Does death scare you?

Not death in itself, just the chaos I will probably leave for others to clear up. Too much for my wife to deal with.

The Swedish apparently have a tradition of'death cleaning' in later years, decluttering and getting your affairs in order so your loved ones have as little as possible to do. I suspect there is a comfort in doing that for the people you love.
no not really if I die, then I die we all have to

however dying slowly in pain or while having dementia is something I hope to avoid
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Thinking about it used to keep me awake at night when I was a young lad (8-11 years’ old or so). My first girlfriend from when I was 18 used to have counselling about it when she was young as well.

It doesn’t bother me anymore. It’s just like how I didn’t exist in the past before I was born, I won’t exist in the future.

Did you know that life is only possible in the universe for one-thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion billion billionth, billion billion billionth, of a per cent of time?

For 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the rest of the universe’s time, life will not be possible.

But that tiny fraction of the tiniest chance of life being possible in the universe is NOW! and we just happen to be a collection of atoms that have collected into being the most intelligent life-form on a planet that just happens to be habitable now and we are living during that tiny fraction of time.

My collection of atoms could have been a fish or a sponge or a rock on some dead planet somewhere billions of light years away but I’m a homosapiens on Earth today!

That makes me appreciate that I’m alive now rather than being scared of death.
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