Do you want Tevez to stay?

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Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

Tell him how you feel yourselves !!

terminal 3 m/c airport 1.45am

7 of us going !!,should be good crack
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

'simple' dock his wages and let him spend 3 years in the reserves and keep him away from all senior players
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

utter utter utter prick

Even by his sorry standards.

He's so thick though, no fucker in their right mind will want to buy him now
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

again I'll say someone needs to find him and kick lumps out of him.He's insisted on speaking to media now.
Re: City Fans Don't Want Tevez

Sue the bastard back to the fucking stoneage.

Can we not get a ruling by fifa showing he pushed it and have some transfer embargo put on him ? i.e. he cannot play for any euro team for x years ? alongside us taking the rat bastard to the cleaners.
Re: City Fans Don't Want Tevez

I have backed him until tonight - had sympathy for his family situation, which is clearly me being gullible.

He is an embarrassment to the club and to football. A complete and utter disgrace. I haven't felt this disgusted by a City player since Joey Barton...

Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

ramsdale4 said:
Tevez is a disgrace. And so are the mods on here tonight. People have to plead for separate threads! Wtf is going on?!

Agree.... this should be discussed as a separate issue.... it is bigger than tonights game ..

As I said on an earlier thread... He thinks he's being clever...

No Sacking, No Loan, No cheap sale in january...

See the contract out, but keep away from the club... you're not welcome...

Go and do some eating!!!!
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

Shocked and dismayed....

Hope he has been told to make his own way back....

.................." My office - 9am....and bring your Solicitor"...


Re: City Fans Don't Want Tevez

Fellas leave it we don't need to tell the feckin club anything - Tevez is gone / kapish / history - Mancini will make his feeling clear and too be honest i am not sure he will have to say much - the owners simply will not accept this

what is more worrying is why Tevez did what he did today - in my mind it was deliberate and calculated - looks like he is trying to push a move in January and he will go at a much lower price so he gets pick of more clubs
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