Do you want Tevez to stay?

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Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

simon23 said:
I have been a huge fan of Tevez sine his arrival.

I supported him even after the transfer request as I believe he did it for one of two reasons (depite what has been said by both sides since)...either that it was for family reasons or that he didnt get on with certain at teh time people believe that this was cook and marwood...But I am still of the opinion that there has always been a problem between RM and Tevez since the early days...I have said I dont think that Tevez appreciated RM's early tactics at the start of his career here and this is where th relationship was spoilt.

I have also said before that tevez has a problem with hsi ego (tho I think its fair to say that most players have...look at Edin's reaction to getting subbed and he comes accross as a very mild mannered bloke...and he did exactly what carlos has been lambasted on here for before!)...milner also said in his interview that he hates it sat on teh sub bench so its pretty fair to say that being on th esubs bench is not something that any pro wants..and this will hammer their ego.

However RM also has an ego problem...i think Tevez's dislike of tactics (and you can almost bet that there have been arguements behind the scenes about this in the early days) has upset RM and he has held this against tevez.

I have said before that both of them need to pull their respective headds out of their own arses!....Rm is a very good manager...tevez is one of th best players in the world...both singing fromt eh same hymn sheet and you have an awesome combination...unfortunately due to ego I cannot every see that happening

There are two sides to every story....what tevez did yesterday was almost unforgiveable...but now we have him saying that he didnt refuse to play....has something been lost in translatio????....Surely tevez must know that doing something so public at such an important time would only damamge his won image in world football.....noone would trust him????

I dont know what to make of it to be honest...but zabba was sat ther eand his english is very good (prob better that Robertos) so he could have translated what was being said....

Did Mancini lose his temper too quick and then tevez see his own arse?

Is tevez lying???

Zabba would be the person to know this.....alsoKolorov is sat next to tevez and seems to be almost agreeing wth him about something....

What the club needs to do is straighten this out and then let EVERYONE KNOW....khaldoon needs to be involved.....If the truth isnt laid out the media will just keep running story and counter story and it will cause upset....relaease the truth and get is sorted...if that means tevez has to go then fine...if its a misunderstanding between tehh two....sort it as there is no doubt that in my mind that if both Mancini and Tevez are singing fromt eh same hymn sheet then it is better for the club

I know you love Tevez and at first didn't like Mancini but seem to have grown to like him a bit more (Because he's forced you too with the results he's got us) but the best thing for the club is that Carlos Tevez never plays for Manchester City again. Nothing will have been lost in translation, he clearly didn't want to come on hence the annoyance from Mancini and from Zabaleta

Since Mancini came to the club Tevez has been disrespectful to him on numerous occasions, i wanted him sold in the summer and i hope to god i never see him play for MCFC again. He's been a great player for us but we no longer are reliant on him, in Sergio Aguero we have a player who is younger and is for me a better all round player than Carlos Tevez. Carlos Tevez is no longer needed at MCFC, certainly not as a person and not even as a player. He will never like Roberto Mancini for whatever reasons, at the end of the day we can discuss Roberto's man management skills or lack of them as some seem to think but most players seemingly have no problem with him but at the end of the day he's the boss, he calls the shots and the way Carlos Tevez has been with him not just yesterday but since he came to the club is completely unacceptable, for you to think Mancini and Carlos should put things to one side and get on with it for the best of the club is ridiculous
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

simon23 said:
I have been a huge fan of Tevez sine his arrival.

I supported him even after the transfer request as I believe he did it for one of two reasons (depite what has been said by both sides since)...either that it was for family reasons or that he didnt get on with certain at teh time people believe that this was cook and marwood...But I am still of the opinion that there has always been a problem between RM and Tevez since the early days...I have said I dont think that Tevez appreciated RM's early tactics at the start of his career here and this is where th relationship was spoilt.

I have also said before that tevez has a problem with hsi ego (tho I think its fair to say that most players have...look at Edin's reaction to getting subbed and he comes accross as a very mild mannered bloke...and he did exactly what carlos has been lambasted on here for before!)...milner also said in his interview that he hates it sat on teh sub bench so its pretty fair to say that being on th esubs bench is not something that any pro wants..and this will hammer their ego.

However RM also has an ego problem...i think Tevez's dislike of tactics (and you can almost bet that there have been arguements behind the scenes about this in the early days) has upset RM and he has held this against tevez.

I have said before that both of them need to pull their respective headds out of their own arses!....Rm is a very good manager...tevez is one of th best players in the world...both singing fromt eh same hymn sheet and you have an awesome combination...unfortunately due to ego I cannot every see that happening

There are two sides to every story....what tevez did yesterday was almost unforgiveable...but now we have him saying that he didnt refuse to play....has something been lost in translatio????....Surely tevez must know that doing something so public at such an important time would only damamge his won image in world football.....noone would trust him????

I dont know what to make of it to be honest...but zabba was sat ther eand his english is very good (prob better that Robertos) so he could have translated what was being said....

Did Mancini lose his temper too quick and then tevez see his own arse?

Is tevez lying???

Zabba would be the person to know this.....alsoKolorov is sat next to tevez and seems to be almost agreeing wth him about something....

What the club needs to do is straighten this out and then let EVERYONE KNOW....khaldoon needs to be involved.....If the truth isnt laid out the media will just keep running story and counter story and it will cause upset....relaease the truth and get is sorted...if that means tevez has to go then fine...if its a misunderstanding between tehh two....sort it as there is no doubt that in my mind that if both Mancini and Tevez are singing fromt eh same hymn sheet then it is better for the club

Utter shite! I'll be outside the head's room at 5pm for my questioning of Barry. I think you'll be joining me after that.
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

simon23 said:
I have been a huge fan of Tevez sine his arrival.

I supported him even after the transfer request as I believe he did it for one of two reasons (depite what has been said by both sides since)...either that it was for family reasons or that he didnt get on with certain at teh time people believe that this was cook and marwood...But I am still of the opinion that there has always been a problem between RM and Tevez since the early days...I have said I dont think that Tevez appreciated RM's early tactics at the start of his career here and this is where th relationship was spoilt.

I have also said before that tevez has a problem with hsi ego (tho I think its fair to say that most players have...look at Edin's reaction to getting subbed and he comes accross as a very mild mannered bloke...and he did exactly what carlos has been lambasted on here for before!)...milner also said in his interview that he hates it sat on teh sub bench so its pretty fair to say that being on th esubs bench is not something that any pro wants..and this will hammer their ego.

However RM also has an ego problem...i think Tevez's dislike of tactics (and you can almost bet that there have been arguements behind the scenes about this in the early days) has upset RM and he has held this against tevez.

I have said before that both of them need to pull their respective headds out of their own arses!....Rm is a very good manager...tevez is one of th best players in the world...both singing fromt eh same hymn sheet and you have an awesome combination...unfortunately due to ego I cannot every see that happening

There are two sides to every story....what tevez did yesterday was almost unforgiveable...but now we have him saying that he didnt refuse to play....has something been lost in translatio????....Surely tevez must know that doing something so public at such an important time would only damamge his won image in world football.....noone would trust him????

I dont know what to make of it to be honest...but zabba was sat ther eand his english is very good (prob better that Robertos) so he could have translated what was being said....

Did Mancini lose his temper too quick and then tevez see his own arse?

Is tevez lying???

Zabba would be the person to know this.....alsoKolorov is sat next to tevez and seems to be almost agreeing wth him about something....

What the club needs to do is straighten this out and then let EVERYONE KNOW....khaldoon needs to be involved.....If the truth isnt laid out the media will just keep running story and counter story and it will cause upset....relaease the truth and get is sorted...if that means tevez has to go then fine...if its a misunderstanding between tehh two....sort it as there is no doubt that in my mind that if both Mancini and Tevez are singing fromt eh same hymn sheet then it is better for the club

What a load of bollocks, we need to fuck the self righteous south american off big style. he refused to play for our beloved blues, we trusted him with our shirt and he threw it back in our faces.

He may have changed his tune in the morning when Kia Joorabhian had a word in his ear to tell him he'd fucked up, well fuck him off in the reserves or garden leave until he swells to bursting point.

Too many people like you have fucked up this country with turning the other cheek.

One thing too many for a blue rot tevez rot.
Re: "I wasn't feeling good, physically or mentally"

Oh yes, straight from the Luka Modric book of excuses. But Twitcher capitulated; Bobby Manc won't.
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

Sadly for Tevez, when he retires he'll be remembered for his petulance, arrogance and disobedience rather than his talent on the pitch.
Re: "I wasn't feeling good, physically or mentally"

I should have gone on holiday last night

National holiday here in Czechia today and then 2 days off work -a nice 5 day holiday booked

Now it is cancelled as I was working last night and today and have been asked to drive (7 hours) to Hungary for a meeting on Friday

It must be so difficult for Tevez, I wish I could help him
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

I cannot believe anyone is trying to defend his actions is this not just one of many incidents where he as acted like a twat ?

Fair enough if it was a one off but time after time he has took the piss out of City and Mancini.

I just them at the top UEFA or FIFA would get involved and make sure he never plays anywhere else again all he has done is caused problems at every English club him and his parasite have graced.About time FIFA cut him and his leech out of the game

BTW he would be more than welcome at Valley Parade he would fit in with a squad who also refuse to play football on a Saturday :)
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

bandgeekmafia78 said:
Sadly for Tevez, when he retires he'll be remembered for his petulance, arrogance and disobedience rather than his talent on the pitch.

you reap what you sow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im not the best admirer of souness, but he got it spot on last night, tevez opitomises what every non football supporter and football supporter thinks of the modern player. just a slapped arse but a highly paid one sadly
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

this is a make or break time

is anyone of the thought that this could drive us further forward?

afterall, tevez has come out with his usual 'misunderstood' statement - could he possibly be allowed to knuckle down and now prove his work

nothing would surprise me, and i'm just trying to be pragmatic..
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