Do you mind us being called "Manchester"?


Well-Known Member
21 Dec 2013
So I had the pleasure of watching the CL semi final in the wonderful city of Barcelona last night on me hols and, fair to say, whilst most of the spaniards in the bar weren't actively supporting City they were adamantly against Real Madrid getting anything at all.

So, the TV pundits over there, the game commentators and the people in the bar referred to us, nearly without exception, as "Manchester". A couple of times they called us City or Manchester City.

This riled me at first cos of the way Utd were always called "Manchester" but then i realised they have no right to take our city's name considering we're the only club from manchester. and it was always those penises on ITV who should know better.

got me to thinking, do euro types always refer to the opposition as the city where they come from, despite other clubs? i hate it personally, being called simply "Manchester". (but i hope it really fucks off scum fans)
i always thought abroad united were considered to be just manchester whereas we were named city, just as some of us call real madrid just madrid and atletico madrid just atletico or atleti.

some call inter milan just inter and ac are the one that gets name milan.

i prefer us being called city personally.
Used to piss me off when the rags are refered to as Manchester as they're not.

As for us it's City to me not really fussed what anyone abroad calls us.
Used to piss me off when the rags are refered to as Manchester as they're not.

As for us it's City to me not really fussed what anyone abroad calls us.

just wondered really cos if we're around in the CL for years to come, it'll be what sticks etc. Personally i really dislike it.
Probably in the same way that people who refer to Real Madrid as "Madrid", brass off Atletico supporters. Milan and Inter is a slightly different kettle of fish.
So I had the pleasure of watching the CL semi final in the wonderful city of Barcelona last night on me hols and, fair to say, whilst most of the spaniards in the bar weren't actively supporting City they were adamantly against Real Madrid getting anything at all.

So, the TV pundits over there, the game commentators and the people in the bar referred to us, nearly without exception, as "Manchester". A couple of times they called us City or Manchester City.

This riled me at first cos of the way Utd were always called "Manchester" but then i realised they have no right to take our city's name considering we're the only club from manchester. and it was always those penises on ITV who should know better.

got me to thinking, do euro types always refer to the opposition as the city where they come from, despite other clubs? i hate it personally, being called simply "Manchester". (but i hope it really fucks off scum fans)

Mate, it should fucking delight you that foreigners are referring to us as "Manchester" now, shows how far we've come.

Always used to pain me that you'd go abroad and the locals would describe United as "Manchester", or you'd hear an interview with a high profile player from abroad and they'd describe them the same way also.

Don't hear it anymore.

And the fact that we're now being referred to as "Manchester" truly is a sign of how much our stock has risen.

We represent this city abroad now, not the scum.
When I meet people in the States, and they learn I'm a big "soccer" fan from Manchester, the ones who know about football ask which team, City or United, but those that know little ask if I support Man United? After a pretend spit on the ground at that suggestion, I tell them that I'm from Manchester, so I support City, but understand why they thought about United, because City went through a bad period for much of the last 10-15 years, but that over the last 5 years, City have been much much better than United. In fact, City have been the most successful domestic team in English football and are currently the only English team left in the Champions League!

Raises an eyebrow or two almost every time, especially when I mention the CFG and the fact that we also own MYCFC, MCFC in Oz, have a stake in a Japanese team, and that one of the largest companies in China just took a major stake in the club and will be screening their games in China!!

Not only is the FUTURE blue, but the PRESENT is blue, too!!! The future is here and I'm loving it!!
Turn it on its head, think how pissed off rag fans are abroad when they hear the locals refer to City as Manchester.

That used to be them.

They'll have the same feeling if Leicester clinch the title at the Swamp.

Warms the cockles of my heart.

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