Do you mind us being called "Manchester"?

Manchester City have always been "The Manchester team", the other lot having done a moonlight owing the council rent to set up shop on an ex salford ( They rented it from stretford) tip in a place called dumpington over a hundred years ago, thats a fact people ;0)
A lot of my Continental friends refer to us as the Citizens, as in "good result for the Citizens the other night", which I find particularly funny. I noticed when I was in France on Thursday that all the post-match media coverage consistently referred to us as Manchester City, a good thing in my view.
Mate, it should fucking delight you that foreigners are referring to us as "Manchester" now, shows how far we've come.

Always used to pain me that you'd go abroad and the locals would describe United as "Manchester", or you'd hear an interview with a high profile player from abroad and they'd describe them the same way also.

Don't hear it anymore.

And the fact that we're now being referred to as "Manchester" truly is a sign of how much our stock has risen.

We represent this city abroad now, not the scum.

We say Manchester for both, (here in Madrid), depending on who is playing. If we need to make clear in a conversation we say Manchester United or Manchester City, we don't say United or City alone, unless the conversation gets deep and we want to make it short. Otherwise we'll always say Manchester United and Manchester City, fully. The TV guys need to vary so they will say the sky-blues, the mancunians, el City, el Manchester, etc, but in the streets we say the full names, as long as they are. In the past it was easier because Manchester meant only United, now it is both.
As long as its mentioned that we're "city" aswell, i'm not arses. I do remember Mancini once refered to the rags as "Manchester" while he was here which pissed me off abit
I seem to recall a commentary on a derby, not too long ago when one of the commentators referred to the rags as 'Manchester' and the other commentator said something like 'which one?'

I was living in Stockholm around 5 years ago, popped out of the local hostelry for a smoke (don't do that any more, smoke, that is) and there was another Brit visiting, between drags he asked were I was from, I replied 'Manchester', he then asked whether I was red or blue, I replied 'City', he then proceeded to go off on one, called me arrogant, said we aren't the only club with City in their name. I replied that as we had already established that I'm from Manchester, there wasn't any need to clarify the fact any further. Turned out he was a Norwich fan, I suspect he had a multifunctional green and yellow scarf.

P.S. I'm from Salford...

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