Do you want Tevez to stay?

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Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

BringBackSwales said:
levets said:
MikeF said:
I so hope this is true

Texted from someone in the know at the Allianz... I so hope it's true as well. You could see Zab having words with him when it happened....

was this "someone" in the tunnel then?

Sorry...second hand news... now saying somebody told him...
Re: Do one Tevez

As much as i can appreciate Roberto and co being angry, no one can be more angry than the fans at this current moment. Im hitting the roof me, just cannot get over what he has done after all what the club has offered and done for him! £250k to say im not playing. spoilt fu***** child. I dont care how bad the condition of your upbringings are you should at least show some respect! I bet he has put his transfer figure to about 20m now because no one in Europe will want him! The club should take out the most strict of punishments on him! And we wonder why other clubs fans state we have no class, yeah its because of this idiot here!!
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

Ah fuck, mods please delete my 'it started with this' thread

I realised Tevez was on some bull during:

Edit: Is there some hate for being replaced by De Jong? (Kidding, of course)
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

stick him in the reserves for the rest of his contract at the club, make him train with them everyday.

get him away from the first team, he's only causing an upset.

once again he comes up with the same bullshit ''i was top goalscorer last year'', so that warrants him to do what he want's does it? the guy is a plank and as thick as pig shit.

he let the team down, the manager, the fans, the owners, the club. EVERYONE who put's the hard work and effort into getting to where we are now.

a nice 2 years in the reserves will teach him some respect, and if he decides to not train or play in the reserves he doesn't get paid.

personally i think mancini has the bottle to do it, and i for one would back him everytime. i feel sorry for Roberto i really do, he looked like he was close to tears in his post match interview.

ungrateful arrogant prick who shouldn't step anyway near out first team ever again.

the transfer saga was a piss take, but tonight you crossed the line.

get fucked Tevez.
Re: City Fans Don't Want Tevez

i cant believe he was wearing the armband last year
Re: City Fans Don't Want Tevez

Now we are going to have the press undermining city yet again. he should be sued for this, its more than criminal.
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

Mancini: "I am fining you 2 weeks wages, I would fine you a year's if I could. You will never play for me or this team again, and you now have to train on your own or with the youth team until we sell you in January".

Tevez: "Ok, but you still have to let me bring my kids onto the pitch before every home game, you have to !!! I've been promised".
Re: So what are you gona do with your Teves gear???

nothing with my teves gear as i dont have any however il happily burn my TEVEZ away shirt from last year
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