Do you mind us being called "Manchester"?

Forgive me if I am wrong, but as Sir Baconface pointed out, Man City tends to be used, though not exclusively, by non-Mancunians. You're not Mancunian are you? :-)

It does grate a little with me the Man City moniker. Don't know why, it just does.
I was born at St Marys Hospital,Oxford Road,Manchester many decades ago DH.However, my Mum at the time was having a few pregnancy problems so they shipped off for the birth. Although I`m a Mid Cheshirite,I`m very happy to be a true Mancunian mate.
Hmm... Some poster above saying "we've always been 'city'" which is incorrect as the club as of today has come from other forms such as Ardwick, St Marks....
True "City" is 1894 but the club came from something(s) before this date.

Anyway as for the club name... I couldn't give a shit if some tourist soccer fan living on the other side of the world calls us "citeh" and our stadium "emptihad"
More fool to them for their ignorance and lack of education.

We are the only pro football team in Manchester.
Let them do their own research.

As for this "Man' City" thing.... I've always used it for things like texting, writing and so on as it's just quicker.
When I'm asked in public who I support, I reply: well I'm from Manchester, so who do you think?

Which then presents me with a reason to educate the person on why their response is invalid as Manure aren't based in Manchester.
In Madrid, even the locals refer to the two teams as "Athletic" and "Madrid"

Doesn't really bother me either way, "Manchester" gives us identity, but "City" is quite endearing.
It's a good job you're not bothered especially as you can't be bothered getting Atletico's name correct ;)
We had a little dalliance with that some seasons ago when there were some adverts along the lines of THIS IS OUR CITY, REAL MANCHESTER, with the emphasis on real rather than ray-al!

To put the record straight with Rags and other souther cnuts I always say we are the only PL team which plays its home games within the geographical boundary of the City of Manchester.

i`d forgotten about that 8-)
I quite like the Spanish bogsheets calling us "El City." It feels like they're including us in an exclusive list, like there's only one team with City in the name worth knowing about so they're "The City."
wouldnt orry about it until another section of the Scum fans splinter off again and create yet another club and call it Manchester FC
Manchester City, Man City, City are all fine by me. Manchester? If it's being used by a commentator in a game it doesn't really bother me as it's pretty obvious who the reference is to.
When I'm asked where I'm from most know about City or Utd so i tell them the answer City. I would never refer to myself as just a 'Manchester' fan though. Its always from Manchester then Man City.

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