Do you believe the Universe is infinite?

Of course it is. There has always got to be something behind the wall.

Thats what I think anyway, but I read a book ages ago that said more or less that it was infinite in a certain way - cant remember exactly but think it was like how a ring is infinite.
i think the universe is like an expanding bubble and it will eventually expand to its limit then start to deflate and at the final point of deflation there will be a chemical reaction to start it all over again, we are one of trillions of universes just suspended there like bubbles in a pint pot, we are positioned in the habitable zone between the sun and other planets but that's only habitable to us and not other species so i think there are many planets out there occupied by some form of life, out of all the known planets it would be interesting to see whats under the ice of Europa as there are active thermal vents, just a shame its not in my lifetime
someone described the universe to me and the way it is expanding as dots on a balloon, as you inflate the balloon it expands and all the dots then move away from each other at the same rate, but then for it to have been expanding for so many millions of years really makes my head hurt.
maybe the universe is fully consumed 'eventually' by black holes eating away at its contents and the final scenario is the black holes consume the black holes until all is whats left is one single giant black hole and at this point the pressure of the consumed contents erupt into a cosmic explosion making the size of Hiroshima look like a igniting matchstick and then events start over
this wine is good ;-) but a dam good theory even the scientists have not thought of

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