Do you believe the Universe is infinite?

Damocles said:
hilts said:
SWP's back said:
Do you not read anything Damocles posts.

You believe something has to create something else as that is the law of causality in physics. But before the Big Bang there was no causality as it didn't come into being until after the Big Bang. That's when the laws of physics as they are known were created.

I did read it, I guess you didn't read mine

He's referring to the last line. The only reason that a reaction cannot happen without something being there is because reactions apply the laws of causality.

Once you remove spacetime which is why causality exists, there's no reason that something had to precede a reaction. There's no reason why "ingredients" had to exist.

You need to know your audience fella
Balloons and marbles
hilts said:
Damocles said:
hilts said:
I did read it, I guess you didn't read mine

He's referring to the last line. The only reason that a reaction cannot happen without something being there is because reactions apply the laws of causality.

Once you remove spacetime which is why causality exists, there's no reason that something had to precede a reaction. There's no reason why "ingredients" had to exist.

You need to know your audience fella
Balloons and marbles

Essentially if you want to bake an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the Universe.
Damocles said:
hilts said:
Damocles said:
He's referring to the last line. The only reason that a reaction cannot happen without something being there is because reactions apply the laws of causality.

Once you remove spacetime which is why causality exists, there's no reason that something had to precede a reaction. There's no reason why "ingredients" had to exist.

You need to know your audience fella
Balloons and marbles

Essentially if you want to bake an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the Universe.

I did do a bit of reading on it last night and some bloke who seemed like he knew what he was talking about basically said even though it defies our known logic we have to accept either

The universe has always existed(even pre Big Bang just in a different form) or
Something can come from absolute nothingness which by definition would have to be infinite
I watched the "universe from nothing" presentation by Laurence Krauss.

I know a little more now but my head started to hurt.

Found it incredibly interesting none-the-less
Ban-jani said:
I watched the "universe from nothing" presentation by Laurence Krauss.

I know a little more now but my head started to hurt.

Found it incredibly interesting none-the-less

I watched that as well The one thing that stuck was when he explained about the further away things the faster they appear to be moving.

I never understood that until he used that visualization with the overlaid dots it all seems to make sense now. I think this subject is quite hard to grasp even the scientists themselves seem to struggle with certain aspects of it but If you can keep picking up bits it is absolutely addictive and as we actually don't know the answers new theories / hypothesises are being developed all the time.

Who would have thought Quantum Physics would make holiday reading? said:
Ban-jani said:
I watched the "universe from nothing" presentation by Laurence Krauss.

I know a little more now but my head started to hurt.

Found it incredibly interesting none-the-less

I watched that as well The one thing that stuck was when he explained about the further away things the faster they appear to be moving.

I never understood that until he used that visualization with the overlaid dots it all seems to make sense now. I think this subject is quite hard to grasp even the scientists themselves seem to struggle with certain aspects of it but If you can keep picking up bits it is absolutely addictive and as we actually don't know the answers new theories / hypothesises are being developed all the time.

Who would have thought Quantum Physics would make holiday reading?

I found the part where he said that if you removed everything from a part of space, all atoms etc just everything so there was nothing, particles would pop in and out of existence really interesting.

I hope I've got that right, I can normally pick things up so quickly but physics is fucking hard.

Lol enjoy your holiday mate.
Bloody hell I need to stop looking at Quantum Physics

I have just come across something even Damocles won't be able to explain

Spooky action at a distance or to give it it's proper title Entanglement

I realize it happens but just fucking how??

I think my head might just pop with this one said:
Bloody hell I need to stop looking at Quantum Physics

I have just come across something even Damocles won't be able to explain

Spooky action at a distance or to give it it's proper title Entanglement

I realize it happens but just fucking how??

I think my head might just pop with this one

Damo said this earlier:

The speed of light in a vacuum has nothing special about it, it is just a substance that travels at the fastest possible velocity in the Universe. The fastest possible velocity would exist whether light travelled at that speed or not. Light just happens to have no mass thus travels at the speed limit. Basically the speed limit isn't light, light travels at the speed limit.

My question is what about entanglement? Because it would be much faster than "the speed limit" Or does this just not count as something "traveling"? This instantaneous effect.

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