Do you believe the Universe is infinite?

Who knows. I believe what ever is out there i.e. beyond our observable universe is infinite. How can there be 'nothing'?

There's theories of multi universes but no strong evidence to back it up yet. There's theories that our universe is shaped like a donut, which means that we could never reach an edge seeing as a donut has no edges. Another theory states the universe is shaped like a soccer ball...pardon me, football. In the end, no one has a fucking clue...but we do have some smart mofo's currently trying to figure it out.

All you need to know is that it is fucking huge. Incomprehensibly big. Our race will probably never find another form of intelligent life..the universe is just that fucking big and spread out.

If it were then everything that can/could/would possibly happen has done an infinite time over.

Every single possibility would be happening an infinite amount of times, at the same time, Which would mean my exact brain, right down to the smallest atom, would have formed, reformed and formed again an infinite amount of times.

As I'm only aware of one consciousness I've experienced I must conclude that we live once, as evidence suggests, and infinity does not exist.

The concept of infinity is in my mind irrational and ridiculous.
Current scientific evidence from WMAP suggests the Universe is flat, which implies it to be infinite.

Some head scratching answers in this thread.

Three things to add:

1. The Universe being infinite in size does not imply that every possible thing has happened in it. I'm not sure why people think it does.

2. Infinity isn't a mind blowing concept and you deal with it every day. How many numbers are between 2 and 3? How many decimals are in pi?

3. The Universe doesn't need a beginning and an end. I explain this all the time on here and it's a bit mind bending, but the idea that something needs a beginning and an end is something called causality which is a law of physics. You cannot break causality because then information would be able to travel faster than light which would break a different law of physics. The law of causality only holds true when time flows forwards - if time were to flow backwards then the idea that everything had to have a creator would be a strange idea. Now remove the concept of time entirely and nothing needs a creator. This is because causality, the idea that things need a beginning and an end is actually a law of physics that only holds true of time is flowing and is flowing in the direction that we think it should be. The moment of the Big Bang was the moment that time was created and started flowing. Causality is a law of the Universe and thus in the moment of creation of the Universe doesn't apply. There is no need for a beginning.
I've just thought of a better way of explaining this, which is a little exciting as it's an often used example that I always fail to to explain properly:

Think of spacetime like a big graph. One with an x axis of space and a y axis of time.


Then think of every single event in the history of the Universe as a point on that graph including your own birth. Can something at y = 5 cause something to happen at y = 7? Yes, because of the reasons we all know as cause and effect. Can something at y = 7 cause something to happen at y = 5? No, because 5 is a small number than 7 and you must get to that first.

Now delete the graph from your head but keep the two points there. Can what we used to call y = 7 come before what we used to call y = 5 now? Yes becuse we've deleted the entire graph and it's just two points that could mean anything. They could have no correlation, some correlation or every correlation. It's just some dots. The entire system of measuring what they were has been deleted.

You can see from this that the very notion that 5 comes before 7 is reliant on the existence of the graph. So then claiming that -1 must exist in the first place to create the graph is ludicrous and you're suggesting that somebody else has a completely different unmeasurable graph because you don't want to start counting at 0. So then the question is who created the graph that had -1 on the y axis so it could then have a place to put the 0 and all other numbers?

The only logical conclusion is that nobody created the graph and the graph was always there. Otherwise it's a bottomless pit of graph makers.

That might make more sense or less sense but it's a different approach to the explanation than what I've tried in the past.
All we know about the Universe is that in our history we have never been invaded by an evil force from outer space, so that tells me that it is impossible to travel from wherever our nearest intelligent neighbours are or we are protected God knows why, or we are the only life out there
Damocles said:
Current scientific evidence from WMAP suggests the Universe is flat, which implies it to be infinite.

Some head scratching answers in this thread.

Three things to add:

1. The Universe being infinite in size does not imply that every possible thing has happened in it. I'm not sure why people think it does.

2. Infinity isn't a mind blowing concept and you deal with it every day. How many numbers are between 2 and 3? How many decimals are in pi?

3. The Universe doesn't need a beginning and an end. I explain this all the time on here and it's a bit mind bending, but the idea that something needs a beginning and an end is something called causality which is a law of physics. You cannot break causality because then information would be able to travel faster than light which would break a different law of physics. The law of causality only holds true when time flows forwards - if time were to flow backwards then the idea that everything had to have a creator would be a strange idea. Now remove the concept of time entirely and nothing needs a creator. This is because causality, the idea that things need a beginning and an end is actually a law of physics that only holds true of time is flowing and is flowing in the direction that we think it should be. The moment of the Big Bang was the moment that time was created and started flowing. Causality is a law of the Universe and thus in the moment of creation of the Universe doesn't apply. There is no need for a beginning.

I always thought that there was a point shortly after the big bang that things moved faster than the speed of light?
it was during few split seconds of the initial expansion of the universe
Every solar system is an atom that is part of a person that lives on another planet in another solar system zillions of times bigger than ours, they in turn are part of even bigger systems

there are of course billions of other parallel universes around us, some past some future, but to get to them you need to go through a black hole and out of a white hole

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