Do you think the world will be much different in 70 years from now?

People will be laughing their bollocks off at how we used to work 40hr + weeks getting up at daft o'clock in the pissing rain and travelling to work. Can't see how, apart from service industries such as shops, hospitals etc there will be a need to travel to a place of work.
Messes Siri,Alexa and our own oddballs Proximo and Badur are only the beginning of futuristic automation as moderation and human interaction become things of the past. Virtual reality will reign supreme with zero carbon footprints as we travel wherever we wish and whenever we wish within the boundaries of our own minds. But for now in 2019 things remain rather good to go and how lucky are we all to be not just born of this ride into certain oblivion but more born when we were and where we were ..

One hundred years from now
It will not matter
What kind of car I drove
What kind of house I lived in
How much I had in my bank
Nor what my clothes looked like.
One hundred years from now
It will not matter
What kind of school I attended
What kind of typewriter I used
How large or small my church
But the world may be
a little better because
I was important in the life of a child.
Something very very profound is going to happen, something like 50 years from now, which will change EVERYTHING.

2070 is the point by which a large group of leading scientists and nobel laureates believe humans will no longer be the most intelligence "species" on the planet, and intelligent computers will have surpassed us.

That is truly an incredible inflexion point. Because such "beings" will not be bounded by our DNA-based biology which has taken millions of years to get us to where we are. Instead, their development will accelerate from that point, such that in maybe another year or so, they are 2x more intelligent than us, and in another couple of years, 10x more. It won't be long before we are mere ants to them. Humans will be viewed as lifeforms of such simplistic and trivial make-up as to be rather unimportant, apart from the minor novelty of considering where we came from.

I can't remember the source for the 2070 date, but of this same group of scientists, a significant faction are of the opinion that extinction of the human race will follow shortly after 2070 as a result.

I know this sounds very Terminator, and I am not entirely sure I share the view on our doomsday scenario, but I think it's certainly a strong possibility. That intelligent "computers" - for want of a better word - will soon be more intelligent than us, is I think a nailed on certainty. It's also a nailed on certainty that by that point, these computers will already control pretty much every aspect of human existance, from the planting and growing of our crops, to the running of our cities infrastructures, the powering of our planes, cars, factories etc, the firing of our weapons. This is a given.

So we will be entirely in the lap of the gods as to whether these beings decide that humans, with all the damage we do to the planet, are worth keeping. Or not.
Something very very profound is going to happen, something like 50 years from now, which will change EVERYTHING.

2070 is the point by which a large group of leading scientists and nobel laureates believe humans will no longer be the most intelligence "species" on the planet, and intelligent computers will have surpassed us.

That is truly an incredible inflexion point. Because such "beings" will not be bounded by our DNA-based biology which has taken millions of years to get us to where we are. Instead, their development will accelerate from that point, such that in maybe another year or so, they are 2x more intelligent than us, and in another couple of years, 10x more. It won't be long before we are mere ants to them. Humans will be viewed as lifeforms of such simplistic and trivial make-up as to be rather unimportant, apart from the minor novelty of considering where came from.

I can't remember the source for the 2070 date, but of this same group of scientists, a significant faction are of the opinion that extinction of the human race will follow shortly after 2070 as a result.

I know this sounds very Terminator, and I am not entirely sure I share the view on our doomsday scenario, but I think it's certainly a strong possibility. That intelligent "computers" - for want of a better word - will soon be more intelligent than us, is I think a nailed on certainty. It's also a nailed on certainty that by that point, these computers will already control pretty much every aspect of human existance, from the planting and growing of our crops, to the running of our cities infrastructures, the powering of our planes, cars, factories etc, the firing of our weapons. This is a given.

So we will be entirely in the lap of the gods as to whether these beings decide that humans, with all the damage we do to the planet, are worth keeping. Or not.
Do you think we’ll find out from them whether it’s muffin or barm?
Climate change will have long since become irreversible and therefore major parts of the world either arid or underwater.

That will have caused mass migration from degraded areas, adding to over-population in the sustainable bits. The inevitable happened and wars broke out as the only way to cull. It took on religious connotations: Islam versus the rest. I won’t do a spoiler and say who won.

Meanwhile Pep is looking distinctly old and, er, bald. He’s had to send a robot to pick up his 71st consecutive PL title with City.
Do you think we’ll find out from them whether it’s muffin or barm?
If the androids made in Manchester or the Lancashire area then obviously it will be pre programmed to know it's a muffin, should it be imported from southern regions it'll be imprinted with barm and quite probably will malfunction well before its guarantee expires.
All funding for mental health will be replaced by funding for drugs that stimulate sexual appetite as the most sexually rapacious humans become the most prized citizens in society in order to replete the population lost in the Great Sino-Iranian War. Workplace harassment will be commonplace. Net C02 emissions will be zero although the sun will prematurely enter its red giant phase.

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