Do you want Tevez to stay?

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Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

The club, could and should back Mancini 100% and he said Tevez won't play for us again. Surely refusing to warm up, is same as refusing to play.
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

Tevez and his advisor have waited and bided their time for the opportunity, last night was it. The pair of sneaky feckers didn't do it at home or away at Fulham, they waited till we really needed him and said Feck you !
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

No defence for the obnoxious little ****.

The only thing that is strange is that so many people were blind to this since his arrival.

It was always goin to end in tears. Too many worshipped him because of his previous attachment. But he has slagged RM,GC, Manchester. He has been lying about his motives all along.

Do you think West Ham would like him on loan?
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

Scooby Blue said:
Dubai Blue said:
Scooby Blue said:
In his post-match interview David Platt (who has a better command of English than Mancini and was presumably close to everything that happened) noticeably refused to be drawn on backing up Mancini's version of events.
This may have been just through a common sense desire to keep a lid on things, but it may reflect an acknowledgement that Roberto had slightly exaggerated / misstated the extent of Tevez's "refusal to play".
"We are not going to lie. What happened happened," said the former England skipper.

To me, that is Platt 100% backing Mancini's version of events.

I'm not good at the embedding video thing, but go to Sky sports website + check out the actual interview with Platt.

He refers EXPLICITLY to Tevez "refusing to warm up" not Tevez "refusing to play". In Mancini's eyes, and maybe to everyone on this forum, this amounts to the same thing...but it isn't.

I am NOT trying to let Tevez off the hook for his disrespectful conduct, but I do think the lynch mob need to be in full posession of the facts before we burn him at the stake.

As has already been pointed out, I was not on the bench but I think the timeline may have gone something like this:

1) RM to coaching staff: "Tell Tevez to warm up"
2) Tevez to coaching staff "No ..not going to...don't need to"
3) RM to Tevez : rant along the lines of "F***k do what i F****g say"
or maybe "F**k you , I'm the F****G will never F***g play for me ever again" (In Italian / English which Tevez gets the gist of)
4) Not clear if 2nd attempt made to get Tevez on pitch / or if Tevez responds along the lines of "no-one F***G talks to me like that F***k you as well..I don't want to play anyway for your F****G team" (In Spanish which RM gets the gist of)
5) RM now so incensed that Tevez no longer an option to be brought on as sub.

There is enough in above version for
i) RM to claim that Tevez refused to play
ii) Tevez to point out that he refused to warm up (insubordinate)...but was prepared to play until RM "lost it" with him.

You can dress it up anyway you like,if hes refused to do what is asked of him by a senior member of staff hes in breach of his contract,its really that simple.

How could Mancini make him warm u if hes refused to do so?He was warming up fine agisnt everton and his head was right then.

He saw Dzeko coming off shaking his head and muttering under his breath and made a very fucking poor job of a player power scenario-Dzeko also needs to understand who the boss is wether he likes the managers decison or not-hes another player who thinks hearing the fans sing his name mean he can dictate when he plays and performs or not.
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

I don't know who can afford to take him off our hands now though. Another loan deal? Or maybe that Russian team that signed Eto'o
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

tolmie's hairdoo said:
Tevez has already refused to warm-up, previously this season.

Can't recall the game but Mancini made a point of ordering him to put his bib on and get fucking running?

He ultimately did though didn't he. I remember Tevez starting to run but being pretty pissed off about it.
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

Dubai Blue said:
alera said:
I see some people are eager to believe his lies and bullshit.

He refused to play end of story.

Go ahead and believe kia spin.
Bizarrely, there'll never be a shortage of City fans willing to feast on Tevez's bullshit. Probably the same sort of people who'd repeatedly turn a blind eye to their missus cheating on them cos she always says sorry with a blowjob.

Can't quite see the analogy but if it makes you happy!
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

Vassell said:
I don't know who can afford to take him off our hands now though. Another loan deal? Or maybe that Russian team that signed Eto'o

To be honest fella i dont think us,the players and our owners give a shit what happens to him.

I cant see ANY club wanting him to be brutally honest with you-the only club would be somebody like we were 3 seasons ago-a club making a statement with ther intenions-perhaps that Russian club would be ideal!
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

Considering that the great Sir Alex Ferguson decided in his infinite wisdom to let this mental midget walk at approximately the same time as Ronaldo, surely there was sufficient warning? Considering that he left Boca Juniors at the drop of a pimp's hat to whore his services out to, er, Corinthians...? Considering that he then considered, er, West Ham to be worthy of his talents? Did none of this point to the fact that his stay at Manchester City was always going to end in tears?

Most of you were just as bad as some of our lot moronically chanting 'sign him up Fergie', like they or you knew better...
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