went to a catholic school in Manc, the headmaster was a S/T holder at City. I never heard anyone tell me or any of the many other blues there that I should be supporting the rags because I was a catholic. Let's leave all the religious shite to Glasgow.
Back to my original post, and I didn't want this to turn into what it has, I'm more interested in the footballing side of things. And why our youngsters are signing for them.

When is the released list out?
clp1000 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
stumpy_mcfc said:
I am sure it was Celtic that trashed the City. I maybe one of the few but all I care about is City and if the players are going to benefit from a loan there then that is fine by me.

Don't talk fucking shite.
It was that barmy bunch of sectarian,wanna-be orangeman wankers who decided that a faulty TV screen warranted a full scale riot.
Fuck them and their religious bigotry right off.

Irony ?

Not really,no.
Red Hand Of Ulster flags are a frequent sight at Rangers matches,as is the sad chanting of songs about the battle of the Boyne,and The Sash.
As these are songs sung by orangemen,I can but assume that a significant number of Rangers fans support their cause.
Personally,I consider that any fans who spend most of the game singing about 300 year old wars that happened in another country are a bit sad,and have a massive identity crisis.
They are Scottish,yet wave the Union flag,and the flag of Ulster,rather than their own flag,the Saltire.
How odd is that?
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
clp1000 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Don't talk fucking shite.
It was that barmy bunch of sectarian,wanna-be orangeman wankers who decided that a faulty TV screen warranted a full scale riot.
Fuck them and their religious bigotry right off.

Irony ?

Not really,no.
Red Hand Of Ulster flags are a frequent sight at Rangers matches,as is the sad chanting of songs about the battle of the Boyne,and The Sash.
As these are songs sung by orangemen,I can but assume that a significant number of Rangers fans support their cause.
Personally,I consider that any fans who spend most of the game singing about 300 year old wars that happened in another country are a bit sad,and have a massive identity crisis.
They are Scottish,yet wave the Union flag,and the flag of Ulster,rather than their own flag,the Saltire.
How odd is that?

I agree with much of what you said, but a quick point the Union flag is theirs too(assuming they are Scottish that is)....
No more than any other club I am aware of?

Regarding how Rangers how perceived by City fans, as an old timer, I can remember as kids we used to have a Scottish team as a 'second' team. All the reds picked Celtic (Rod Stewart even included a reference to it with the line Your're, Celtic/United his song "You're in my heart"), whilst we all went for Rangers. There was no concept on our part about the religious divide between the two clubs, indeed a good number of Blues I still know who have retained an interest in Rangers, aren't protestant. Historically, Rangers supporters have been frequent visitors to City games, and as far as I know, have always been well received (I would like to think the same thing would apply to fans of other clubs who would come to watch and support City), I can well remember when ex Celtic legend Billy McNeill was in charge of us, how he would welcome branches from Scotland in his programme notes, who were either Rangers or Celtic, and supported City as their second team. Regarding the Rangers visit to Manchester for the Uefa Cup final, I, like many Blues I know, went in to Manchester to sample the atmosphere pre match build up, watch the game etc and go home after. We had been there all night and had a fantastic time, the events which happened on Newton Street were a big shock to the vast majority of people there that night, those responsible were rightly sought out and brought to justice. They have their idiots just like any other club, but the anti Rangers stance portrayed by the media and the City Council that night would lead you to believe there were 99,000 Rangers fans rioting and rampaging that night, which simply wasn't the case. Anyway just thought I would add my two penneth, and as always, champion the City cause to any other club, a City fan is a City fan regardless of race, colour and creed. Long may that continue, I thank you for reading.............ctwd.

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