Do You Really Have Control?

black mamba said:
Only possession of great wealth can give you total control over your life ........

others just THINK they have control!!

Nah. money doesn't give you control.

Look at that idiot who blew 9 million and has just gone back on the bins.

You can be stuck in your own shit however much money you have.
i think that our lives are already mapped out and the path we are on is the one that got given us. Explain de ja vu? when that happens to you your first thought is "i`ve done this before..",but how? i believe that events,places,happenings,people coming in and out of your life etc is already mapped out,it`s up to us whether or not we do the right thing. I believe in all the after life/paranormal bollocks that goes on and believe that is a plays a huge part in our lives......
JoeMercer'sWay said:
As the thread title says, do you really have control of your life? Do you really make your own decisions and exercise your free will to shape your life and do what you want, or is it really just a myth?

The reason I ask is because I've been contemplating the possibility that life is actually pre-determined and that possibly we have no control over our futures. What's to say that everything you believe, think or want to achieve is implanted as an idea by something far beyond our means of discovery, that actually controls us and chooses our path? What is free will? what is our conscience? is it us telling us what's right, or something else telling us what's right? where do you get an idea from? they come to you, who's to say something else hasn't planted that idea?.

The key to this is the fact that we are created to believe that we are in control, that we can choose our path in life and make our own decisions, but is it just a fad? you can't choose where, at what time or to whom you are born, you can't control your upbringing, it's dictated to you, and that makes you the person you are, and from there you can only do things within reason, why because for the vast majority something holds them back, and the exceptions, well maybe they are created to be different and to bring some entertainment and excitement to it all? Maybe we are only able to discover what we are allowed to, and believe what is subconsciously dictated to us?

If I lost you in the first 5 seconds of this, then sorry, but really this is an argument of the standard model against everything being set by something beyond us that we will never discover, not necessarily a God, but we could just be a creation by another race in a far more giant setup we will never comprehend. What do you think?
Hope I'm not missing your point, because it's a really interesting one, but we have discovered what controls us and it's all in our genes, that's what determines who, what, why, when and what for.
We have a 10% environment chance? (guessing) of changing what was pre-determined at birth and they've also discovered genetic memory, water knows where it's been and if your ancestors ever suffered starvation your genes will adapt and make you eat more. So who programmed the gene in the first instance and made it rigid, yet so adaptable :)
mammutly said:
black mamba said:
Only possession of great wealth can give you total control over your life ........

others just THINK they have control!!

Nah. money doesn't give you control.

Look at that idiot who blew 9 million and has just gone back on the bins.

You can be stuck in your own shit however much money you have.

I'm talkin' about a bit more than nine million !

but even then he didn't have to blow it , did he?

He could have 'controlled' what he did with it , and made the money 'work' for him ........

if you have real wealth you can do anything you want to , and even stuff you probably shouldn't too!

Of course things can still go wrong on occasion , but in general possessing real wealth makes the difference between what you can do in life ....... and what you can't!
of course you/i have control

i could go out and beat the hell out of my neighbour right now - although i choose not to. the fact that i do or don't is not pre-determined as i have made the decision to do it, or not.
Determinism always struck me as a strange self refuting position.

The very act of trying to convice others that determinism is true is to act on the assumption that we're not predetermined. Similar to writing a letter to someone with the words "letters don't exist" printed on it. Or screaming into someone's ear that sound does not exist.

Maybe I'm wrong tho, I haven't really looked into determinism in any depth.
aphex said:
of course you/i have control

i could go out and beat the hell out of my neighbour right now - although i choose not to. the fact that i do or don't is not pre-determined as i have made the decision to do it, or not.

No you couldn't.

Firstly, your social conditioning wouldn't allow you to and secondly, you're a tubby little pike and would get battered
manimanc said:
i think that our lives are already mapped out and the path we are on is the one that got given us. Explain de ja vu? when that happens to you your first thought is "i`ve done this before..",but how? i believe that events,places,happenings,people coming in and out of your life etc is already mapped out,it`s up to us whether or not we do the right thing. I believe in all the after life/paranormal bollocks that goes on and believe that is a plays a huge part in our lives......

Scientific studies have been done on De Ja Vu and connections have been found in people who suffer epilepsy and schizophrenia. It's to do with the misfiring of the brain. This connection is also apparant in things such as "Out of body experiences" (/seeing your own body) etc.

Interesting stuff. In time we'll understand more.

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