Do you want Tevez to stay?

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Re: City Fans Don't Want Tevez

Tevez can clear off, give Dennis Suarez a chance as 4th striker
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

Being saying it since 2010 and now we're here.

"DTguardian daniel taylor
Carlos Tevez isn't going quietly - he has emerged in the mixed zone and wants to talks #MCFC "

**** needs to go.
Re: City Fans Don't Want Tevez

i agree tevez had prepared well his move today. he waited for a big game while there was no other striker on the bench but him.
Re: City Fans Don't Want Tevez

I think he's a terrific player and should have been on from the start

If Dzeko got a game of five a side before me I'd be miffed, so it's no wonder Tevez was pissed off and refused to play
Re: Do one Tevez

Make him continue to sit on his arse for the next three years, no training, fuck all. Then let's see how close Kia is to him when he's 16 stone and no one gives a fuck !
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

He'll claim it's the language barrier or something just you see. It's obvious now why the rags didn't want him and they're loving this. Already had the 'Welcome to Manchester' text and pictures of that poster emailed to me several times.

He's dead to me now.
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